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Good Day! 11/22/2016 Starter: When you see a person in a commercial that looks like a Dr. (they have a lab coat on) Do you believe what they say? The next.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Day! 11/22/2016 Starter: When you see a person in a commercial that looks like a Dr. (they have a lab coat on) Do you believe what they say? The next."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Day! 11/22/2016 Starter: When you see a person in a commercial that looks like a Dr. (they have a lab coat on) Do you believe what they say? The next time you see one, listen to hear if they say they are a doctor or a research scientist, often they don’t, it is just assumed. Today we will first go over the answers to the Scientific Method Questions. Finally we will have time to work on the review for tomorrows quiz.

2 Link to Aether

3 The Mysterious Aether After Michelson’s work they had to try and figure out how light works and it was only then that they realized two things. 1. Light waves do not require a material to move. 2. Light exists as both a wave and a particle. What year do you think that Aether was finally laid to rest?

4 The Mysterious Aether The theory was finally laid to rest in 1920 Einstein’s speech

5 The Scientific Method To help remember the order of the steps of the scientific Method we’ve come up with a name. Each letter is the first letter in the 1 of the 6 steps of the scientific method The name is… Dr. Herc

6 The Scientific Method Define the problem – What is really the issue. Research and observation  This step we do with out thinking about it, we make observations and then base our hypothesis on them. Hypothesis: propose a possible cause of the problem

7 The Scientific Method Experiment- how will you test your hypothesis? Results – what happened in the experiment Conclusion – was your hypothesis correct?

8 The plan for today Now that you know about Dr. Herc I’d like you to work on the worksheet in groups. –Match up the Step with the description and put them in order. –We will go through the answers as a class and then work on the back “Application” Portion. –If there is anytime left you will be able to work on the review for tomorrow’s quiz.

9 Scientific Method Experimentation Research & observations Conclusion Results Define the problem Hypothesis Your explanation of whether or not your hypothesis was correct A detailed explanation of what you are trying to solve Your preliminary theory The test or method that you will use to determine if you hypothesis is correct What you think of the data or experiment Information that you gather to form a good hypothesis 2 4 6 5 1 3

10 If you test a hypothesis and find that it is wrong did you waste your time? Why? No, this gives you more information about the problem (it becomes the research for the next hypothesis).

11 Application Define the problem –This is trickier than you think and you will need some research to determine what it is. But what are the two main categories? –Hardware or software, choose one. Research & observations –Look around to narrow you hypothesis Hypothesis –What do you think is the real issue?

12 Application Experimentation –How will you check if it is really causing the problem? Results –Did it print? Conclusion –Was you hypothesis correct?

13 Follow up If you conclude that your hypothesis was wrong, What do you do next? Do we really sit down and write it out like this when we have a problem? No, but do we, almost automatically, go through these steps in our heads? We often skip right to experiment, but you can’t do an experiment unless you are trying to prove or disprove a hypothesis, we just do it naturally.

14 What do you think about Alchemy? One cool thing was the symbols.symbols The really issue was that their underlying assumptions were incorrect. They also weren’t using very good logic.

15 Please complete the 6 steps for the following problems. 1. You press the power button on the remote for the TV and nothing happens. 2. 1 bathroom 4 people trying to get ready in the morning. 3. You continually do poorly on tests.

16 Now we have time to work on the review. Link to Bad problem solving

17 Instructions For each of the problems on the next slide you will work in groups of two. Your task will be to complete the 6 steps of the scientific method for each problem. We will discuss your solutions after each problem.

18 Good Day 11/22/2016 Starter: Write down: Peanut Butter Chocolate mix up. Introduce the Question Box. Today we will go over the answers to the Scientific method from yesterday. Use our method to address a few more problems. Have time to work on the review for tomorrows quiz. LINK to the starter.LINK

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