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1 die Kakerlake Die Kakerlaken Roach Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

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Presentation on theme: "1 die Kakerlake Die Kakerlaken Roach Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 die Kakerlake Die Kakerlaken Roach Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

3 2 die Grille Die Grillen Cricket Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

4 3 die M ücke die Mücken Mosquito Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

5 4 die Wespe die Wespen Wasp Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

6 5 die Biene die Bienen Bee Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

7 6 die Ameise die Ameisen Ant Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

8 7 der Schmetterling die Schmetterlinge Butterfly Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

9 8 die Fliege die Fliegen Fly Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

10 9 die Spinne die Spinnen Spider Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

11 10 Der Käfer Die Käfer Beatle Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

12 11 Die Raupe Die Raupen Caterpiller Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

13 12 Der Floh Die Flöhe Flea Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

14 13 Die Motte Die Motten Moth Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

15 14 Die Krähe Die Krähen Crow Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

16 15 der Adler die Adlern Eagle Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

17 16 Der Habicht Die Habichte Hawk Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

18 17 der Hahn die Hähne Rooster Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

19 18 die Henne die Hennen Hen Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

20 19 die Ente die Enten Duck Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

21 20 die Gans die Gänse Goose Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

22 21 der Truhthahn die Truhthähne Turkey Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

23 22 Die Eule Die Eulen Owl Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

24 23 der Papagei die Papageien Parrot Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

25 24 Der Specht Die Spechte Woodpecker Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

26 25 Die Taube Die Tauben Dove Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

27 26 Der Spatz Die Spatzen Sparrow Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

28 27 das Schwein die Schweine Pig Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

29 28 die Kuh die Kühe Cow Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

30 29 das Pferd die Pferde Horse Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

31 30 der Esel die Eseln Donkey Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

32 31 das Schaf die Schafe Sheep Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

33 32 die Ziege die Ziegen Goat Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

34 33 Der Bulle Die Bullen Bull Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

35 34 Der Haifisch Die Haifische Shark Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

36 35 Der Hummer Die Hummer Lobster Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

37 36 Die Kammmuschel Die Kammmuscheln Scallop Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

38 37 Die Flunder Die Flundern Flounder Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

39 38 Der Rochen Die Rochen Sting ray Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

40 39 Die Auster Die Austern Oyster Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

41 41 Der Einsiedlerkrebs Die Einsiedlerkrebse Hermit crab Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

42 42 Der Wal Die Wale Whale Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

43 43 Der Delphin Die Delphine Dolphin Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

44 1 Der Tintenfisch Die tintenfische Octopus Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

45 44 Der Aal Die Aale Eel Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

46 45 Der Seestern Die Seesterne Starfish Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

47 46 der Elefant die Elefanten Elephant Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

48 47 das Nilpferd die Nilpferde Hippo Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

49 48 das Nashorn die Nashörner Rhino Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

50 49 die Giraffe die Giraffen Giraffe Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

51 50 das Eichhöhnchen Squirrel Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

52 51 das Reh die Rehe Deer Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

53 52 der Löwe die Löwen Lion Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

54 53 der Affe die Affen Monkey Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

55 54 die Maus die Mäuse Mouse Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

56 55 der B är die Bären Bear Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

57 56 die Katze die Katzen Cat Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

58 57 der Hund die Hünde Dog Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

59 58 das Kaninchen die Kaninchen Rabbit Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

60 59 Der Hamster Die Hamster Hamster Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

61 60 Der Igel Die Igel Hedgehog Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

62 61 die Schlange die Schlangen Snake Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

63 62 die Eidechse die Eidechsen Lizard Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

64 63 die Schildkröte die Schildkröten Turtle Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

65 64 der Frosch die Frösche Frog Press the right arrow key on your keyboard to see the answer.

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