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AQA A 'Level Economics Induction, 29 th June, 2016.

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1 AQA A 'Level Economics Induction, 29 th June, 2016

2 Why Economics? A-level Economics helps students: develop an interest and enthusiasm for economics and its contribution to the wider political and social environment develop an understanding of a range of concepts and acquire an ability to use these concepts in a variety of different contexts develop an enquiring, critical and thoughtful 'economist's mind' practice skills, qualities and attitudes which will equip them for the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of adult and working life develop an understanding of current economic issues, problems and institutions that affect everyday life apply economic concepts and theories in a range of contexts and appreciate their value and limitations in explaining real world phenomena analyse, explain and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the market economy and the role of government within it.

3 Outline of the Course No coursework or controlled assessments You need not have studied Economics before Changes to A 'Level AS or A 'Level? Economics is a modular course you will have external exams in year 12 and year 13

4 Outline of the course In year 1 you will complete two papers each worth 50% of your AS grade. In Year 2, you will complete 3 final examinations each worth 33.33% of your final grade. Economics is essentially a two year course. AS: Two 1:30 hour examinations with a combination of multiple choice, data, medium and essay based questions A2: Three 2 hour examinations each with a combination of multiple-choice, data, medium and essay based questions. Paper three is a case study requiring you to use knowledge from the entire course

5 Outline of the course AS Subject content The operation of markets and market failure 1 Economic methodology and the economic problemEconomic methodology and the economic problem 2 Price determination in a competitive marketPrice determination in a competitive market 3 Production, costs and revenueProduction, costs and revenue 4 Competitive and concentrated marketsCompetitive and concentrated markets 5 The market mechanism, market failure and government intervention in marketsThe market mechanism, market failure and government intervention in markets The national economy in a global context 6 The measurement of macroeconomic performanceThe measurement of macroeconomic performance 7 How the macroeconomy works : the circular flow of income, AD/AS analysis, and related conceptsHow the macroeconomy works : the circular flow of income, AD/AS analysis, and related concepts 8 Economic performanceEconomic performance 9 Macroeconomic policyMacroeconomic policy How is this assessed? 2 x 90 minute exam papers using a combination of multiple choice and data response questions. Graded A - E

6 Outline of the course (all other subjects here) Paper One 1.Economic methodology and the economic problemEconomic methodology and the economic problem 2.Individual economic decision makingIndividual economic decision making 3.Price determination in a competitive marketPrice determination in a competitive market 4.Production, costs and revenueProduction, costs and revenue 5.Perfect competition, imperfectly competitive markets and monopolyPerfect competition, imperfectly competitive markets and monopoly 6.The labour marketThe labour market 7.The distribution of income and wealth: poverty and inequalityThe distribution of income and wealth: poverty and inequality 8.The market mechanism, market failure and government intervention in marketsThe market mechanism, market failure and government intervention in markets Paper Two 1.The measurement of macroeconomic performanceThe measurement of macroeconomic performance 2.How the macroeconomy works : the circular flow of income, AD/AS analysis, and related conceptsHow the macroeconomy works : the circular flow of income, AD/AS analysis, and related concepts 3.Economic performanceEconomic performance 4.Financial markets and monetary policyFinancial markets and monetary policy 5.Fiscal policy and supply-side policiesFiscal policy and supply-side policies 6.The international economyThe international economy How is this assessed? 3 x 120 minute exam papers using a combination of data response and questions. Graded A - E

7 Stationery Requirements Two large folders (lever arch not ring bound) Pens A4 paper Calculator Small stapler Ruler AQA Economics Student Book 1 Authors: Ray Powell and James Powell Publisher: Hodder Education ISBN-13: 978-14718-2978-9 Price: £24.99Hodder Education

8 Activity Economics examines the impact of events or actions on individuals, groups and the economy as a whole The level of obesity and sedentary lifestyles are both increasing in the UK Group Work Get into groups of 4, each group will have to answer one allocated question. All groups can attempt the challenge question! Describe the consequences of this for the individual Describe the consequences of this for wider society Describe the consequences of this for the economy Challenge – What could the government do to improve this situation. What are the pros and cons of these policies? Write your points on the sugar paper provided and be ready to feedback!

9 Bridging Work Economics involves reading articles and researching data, interpreting and using data to demonstrate points made. This bridging work will help you begin to build these skills Read the Guardian article attached and complete the attached questions ready to study Economics in September

10 Final Tips Ensure you purchase your stationery before arriving in September, (2 x lever arch files, dividers, stapler, A4 lined paper, calculator, small stapler) File notes after EVERY lesson Read ahead – we will tell you what chapter to read in advance You need to purchase the Economics Textbook Thank you for listening. Enjoy the summer holidays.

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