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Teresa Potter, OKAGE Teacher Consultant. Crude Oil  Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons-from almost solid to gaseous.  A carbon atom has four bonds.

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Presentation on theme: "Teresa Potter, OKAGE Teacher Consultant. Crude Oil  Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons-from almost solid to gaseous.  A carbon atom has four bonds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teresa Potter, OKAGE Teacher Consultant

2 Crude Oil  Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons-from almost solid to gaseous.  A carbon atom has four bonds that can unite with either one or more other carbon atoms (a property almost unique to carbon) or with atoms of other elements.  A hydrogen atom has only one bond and can never unite with more than one other atom.

3 From Crude Oil to Gasoline  A refinery takes an almost raw material (crude oil) and transforms it into petrol and hundreds of other useful products.

4 Our Dependence on Oil Oil used…  In automobiles  To heat and cool homes  To help make products and pesticides  To bring food to supermarkets

5 The World’s Oil Consumption Syria Consumption of crude oil barrels per capita per day by country.

6 Where Oil is Found in the U.S.  Louisiana  Texas  Oklahoma  Alaska

7 History of Oil  1859 Large scale production  Edwin Drake built first oil well in Pennsylvania  Oil needed as lubricants in factories  1900’s first automobile  1970 US produces 2/3 of all oil it uses  Top consumer and importer of oil

8 Where do we get our oil?  Canada  Mexico  Saudi Arabia  Venezuela  Nigeria 1,924 2,468 1,119 1,228 1,010 1,042 995 1,117 700 740 Imports of Crude Oil Imports of Petroleum Based on statistics from 2009

9 Oil in Oklahoma  1923 Betsy Foster Number 1  1923-1940 Oklahoma influenced price of oil  Tulsa-oil capitol of world  1928 oil production in OKC  Petunia Number 1

10 Oil in Oklahoma  1982 Crude oil prices dropped  More than ½ people in oil industry lost jobs  Bankruptcies and failures  Still state’s top industry

11 The Middle East

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