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Please get Out your 7 learning Styles paper and look over your answers on the back. Please do not talk at this time.August 25 HW: CIS Quiz on Wed/Thursday.

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Presentation on theme: "Please get Out your 7 learning Styles paper and look over your answers on the back. Please do not talk at this time.August 25 HW: CIS Quiz on Wed/Thursday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please get Out your 7 learning Styles paper and look over your answers on the back. Please do not talk at this time.August 25 HW: CIS Quiz on Wed/Thursday

2 Get a 3X5 card Print your first name (that you want to be called) on the front of this card very big and very neat. Draw a border around your name in the color that matches your highest learning style. If you have a tie in the top 2, make a double border in two colors Mary Front Back- leave this blank

3 Now share what you have learned about yourself… What happens when an Interpersonal learner and an Intrapersonal learner have to work together? What happens when a Linguistic person has to explain something to a Visual- Spatial person? What happens when a Kinesthetic learner has to take a long multiple choice test? Why would it be important to know this?

4 Please get a Green CIS (Pg 4A/B) This is the class Syllabus and outlines the rules and regulations for World Studies. It is the same for ALL World Studies classes. Get a yellow Rubric packet and a business card too.

5 Course Information Sheet Read over the Course Information Sheet for this class. Pay close attention to the sections labeled: Assessments and Grading, Classroom Rules and Help. In pairs, looking at the three sections named above, underline those parts of the CIS that will help you be the most successful in this class. In other words….What do you need to know from those sections to be successful in this class? What does this document reveal about what I think is important? Sign your CIS when you are done. Share Out

6 Grading: Work Habits = 10% - Preparation (Daily on time homework completion) = 5% - Collaboration (citizenship and being prepared in class) = 5% Content and Skills- Revision is Encouraged: - Critical Thinking and Reading: 30% - Academic Writing (essays and projects): 20% - Content Proficiency (assessments, including 7 total units): 40%

7 10% of your grade is based on turning things in on time and participating appropriately in class.

8 What does this really mean? You get points for having complete work on time. You only get one chance to get these points. You cannot make up these points. You get points for participating in discussions, activities and classwork. You get points for staying focused and on task. I use a rubric to score this. You cannot make up these points either.

9 Work Habits Rubric A: ADVANCED Preparation – brings completed assignment on time Collaboration – participates effectively in individual or collaborative activities and works well with peers and teacher (initiates, seeks clarification, propels conversation, builds on other students ideas, encourages other students) C: BASIC Preparation – brings partially complete assignment on time Collaboration – participates in individual or collaborative activities and works with peers and teacher, but is sometimes off task and/or needs additional prompting F: FAR BELOW BASIC Preparation – assignment is late, incomplete or missing Collaboration – even with prompting, does not participate effectively and/or does not work well with peers and teacher

10 Tell your partner: How do you get an A in Work Habits if the teacher asks you a question about the reading?

11 90% of the grade in this class is based on what you have shown me you have learned. This applies to both Content (like facts and vocabulary) and Skills (like writing and note taking) You get more than one chance to show me what you have learned and what you can do. You get to show me what you have learned and what you can do in more than one way.

12 What does that really mean? You can resubmit graded work for a better grade. –Not all work is graded. Some work is practice. You can only redo graded work, but this is also the only work that goes in the grade book. You can rewrite essays for a better grade, until the end of the semester. You can retake tests once, and you get the highest score of the two, even if it was on the first test.

13 Tell your partner: How many times can you rewrite an essay? How many times can you retake a test?

14 Critical Thinking Rubrics Graded assignments will be graded with rubrics. You will always know what you need to do to get an A, B, C and so on for any particular assignment. When an assignment doesn’t have a specific rubric, it is graded with the Critical Thinking Rubric.

15 A: ADVANCED All proficient requirements PLUS any of the following independent of instruction as appropriate: explains alternative or opposing perspectives addressed in a counter-claim demonstrates the following skills: creating metaphors, creating analogies, generating inferences, analyzing errors, creating categories, valid predictions demonstrates sophistication in: including depth, complexity, connections to prior content B: PROFICIENT As appropriate: creates a reasonable and logical claim uses appropriate, historical evidence to support claim builds on or challenges other student’s ideas and/or perspectives demonstrates the following skills: compare and contrast, clarifying, analysis, questioning, categorizing, accurate interpretation of primary and secondary sources Tell your Partner: How are the A grade requirements different from the B grade requirements?

16 C: BASIC As appropriate: creates a general claim that is poorly formed some evidence is missing, poorly chosen or incomplete mostly demonstrates the skills listed in “proficient” with some problems D: BELOW BASIC As appropriate: incomplete claim incomplete evidence partially demonstrates the skills listed in “proficient” with many problems F: FAR BELOW BASIC fails to demonstrate requirements listed in proficient Tell Your Partner: What makes an answer C level work?

17 Growth Mindset I strongly believe I can be better in everything I do. Believe you can be better in all YOU do. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get it the first time. Think about sports… practice, practice, practice!

18 Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset

19 Contact Info for Sophia Caramagno My Phone/Text Number: 925.787.2591 My Web Page: Caramagno-Sophia Caramagno-Sophia Homework Calendar: Sophia/Events:Month/ Sophia/Events:Month/ My email: – – Office Hours: Lunch, before and after school Facebook: Sophia Caramagno

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