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Joan Bettinger Are Employees Motivated by Wellness Communications?

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Presentation on theme: "Joan Bettinger Are Employees Motivated by Wellness Communications?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joan Bettinger Are Employees Motivated by Wellness Communications?

2 What Is “Wellness?” Behavioral modification programs Weight control Nutrition Exercise Tobacco cessation Healthy Pregnancy Program Screenings for: Cholesterol Stress Blood pressure

3 Why Do We Need Wellness Programs? Health care costs are too high for employers and employees They are designed to encourage preventive medicine

4 For a wellness program to lower health care costs, employees need to be engaged in the program… Where do communications fit in?

5 In order to be engaged, the employees need to be motivated. Where do communications fit in?

6 Research Question Do certain wellness communications motivate employees to take action?

7 Methodology Survey 26 questions 340 employees Online or paper 83% response rate

8 Three Types of Action Steps Level 1 – no commitment Level 2 - brief commitment Level 3 – long-term commitment

9 Level 1 Action Step : “Did you mark your calendar?” 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

10 Level 1 Action Step: Follow-through “Did you attend the event?” Of those who marked their calendars, almost 70% actually attended the event.

11 Level 2 Action Step: “Did you register for a biometric screening?” 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

12 Level 2 Action Step: Age Group “Did you register for a biometric screening?” Age Groups 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

13 Level 3 Action Step: “ Did you read article on Healthy Weight Program?” Thirty-three percent (33%) of those who went to the website read the article.

14 Level 3 Action Step: Follow-Through Did You Join the Healthy Weight Program? 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0

15 Level 3 Action Step: Motivation “What motivated you to join the Healthy Weight program?” 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Motivational Speaker External Information Health Fair Posted Articles

16 Research Question Do certain wellness communications motivate employees to take action? Yes

17 Key Findings Level 1 action step –Simple requests had highest levels of action and follow-through. Level 3 action step –Required human interaction as influencers. Males, age 51-60 least motivated by the communications

18 Recommendations Use multiple topics Targeted messages to targeted audiences

19 Questions?

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