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How Do I Become CompTIA A+ Certified? You become CompTIA A+ certified, in the simplest sense, by taking and passing two computer-based, multiple-choice.

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Presentation on theme: "How Do I Become CompTIA A+ Certified? You become CompTIA A+ certified, in the simplest sense, by taking and passing two computer-based, multiple-choice."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do I Become CompTIA A+ Certified? You become CompTIA A+ certified, in the simplest sense, by taking and passing two computer-based, multiple-choice exams. No prerequisites are required.

2 CompTIA A+ Certification Preparing for the Information Technology Workforce.

3 Because the PC evolved from novelty item to essential science tool to everyday object in a short period of time, there is a huge demand for a workforce that can build, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair PCs.

4 In the early days of the personal computer, anyone who used a PC had to have skills as a PC tech. The PC was new, buggy, and prone to problems. You didn’t want to rely on others to fix your PC when the inevitable problems arose. Today’s PCs are much more robust with fewer problems, but they’re also much more complex machines. Today’s IT industry, therefore, needs specialized workers who know how to make the machines run well.

5 Every professional requires specialized skills. For the most part, if you want to get or keep a job that requires those specialized skills, you need some type of certification or licence. Nearly every profession has some criteria that you must meet to show your competence and ability to perform at a certain level.

6 “The Person Who Doesn’t Get a Nickel Extra but Who Fixes the Computers? At least he’s dressed for success!

7 What is CompTIA A+ Certification? CompTIA A+ certification is an industry-wide, vendor-neutral certification program developed and sponsored by the Computer Technology Industry Association (CompTIA). The CompTIA A+ certification shows that you have a basic competence in supporting microcomputers.

8 Who is CompTIA? CompTIA is a nonprofit industry trade association based in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois. It consists of over 20,000 members in 102 countries. Virtually every company of consequence in the IT industry is a member of CompTIA including Hewlett-Packard!

9 Many companies require CompTIA A+ certification for all of their support technicians, and the CompTIA A+ certification is widely recognized both in the United States and internationally. Most IT companies – big and small – see CompTIA A+ certification as the entry point for IT. From CompTIA A+, you have a number of certification options, depending on your focus.

10 How Do I Become CompTIA A+ Certfied? You become CompTIA A+ certified, in the simplest sense, by taking and passing two computer-based, multiple-choice exams. No prerequisites are required.

11 Basic Exam Structure CompTIA names the two exams introduced in 2009 as CompTIA A+ 220-701 (Essentials) and the CompTIA A+ 220-702 (Practical Application). Both of the exams are extremely practical, with little or no interest in theory. All questions are multiple choice!

12 Windows-Centric The CompTIA A+ exams are exclusively centered on the Microsoft Windows operating systems you would expect at a workstation or home. There are no Linux or Macintoch OS X questions. There are also no Windows Server or Windows Mobile questions. The exam covers Windows 2000 Professional, all versions of Windows XP, and Windows Vista.

13 No Windows 7 Because CompTIA released the newest exam update in 2009, just months before the release of Windows 7, there will be NO Windows 7 questions.

14 How to Pass? The single most important thing to remember about the CompTIA A+ certification exams is that CompTIA designed the Essentials exam to test the knowledge of technician with only 500 hours experience (about three months) and the Practical Application exam to test the knowledge of a technician with only 1000 hours experience (about six months).

15 Obligate Yourself Have you ever heard the old adage; “Heat and pressure make diamonds?” Well, if you don’t give yourself a little “heat,” you’ll end up procrastinating and delay taking the exams, possibly forever. Do yourself a favor and obligate yourself to taking the exam before the end of the year. If you take the exam before December 31, 2010 you’ll be certified for life; if you wait until after Dec. 31, you’ll have to get recertified every three years.

16 Goals and Objectives 1) To be prepared to take the A+ Certification exams and pass. 2) To gain a comprehensive knowledge of Computer technology (hardware and software), terminology, and Procedures.

17 Operational Procedures Objectives: 1) Present yourself with a proper appearance and professional manner 2) Talk to customers in a professional, productive manner 3) Work with PCs safely using the proper tools

18 Operational Procedures; better known as Life Skills and Basic Safety.

19 The Professional Tech Appearance Business Casual – not casual casual One word – Hygiene (clean/odor free) The Traits of a Tech Honesty/Integrity If you can’t explain the problem to them in plain English, don’t create techno-babble and don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know.” Don’t sell people goods and services they don’t need, even if you get a cut of what you sell. Dependability/Responsibility Show up, and Show up on time! (Call back on time) Ask customer’s about backups, etc. – don’t rush Adaptability/Versatility There is no universal repair manual. Learn, learn, learn. Become valuable.

20 Sensitivity Sensitivity is the ability to appreciate another’s feeling and emotions. Understand that the customer is paying for your time and skills. Remember your presence means something is wrong or broke, and few things make users more upset than broken computers.

21 Communication

22 Communication Assertive – You must show users the error of their ways without creating anger or conflict. “Acknowledge and Turn” Respectful – “May I start working on your computer now” Give customers a chance to wrap up. Eliciting Answers – Allow the customer to explain. Avoid accusatory questions like; “what did you do?” Expectations and Follow-Up - Be realistic! Time Frame – Once you’ve diagnosed the issue Documentation – Thorough notes! Follow-up – You’ll make a client for life

23 Safety and Tools

24 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) All PCs are well protected against ESD on the outside. Unles you take a screwdriver and actually open up your PC, you don’t need to concern yourself with ESD. ESD only takes place when two objects that store different amounts of static electricity come in contact.

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