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Section III Child CPR (Child is 1 – 12 years old).

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1 Section III Child CPR (Child is 1 – 12 years old)

2 The leading cause of death among infants and children is…  Unintentional injuries

3 These deaths include…  Motor vehicle- related injuries  Drowning  Fires and burns  Suffocation  Falls Children are more likely to have trouble breathing than heart problems.

4 If a child or infant is having trouble breathing, should the responder Call First or Care First?  Care First Provide 2 minutes of care, then call immediately

5 List some general safety rules to protect children.  Proper installation and use of car seats.  Have children in the back seat wear seat belts.  Always watch children in or near water.  Use gates for stairs or to block off rooms such as the kitchen.  Never keep guns loaded.  Keep plastic bags, cords and small objects stored safely.  Know the Poison Control Center’s number and call in emergencies. (NJ : 1-800-962-1253)  Have a plan to deal with emergencies.

6 Moving an Infant or Child  Unnecessary movement is dangerous to a seriously injured child or infant.  Only move the victim if the scene is unsafe, you have to reach another victim, or to provide proper care.  If you must remove a child or infant from a car, leave them in the car seat.

7 Checking a Conscious Child  Same as Checking a Conscious Adult, but remember to get CONSENT.  If no guardian is present, consent is IMPLIED.  Ask questions of the child or of the parents of the child.  Position yourself at eye level.  Do not separate a child from a parent or guardian unless absolutely necessary.

8 Video Segment DVD: ARC Checking a Conscious Child

9 Checking an Unconscious Child  Get consent from the parent/guardian. If nobody is present, consent is IMPLIED.  Checking an unconscious child is the same as checking an adult with the exception of: After checking for breathing for 10 seconds and there is no breathing give 2 rescue breaths lasting 1 second each. Pinch the nose and make a seal over the child’s mouth.

10 Checking an Unconscious Child  Checking an Unconscious Child Checking an Unconscious Child Skill Test

11 Preventing Choking  Don’t leave small objects; buttons, coins and beads within reach.  Use a high chair when children eat.  Monitor speed of consumption.  Give soft, chewable, small portioned food.  Watch small toys that may be swallowed.

12 Video Segment http://Checking a Conscious Choking ChildChecking a Conscious Choking Child

13 Helping a Conscious Choking Child  Check the scene, then the child.  Identify yourself, obtain consent from parent. If there is no parent, consent is implied.  Encourage child to continue coughing.  Call 9-1-1.  Care for child.

14 Caring for a Conscious Choking Child a. Stand or kneel behind with one leg to the side of child for support. b. Lean child over and administer 5 back blows between the shoulder blades using the heal of your hand. c. Place thumb side of fist above child’s belly button. d. Grasp fist with other hand. e. Give 5 quick upward thrusts. f. Continue this cycle of 5 and 5…..

15 When do I stop back blows and abdominal thrusts?  Until the object is dislodged  The child can cough forcefully, speak or breathe  The child becomes unconscious  If the child becomes unconscious, perform the skill of unconscious choking child.  A choking victim may require a medical evaluation due to damage to the airway.

16 Video Segment http://Child CPRChild CPR

17  Check the scene, then check the child.  Tap the child and shout.  Call 9-1-1. If alone, provide 2 minutes of care first, then call.  Care for the victim.

18 Caring for a child in need of CPR a. Open Airway with head tilt and chin lift. b. Look, Listen and Feel for 10 seconds. c. Give 2 rescue breaths FIRST IF UNWITNESSED COLLAPSE (could be breathing emergency) e. Perform Chest Compressions FIRST IF WITNESSED COLLAPSE. - Locate proper hand position on the breastbone. - Position your shoulders over your hands and lock your elbows. - Compress the chest 30 times about 2 inches each time. - Push straight down. Compress at a rate of 100 per minute.

19 Keep repeating cycles of 30 compressions and 2 rescue breaths until an AED becomes available or EMS arrives and takes over.

20 Skill Testing Child CPR 6th Grader Performs CPR on Teacher

21 Video Segment http://Unconscious Choking ChildUnconscious Choking Child

22 Helping an Unconscious Choking Child  If the chest does not rise when you attempt rescue breaths in an unconscious victim, the skill performed is very similar to CPR.  After compressions, lift the jaw and tongue and look for a foreign object.  Attempt rescue breaths. If breaths do not go in, continue the cycle of 30 compressions, look for object and breaths until the object is dislodged or breaths go in.  After object is dislodged, finger sweep it out and give 2 rescue breaths. If breaths go in….  Check for breathing for no more than 10 seconds.

23 Skill Testing Unconscious Choking Child

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