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ACRES 5.0 Training for Job Training Cooperative Agreement Recipients April 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "ACRES 5.0 Training for Job Training Cooperative Agreement Recipients April 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACRES 5.0 Training for Job Training Cooperative Agreement Recipients April 2016

2 2 How Does EPA Use the Data in ACRES? Ø ACRES is the Brownfields Program system of record Ø Brownfields Program data are highly visible – therefore data quality is very important Ø Programmatic data are primarily used to: Analyze data across CAs to demonstrate and improve the success of the Brownfields Program Respond to Congressional inquiries, FOIA requests, ad hoc analysis requests, and budget-related queries Track and report Program goals and accomplishments Create communication and outreach materials 2 Brownfields at a Glance Brownfields Program Analysis

3 3 Do I Need to Register? Yes!

4 4 What is the ACRES Workflow? Ø The series of actions and states that a work package must pass through before being completed and available for reporting. Ø The status of a work package indicates where it is in the workflow. 4 Grantee Enters Data Region Reviews Data Headquarters Reviews Data Data Available for Reporting

5 5 Ø Each signed Cooperative Agreement is one grant record in ACRES that has separate activities Ø Depending on where the funding for particular activities comes from, performance measure data will be entered as such: How Are Data Organized? JT Grant 2013 Performance measures JT Grant 2015 Performance measures 5 Your Local JT Organization

6 6 Ø At the bottom of the My Cooperative Agreements tab display, click the ‘Add a Cooperative Agreement to My List’ button Ø You will need the eight-digit CA number for the CA you are adding You will be given the chance to confirm the CA or search again before it is added to your Home screen Adding a New CA to Your Home Screen 6

7 7 JT Performance Measures Home 7

8 8 JT Performance Measure Data Entry Screen 8

9 9 9

10 10 Submit Your Work Package 10 …Further down the data entry page

11 11 Data Entry: Review 11

12 12 Data Entry: Submission 12

13 13 Data Entry: Submission 13

14 14 What if I Have Questions? Ø ACRES Help Desk or 703-284-8212 Ø ACRES Information Web Page Copies of this presentation Training Videos Frequently Asked Questions Release Notes 14

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