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A Time-Multiplexed Track-Trigger for the CMS HL-LHC upgrade

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1 A Time-Multiplexed Track-Trigger for the CMS HL-LHC upgrade
28 May 2015 Geoff Hall Imperial College London NB here describing R&D on (mainly) one option under study for how to process tracker data for the L1 trigger for that option, work carried out by UK groups in CMS

2 Silicon tracker with trigger-stub capability
see comprehensive talk by Fabio Ravera J Mans ECFA 2014 Silicon tracker with trigger-stub capability Strip/Strip Modules 90 µm pitch/5 cm length Strip/Pixel Modules 100 µm pitch/2.5 cm length 100 µm x 1.5 mm “macropixels” Inner Pixel Covers up to η=4.0 Geoff Hall Elba 2015

3 Motives and design of future CMS tracker
Tracker replacement essential for Run 4 (post-2025) because of radiation damage and high pileup LS months Trigger must be substantially upgraded to handle high pileup -> Linst ~ 5 x 1034 cm-2s-1 (levelled) => <Nev> ~ 140 – 200 Calorimeter issues isolation of e/g/t degraded by pile-up from p0 gs and hadrons many more jets, which overlap Muon system issues increased combinatorial fakes, enhanced by multiple scattering To control much higher rate of L1 triggers only significant new data comes from tracker Geoff Hall Elba 2015

4 Stacked-tracker principle
Compare pattern of hits in contiguous sensor elements in closely spaced layers pT cut set by angle of track in layer primarily depends on layer separation but increasing separation worsens fake combinations details depend on pitch thickness charge sharing track impact point EXP. pT cut: GeV/c FIT: pT cut: GeV/c σ: GeV/c data from 2013 beam test assumes r=75cm layer Geoff Hall Elba 2015

5 CMS Tracker ASIC evolution
RAL TD-Imperial 1999: APV µm 2011: CBC 0.13µm 2013: CBC2 0.13µm 7 mm x 8mm (128 chan) 7mm x 4mm (128 chan) 11mm x 5mm (254 chan) pipeline 128x192 128 x preamp/shaper APSP + 128:1 MUX pipe logic bias gen. CAL FIFO control logic pipeline 128 x 256 pipeline 254 x 256 analogue data ~4 µs latency binary data, 6.4 µs latency wire-bondable 2015: CBC3 (final – in layout) up to 12.8 µs latency (512 bx) bump-bondable, cluster & correlation logic Geoff Hall Elba 2015

6 Time Multiplexed Trigger
Multiple sources send to single destination for complete event processing as used, e.g., in CMS High Level Trigger Requires two layers with passive switching network between them “simple” optical fibre network data organisation and formatting at Layer 1, event processing at Layer 2 illustration on next slide Now possible (in CMS calo trigger from 2016) because of large & powerful FPGAs, interfaced to high speed and miniature packaged optical links Geoff Hall Elba 2015

7 New Trigger Architecture
Conventional Trigger Time Multiplexed Trigger Geoff Hall Elba 2015

8 Current generation hardware: MP7
Next generation boards at prototype design phase Current generation hardware: MP7 IN 72 x 12.5 Gbps = 0.9 Tbps OUT ~80W Virtex-7 Geoff Hall Elba 2015

9 Advantages of TMT “All” the data arrive at a single place for processing in ideal case avoids boundaries and sharing between processors however, does not preclude sub-division of detector into regions Architecture is naturally matched to FPGA processing parallel streams with pipelined steps at data link speed Single type of processor, possibly for both layers L1= PP: Pre-Processor L2 = MP: Main Processor One or two nodes can validate an entire trigger spare nodes can be used for redundancy, or algorithm development Many conventional algorithms explode in a large FPGA timing constraints or routing congestion for 2D algorithms Synchronisation is required only in a single node not across entire trigger Geoff Hall Elba 2015

10 The track-trigger challenge
Impossible to transfer all data off-detector for decision logic so on-detector data reduction (or selective readout) essential but 99% tracks < 2 GeV/c What track information is needed for the L1 trigger? original assumption: a few points might help but simulations did not show big rate reductions hence quasi-full track reconstruction for pT >~3 GeV/ How to find the tracks in ~5µs with high efficiency and acceptable fake rates? large fraction of hits are not track-related (conversions, secondaries,…) Geoff Hall Elba 2015

11 Potential solutions Associative Memory + FPGA FPGA only
AM stores track patterns as templates FPGA fits for final parameters Used in CDF at Level-2. New architecture required for CMS [International] FPGA only Programmable device ( –> flexibility & technology evolution) – but can it be done with so many hits? (i) tracklet – “conventional” track finding [US] (ii) Hough transform [UK] How to tell which will work best (or at all)? The architectural design may be very important not simple to transform software algorithms to firmware demonstrators needed to prove each concept Geoff Hall Elba 2015

12 Pattern matching with Associative Memories
... The Pattern Bank The pattern bank is flexible set of pre-calculated patterns: can account for misalignment changing detector conditions beam movement The Event

13 few hundred stubs/tower
Send data to Pattern Recognition Mezzanine in each ATCA blade Data distributed to Pulsar boards in time multiplexed mode in round robin Perform pattern recognition using several AM chips (120k Patterns/AM chip) Track fit with FPGA inside the Mezzanine (~1 ns/fit)

14 See poster by G. Fedi et al (INFN)

15 Layout of fully Time-Multiplexed Track-Trigger
Focusing on demonstration of the concept entire tracker could be read out by MP7-like processing cards requires ~150 MP cards, segmented into 5 h regions module sharing ≤ 2 regions simpler architecture no deghosting sharing defined by large luminous region in z feed time-multiplexed data to regional processors TM period of BX possible using MP7s Geoff Hall Elba 2015

16 see poster by Davide Cieri
Track-finding in FPGA Hardware requirements already feasible, but processing in FPGA very challenging exploring Hough transform approach: line in real space -> point in inverse space pipelined dataflow natural with TM matches FPGA needs find stubs in 2D 2D histogram selection to reduce number of candidates valid track where lines intersect i.e. stubs which share the same (m,c) Geoff Hall Elba 2015

17 Status of demonstrator
Hardware exists in working form (from calo trigger) adapt for track-trigger time slice software validation under way Firmware implementation of Hough array ready self-filling systolic array integrating with infrastructure firmware Geoff Hall Elba 2015

18 Summary The TMT is now a proven architecture in CMS
will by used in the CMS calorimeter trigger from 2016 Existing hardware is very flexible and can be deployed for a TMTT only a fraction of the system is required to validate the concept installing and building should only require replicating identical nodes a track-trigger could be built using present technology safe to assume further technological progress in next decade The TMT challenge is to find feasible algorithms which is more effective and affordable? FPGAs or AM+FPGAs? Geoff Hall Elba 2015

19 Backup Geoff Hall Elba 2015

20 even simpler demonstrator
2 MP7s emulate event data from 1 out of 5 regions, one out of every 24BX # emulated PP/FEDs 46 46 # PP->MP links 18 46 This demonstrator already exists just need to program source data to be ready to try algorithms # PP links/ MP 64 # PP->MP links total 64 # TM nodes 1 φ1 φ2 φ3 φ4 φ5 Geoff Hall Elba 2015

21 Time-multiplexing 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 5 All data for 1bx from all regions in a single card! Everything you need! 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 4 4 4 4 5 1 1 5 1 5 1 5 All data for 1bx from all regions in a single card! Everything you need! 2 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 4 4 4 4 1 5 5 1 1 5 5 1 All data for 1bx from all regions in a single card! Everything you need! 2 6 2 6 6 2 2 6 3 7 3 7 7 3 3 7 4 4 4 4 1 5 1 5 5 1 1 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 4 4 4 4 BX:4 BX:5 BX:6 BX:7 BX:3 BX:2 BX:1 Geoff Hall Elba 2015 21

22 Why tracker input to L1 trigger?
Single µ and e L1 trigger rates will greatly exceed 100kHz similar behaviour for jets Single electron trigger rate <pT> ≈ few GeV/bx/trigger tower Isolation criteria alone are insufficient to reduce rate at L= 1035 cm-2.s-1 L = 2x1033 L = 1034 muon L1 trigger rate 1035 Geoff Hall Elba 2015

23 CMS Outer Tracker trigger
~15000 modules transmitting pT-stubs to L1 40 MHz full hit data to MHz EXP. pT cut: GeV/c FIT: pT cut: GeV/c σ: GeV/c ~8400 2S-modules reconstructed pT cut of r=75cm layer Geoff Hall Elba 2015

24 time multiplex period the time multiplex period is not a completely free parameter small TM period large TM period full event must be quickly assembled into one MP could allow more efficient processing of pipelined data into MP reduces data volume per event from PP to MP (or requires increased number of links) increases data volume per event from PP to MP (or reduces number of links) reduces latency increases latency reduces number of MPs increases number of MPs min ~15bx (PP output bandwidth without more Trigger Regions) max ~34bx (68 links/2 Trigger Regions) preferred direction TM period of 24BX chosen for case study (could be optimised in future) Geoff Hall Elba 2015

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