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The new DAEP/JJAEP online referral program (it’s really simple!)

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Presentation on theme: "The new DAEP/JJAEP online referral program (it’s really simple!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The new DAEP/JJAEP online referral program (it’s really simple!)

2 1. First things first – is your data entered? The discipline data must be entered into chancery with the appropriate action code (ex:07 ALTR for CEP, 02-EJJA for JJAEP) in order to use this system for a referral.

3 2. Log in to the system rrals.aspx rrals.aspx Here you will be prompted for your HISD username and password (this is your portal password)

4 Students will appear under “campus referrals” – if the student is not listed, it means the student’s data is not in chancery.

5 Special note: Only those students whose data has been entered in chancery (see “first things first”) will show on the list.

6 3. Select the student


8 Special notes: 1. this is a CEP referral – the computer will generate which form you need based on the code you entered into chancery 2. The computer fills out ALL of the information except for the fields we will discuss.

9 4. Select number of days

10 Special note: If the placement is to end with a semester - such as “end of school year” - Select the option “Indicate here if placement ends with a semester (must not exceed 175 school days)”

11 4. Add your phone number and submit

12 Special note: The referral will not submit without a phone number and number of days entered You’ll get an error message

13 5. Print for your records This form will appear if you submitted successfully. This is your record of the CEP referral – print it and place a copy in the student’s discipline folder.

14 “Is it REALLY that easy??” Yes, for submitting a referral. It’s DONE. No more faxing or scanning – it’s DONE. “Okay, then what happens??” The referral then comes to our office and you will receive an update once it has been processed.

15 Special notes: The status update portion has changed considerably – you will not get emails regarding the status – the status will be ONLINE, within the online system (no more hunting for the “last email” about a student, it will all be in ONE place!)

16 Behind the scenes info: We’ll be notified when you submit a referral and we will update the status The status will read “incomplete” when first entered, you will need to see a message notification to indicate we’ve processed it (more on this next) Data entered in chancery will not show on the online system until it has updated overnight – please keep this in mind

17 6. Status updates When the status has been updated, you will see this notification It reads “new message” CLICK IT!

18 7. Reading a message The new message is listed here, along with all of the other messages about this referral (this way we all know EXACTLY what is needed ALL the time) (isn’t this GREAT?)

19 You guessed it! Just click OPEN

20 Here you will see the information that is needed (just like the emails you would get from our office). Hit reply and type your response.

21 Your initial screen will show you the status of referrals. You can ALWAYS check the status of your referrals

22 8. Approval When the referral is approved, you will get an email notification This WILL be an email, to your email inbox – it will read something like this: CEP Referral Status Lisa M. Perez -- Student ID: 1982792 has a status of Approval for placement at CEP for 45 days, for a code 04 discipline offense. from campus: Charter High School

23 How is an expulsion different? (from a CEP referral) It really isn’t. Remember – you must use the correct action code in Chancery for an expulsion (most often it is 02 EJJA). The screen shots follow:

24 Select the student A student you wish to expel will have a different screen pop up when you select that student (this is based on the data YOU entered into Chancery)

25 Here you see “expelled” student. You have to select mandatory or discretionary

26 Select where the offense occurred

27 You must indicate the expulsion dates

28 Special notes (expulsion submission) You must indicate mandatory or discretionary You must indicate where the offense occurred You must indicate the dates for expulsion You will get an error and not be able to submit if those items are not indicated

29 Expulsion submitted This form will appear if you submitted successfully. This is your record of the expulsion referral – print it and place a copy in the student’s discipline folder.

30 Special notes: The messaging system works the same for an expulsion and for a CEP referral. The system you use is the same for a CEP referral and an expulsion

31 Other info You can access “historical” data for your campus by selecting “historical” on your main screen

32 A list of all the referrals made by your campus will appear.

33 What about Special Education students? We will need the MDR, last annual ARD, and the Special Education form The Special Education form must be signed by your regional special education coordinator.


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