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E-Safety for Parents Tuesday 12 th January Objectives of this session Raise awareness of the potential risks of life online Provide you with tips.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Safety for Parents Tuesday 12 th January Objectives of this session Raise awareness of the potential risks of life online Provide you with tips."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Safety for Parents Tuesday 12 th January 2016

2 Objectives of this session Raise awareness of the potential risks of life online Provide you with tips for online safety at home

3 The Need for this presentation!! Parents Children The Gulf of Internet Knowledge Bridging the gap of knowledge around the internet The Need for this presentation!!

4 Children and parents use the internet in different ways Parents / Carers  Consume, download, corporate  e-mail  Shopping  Booking holidays  Research Young people  Create, upload, personal  Music  Games  Chat  Instant Messaging IM  Blogs  Social Networking

5 LOL POS A/S/L BRB GTG ATM OMG BTW Laugh Out Loud Parent Over Shoulder Age/Sex/Location Be Right Back Got To Go At The Moment Oh My God By The Way What does it mean?


7 Classification of games

8 What Children Do Online  Visit virtual worlds  Play multiuser games  Text or instant message one another  Post profiles and interact with others on social networking sites  View and post videos  Download music, movies, and more  Create and upload art  Do research

9 Some of the technologies…… BLOGS E-mail Podcasting Instant messaging Gaming sites Social networking Chat Rooms Mobile phones Video broadcasting Music Download sites Wikies What next ??? Text P2P file-sharing

10  Unwanted contact/grooming /sexual predator  Cyberbullying  Harmful content/illegal material  Privacy/digital footprints  Overuse  Sexting  Malicious files Risks

11 We will now watch a short video Any thoughts ?

12 School Home  Supervised  Monitored  Filtered  Curriculum ? 75+% of homes have access to the internet 19+% of young people have internet access in their bedroom More than half of all children (53%) are never or hardly supervised online by their parents / carers 81% of parents think they know what their children are doing all or most of the time when access the internet

13 Basic Ways To Keep Your Child Safe  Sign an “Internet Safety Contract.”  Keep the computer in a public area of your home.  Set a time limit for computer use.  Become familiar with the sites your child visits.  Know your child’s online “friends.”  Know your child’s passwords.  Keep your security software up to date.

14 Home and Family Guidelines ☺ Practical principles Talk with, NOT at your children. Agree family guidelines and rules. Discuss regularly online safety. ☺ InfrastructureVirus and firewall software up to-date, Browser ‘safe search’ enabled. ☺ Education Learn together about new technologies and enjoy! Reflect together about new technologies, the benefits, dangers and potential. ☺ Systems Keep webcams in family rooms Monitor time spent on the internet View the ‘History’ or purchase filtering software. Have proportionate responses to problems. Your child will not tell you about a problem if they feel their access to the technologies will be restricted.

15 Four simple pieces of advice  Know what your children are doing online  Ask them to teach you to use any applications  Keep the computer in a family room - this means you can keep more control of what they do (i.e. Webcams)  Learn how to check web history and engage with technology

16 Working together with your child….  Be involved with your child’s online life  Be familiar with the technology, built in safeguards  Agree the types of content that are acceptable to upload and download.  Encourage balanced use, limit time, meal times, bed time…  Agreed areas in the house to use online devices.

17 What to do if you are worried…  Capture any evidence  Screenshots, save conversations  Report it  School, Service Provider, Police, CEOP(Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)  Use the safety features and tools  Child Accounts, Parental controls, Privacy features in Social Networking  Be alert  Changes in behaviour, secretive, vague about use

18 Places to find help ! School website CEOP ConnectSafely Tips, advice, and the latest news on online safety. AllSafeSites A child-safe Internet search engine. Common Sense Media Reviews and rates websites and other media for children according to age-appropriateness. Trend Micro Lots of information on Internet safety for families from Trend Micro, the sponsor of this Internet Safety Night presentation.

19 and finally remember ‘..the risks do not merit a moral panic, and nor do they warrant seriously restricting children’s internet use because this would deny them the many benefits of the internet. Indeed, there are real costs to lacking internet access or sufficient skills to use it.’ ‘However, the risks are nonetheless widespread, they are experienced by many children as worrying or problematic, and they do warrant serious intervention by government, educators, industry and parents.’

20 Thank Thankyou for listening Any Questions?

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