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“Meet the Teacher” September 19 th We are here today because the Lord has called us together - fraternity, brotherhood, communion, family. We celebrate.

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Presentation on theme: "“Meet the Teacher” September 19 th We are here today because the Lord has called us together - fraternity, brotherhood, communion, family. We celebrate."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Meet the Teacher” September 19 th 2016

2 We are here today because the Lord has called us together - fraternity, brotherhood, communion, family. We celebrate the fact that coming from different cultures, we have come together to pray. Let our best word, our best argument, be our unity in prayer. Let us take a moment of silence and pray.

3 Learning Together Achieving Together in Christ We welcome everyone into our loving and caring school, where we respect each other and ourselves. We inspire and motivate each other to achieve and grow using the talents given to us by God. We learn by questioning and challenging to become the best we can be. We celebrate the diversity within our community knowing that we all belong to God’s family. We say sorry for our mistakes and forgive each other. We challenge everybody to be actively involved in our community. We pray together and celebrate the love of Christ.

4 2015-16 Ofsted inspection: Good! Ofsted inspection: Good! End of year outcomes: strong! End of year outcomes: strong! Prayer Leaders appointed Prayer Leaders appointed Improved Teaching and Learning Improved Teaching and Learning Parents’ Forum Parents’ Forum

5 Successful Changes 2015-16 8.45 routine 8.45 routine Safeguarding procedures Safeguarding procedures Mrs Bermingham – three Assistant Headteachers Mrs Bermingham – three Assistant Headteachers Governing Body Governing Body Raised expectations Raised expectations Build upon strengths; marginal gains Build upon strengths; marginal gains

6 Foundation Stage

7 Phonics Screening

8 Key Stage 1

9 Key Stage 2


11 New Language of Assessment Year 1 working below the expected range of attainment working towards the expected range of attainment working within the expected range of attainment working beyond the expected range of attainment working below the expected range of attainment working towards the expected range of attainment working within the expected range of attainment working beyond the expected range of attainment working below the expected range of attainment working towards the expected range of attainment working within the expected range of attainment working beyond the expected range of attainment Year 6 working below the expected range of attainment working towards the expected range of attainment working within the expected range of attainment working beyond the expected range of attainment All Year Groups, same expectations

12 Attendance The Government expects schools and local authorities to: Reduce absence including persistent absence Ensure every pupil has access to full-time education to which they are entitled Act early to address patterns of absence Not give permission for vacation during term time 96.5 % (96.1%)

13 Safeguarding In England, Working Together to Safeguard Children sets out the legislative requirements and expectations in schools to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children and promote British Values All concerns will be followed up with the Merton Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub team Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility

14 Uniform Hair Hair accessories Jewellery Shoes PE Kit Uniform shop, including backpacks and rain jackets

15 Lunches Healthy No nuts or derived products No crisps, chocolate or sweets Break snack is fruit Look at sugar content for drinks, water in class.

16 School Finances 2015 – New Roof £350,000 School contribution £35,000 £11,500 left to pay 2016 – New Windows £40,000 School contribution £4,000 All families - £19,000… but … £6,000

17 In Partnership with Parents……. 21 st September: Mass @ 2.00 21 st September: Mass @ 2.00 28 th September: Harvest Mass/Food sale 28 th September: Harvest Mass/Food sale 5 th October: Y5/6 transfer to secondary school/Y6 SATs meeting 5 th October: Y5/6 transfer to secondary school/Y6 SATs meeting 7 th October: Workshare Weekend 7 th October: Workshare Weekend 10 th October: School closed 10 th October: School closed 18 th /20 th October: Parents’ Consultations 18 th /20 th October: Parents’ Consultations Friday assemblies and Year Group Liturgies

18 Meet the Teacher - classrooms Be with us, Lord, as we begin this new school year. Amen.

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