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For LocalHost Site Name -> Tools -> FTP Manager In LoacalHost portion, Edit -> IP address to > UserName – anonymous -> Password -anonymous.

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Presentation on theme: "For LocalHost Site Name -> Tools -> FTP Manager In LoacalHost portion, Edit -> IP address to > UserName – anonymous -> Password -anonymous."— Presentation transcript:


2 For LocalHost Site Name -> Tools -> FTP Manager

3 In LoacalHost portion, Edit -> IP address to -> UserName – anonymous -> Password -anonymous

4 Site Name -> Configure -> Restore/Backup configuration

5 -> FTP Server status to LocalHost -> Operation Status to Backup Then SAVE

6 Backup Process Started

7 ->Site Name -> Tools -> Report ->FTP Server status to LocalHost ->Select all ->Generate Report

8 Wait until Below text appear “Report File successfully uploaded”

9 For RemoteHost At First lunch your desired NODE Site Name -> Tools -> FTP Manager In RemoteHost portion, Edit -> IP address to ( NearEnd IP) -> UserName – anonymous -> Password -anonymous

10 Site Name -> Configure -> Restore/Backup configuration FTP Server status to RemoteHost Operation Status to Backup Then SAVE

11 When it will appear “Backup Finished” Backup File will be saved in “C:\tn_ftp_home\tn_backup_configuration”

12 ->Site Name -> Tools -> Report ->FTP Server status to RemoteHost ->Select all ->Generate Report

13 Wait until Below text appear “Report File successfully uploaded” Report File will be saved in “C:\tn_ftp_home\tn_report_data”

14 Thank You

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