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1 MARITIME TRANSPORT WORKING GROUP Maritime Policy, Ports and Short-Sea Shipping MEDA Motorways of the Sea Sub-Group 4 th Meeting Brussels, 19 December.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MARITIME TRANSPORT WORKING GROUP Maritime Policy, Ports and Short-Sea Shipping MEDA Motorways of the Sea Sub-Group 4 th Meeting Brussels, 19 December."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MARITIME TRANSPORT WORKING GROUP Maritime Policy, Ports and Short-Sea Shipping MEDA Motorways of the Sea Sub-Group 4 th Meeting Brussels, 19 December 2006 ON GOING / NEXT STEPS

2 2  Project Building Process  Schedule and Milestones  Information and Dissemination  Articulations with other Projects

3 3 PROJECT BUILDING PROCESS (1/5) INTERIM CONCLUSIONS FOR PILOT PROJECTS Project building should involve all or as many Countries / markets, and not only the largest national potentials: -Dimension of trade flows should not only be the dominant criterion; -Quality improvements criteria in all fields will be essential. Stakeholders and users will be invited to provide as much input as possible in order to design the most innovative and feasible projects;

4 4 PROJECT BUILDING PROCESS (2/5) INTERIM CONCLUSIONS FOR PILOT PROJECTS A bottom up approach: -Stakeholders invited to prepare and endorse projects -Regional / intermodal partnerships Selection process: projects conditions and technical criteria will determine schemes feasibility, best practices, duplication potentialities… MEDA-MoS team : -Preparation: feasibility, assistance, -Development: setting up, promotion, dissemination

5 5 FIRST STEP: Draft projects key components Synthesis of the existing documents Additional prefeasability studies Definition of main criteria for the selection Identification of relevant contractual organisation to implement the project SECOND STEP: Awareness Raising Publication and advertisement of the project main characteristics Organisation of seminars to present the project Meetings with potential consortia to answer questions and to give advice PROJECT BUILDING PROCESS (3/5)

6 6 THIRD STEP: Assistance for the organisation of Consortia Assistance to define relevant consortia structure based on: –Capacity to gather regional stakeholders –Capacity to gather stakeholders from all the fields and sectors involved in the project –Capacity to involve partners from the two sides of Sea –Willingness and commitment of public and private partners to implement a PPP based model of organisation –Legal and financial structure proposed Assistance to define share of responsabilities and risks among consortia members Assistance to consortia to lead their due diligence of the project PROJECT BUILDING PROCESS (4/5)

7 7 FOURTH STEP: Pre-selection Process Answers to the tenderers’ requests of clarifications Evaluation of tenders Assistance in the negotiations  Selection of projects (E.C.) FINAL STEP: Finalisation and Implementation Projects launching Technical assistance and support Definition of Road Map Proposal for projects/ networks replication, e.g.: synthesis of best practices in a procedure guide (sustainability), recommandations to ensure links with other transport projects… PROJECT BUILDING PROCESS (5/5)

8 8 SCHEDULE AND MAIN MILESTONES (1/1) Note: Dates to be adjusted with other working groups (e.g. Safemed) and related gatherings The organisation of Sub-Regional seminars will depend on project progressing

9 9 INFORMATION AND DISSEMINATION (1/2) INFORMATION Four Interim Reports and a Final Report foreseen within MedaMoS project: Communications of approved results to Transport Forum and Working Groups Summaries and main progresses released in special newsletters, Website based communication strategy to be adapted shortly within EuroMed Transport Framework.

10 10 DISSEMINATION Five Regional/Sub Regional Seminars foreseen from 2007 to 2009, In addition, stakeholders meetings on request during the projects building process, Ad-Hoc Pilot Projects Meetings to highlight best practices. Key information, description of main milestones and best practices in a VadeMecum document at the end of project for sustainability and duplication / future MoS. INFORMATION AND DISSEMINATION (2/2)

11 11 ARTICULATION WITH OTHER PROJECTS (1/1) EUROPE – MEDA Framework (Trade Transport related issues) Euro – Mediterranean Partnership 2005 – 2010 European Neighbouring Policy Bilateral Agreements (relevant clause) EURO-MED TRANSPORTRegional Transport Action Plan European TEN-T Motorways of the Sea (+): - West Med + East Med - Future / Black sea extension Other transport or related policies Safety / SAFEMED, Security, Environment, Research GNSS / GALILEO… European Investment Bank (E.IB.) Transport Infrastructures and equipments FEMIP: - Regional / ex: Logistic platforms Network - Country investments International institutions: policies Trade and Transport IMO (+) UN Trade and Transport Agencies (ESCWA…) W.T.O (future) I.C.C. / UNCITRAL (Intermodal rules) Regional institutions: Mediterranean and transport UMA NEPAD

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