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Nicol e GRASSLAND BIOME. Location Inches of rain per year.

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2 Location

3 Inches of rain per year

4 Food chain of the grassland

5 Animals -Small animals -Seed eating animal -Large herbivores -Bison, wolf, prarie dogs -Lion -Ostrich -Warthog -Giraffe -Hyena -rhinoceros

6 Food web

7 Plants Ox-eye Daisy Clover (various species including Dutch White Clover, Yellow and White Sweet Clover, Arrowleaf Clover, etc.) Buffalo grass Meadow brome grass Rode-grass Bahia Grass Smooth brome grass

8 Notes Climate----- very dry Rainfall during summer time. Can start a fire in the grassland biome( fire won’t destroy the grass) There can be 6 feet or more of snow during the winter Found between the desert and the forest biomes. Grass biomes are very large areas The grass can be up to 5 feet tall. The grassland is a habitat for small animals, seed eating animals and large herbivores Animals----Bison, wolf, prairie dogs.

9 Grassland Do you know what is a grassland biome? Grassland biome is a very dry place, so it is very easy to start a fire but it won’t destroy the plants. There is very tall grass, it is about 5 feet tall. It sometimes rain a lot during the summer but it is still a dry place, it only rains about 30 inches per year. The grassland biome can be found in between the desert and forest biomes. The animals that live there are small animals, seed-eating animals and large herbivores, for example, bison, wolf, prairies dogs and so on... There aren’t just grass on the grassland biome, there’s also buffalo grass, clover, ox eye daisy and some plain grass. There is a food chain in the grassland biome, for example the grass need carbon dioxide then it is eaten by the deer then the wolf ate the deer. There are many endangered animals in the grassland biomes they are Black Rhinoceros, Barbary Leopard, Rothschild giraffe and Black- footed ferret. The human can really effect the grassland biome because the human will kill the animals then the plants won’t have fertilizer and the birds will not have a place to rest in and some of them will find another place to live and so will die.

10 Nitrogen cycle Rain lightning Plant roots herbivores carnivores Dead animals Animal waste decomposers bacteria

11 Glossary Herbivores: Animals that feed on plants Ecosystem: a community that has living and non- living things. Habitat : different place where animals live Niche: organism in a community of plants and animals Popularity: How much are there in the same species in the same area Community: A place where there is non-living things and living things

12 bibliography "" grassland biome. Web. 18 Mar 2013. "Biomes of the world." grassland biome. Rapid Run Middle School Project. Web. 18 Mar 2013. "Grasslands." grassland animals. Missouri Botanical Garden. Web. 18 Mar 2013.

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