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Dealings with France 1800, France gets Louisiana back from Spain. 1803, Jefferson sends Robert Livingston and James Monroe to France to try to buy the.

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Presentation on theme: "Dealings with France 1800, France gets Louisiana back from Spain. 1803, Jefferson sends Robert Livingston and James Monroe to France to try to buy the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealings with France 1800, France gets Louisiana back from Spain. 1803, Jefferson sends Robert Livingston and James Monroe to France to try to buy the city of New Orleans (for up to 10 million $) They met with the French Foreign minister Talleyrand. Napoleon was at war and needed money so they offered all of Louisiana for $15 mil, about $300 million today

2 Jefferson’s Question Buying Louisiana troubled TJ Did the Constitution give the president power to buy land? Doing what he thought was best for the country, he agreed to the purchase. (elastic clause) On Oct 20, 1803 the senate agreed to the treaty. With this purchase the size of the U.S. doubled.

3 The Land The land stretched from the Miss R to the Rocky Mtns. And from New Orleans to the Canadian border. The exact boundaries were not clearly defined. Jefferson said proudly that it expanded “The empire of liberty” With all this new land the U.S. needed to explore it.

4 Jefferson’s Reasons for the Expedition To map out the land To look for the “Northwest passage” (the water route linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. To learn more about the peoples, animals and plants on the new land.

5 Corps of Discovery In 1803, Congress grants Jefferson permission to send an expedition into the new land. They allotted $2,500 to send a small army unit. Jefferson chooses Meriwether Lewis (his personal secretary and army officer) to lead the expedition. Lewis asks his friend William Clark to co-lead the expedition with him. They called their group the “Corps of Discovery”

6 Jefferson’s Orders "... the object of your mission is to explore the Missouri river, and such principal streams of it, as, by its course and communication with the waters of the Pacific Ocean, whether the Columbia, Oregon, Colorado or any other river, may offer the most direct and practicable water communication across this continent for the purposes of commerce..."

7 Corps of Discovery Before the journey, Lewis studied medicine under Dr. Benjamin Rush, zoology, and botany. Clark studied cartography (map making) They recruited 29 men to go on the journey with them. So the corps totaled 31. This included Clark’s slave York. They bought supplies for the trip and gifts for Native Americans They were gone from May 1804 to Sept 23, 1806 Lewis also took his Newfoundland Dog

8 Corps of Discovery They had a 55’ keel boat built. It never made it past N. Dakota. In 1805 it returned to St. Louis carrying specimens and reports

9 Corps of Discovery Captains Meriwether Lewis William Clark Meriwether Lewis William Clark Sergeants Charles Floyd Patrick Gass John Ordway Nathaniel Pryor Charles Floyd Patrick Gass John Ordway Nathaniel Pryor 24 privates Non-Military Members Toussaint Charbonneau Sacagawea Jean Baptiste – baby Toussaint Charbonneau Sacagawea Jean Baptiste – Baptiste Deschamps Pierre Dorion George Drouillard York- Clark’s slaveBaptiste Deschamps Pierre Dorion George Drouillard York Non-Human Members Lewis’ Dog

10 Exploration Timeline 1804 May 14, 1804 Left St. Louis July 4, 1804 near Atchison, KS 1st 4 th of July celebration West of the Miss R. Aug 3, 1804 first meeting NA near Omaha Aug 20, 1804 Sgt Floyd dies near Sioux city IA Sept 7, 1804 Encounter with the prairie dogs Sept 25, 1804 confrontation with Black Buffalo and the Teton Sioux

11 Timeline 1804 Oct 24, 1804 come to Mandan Hidatsa villages near Bismark, ND. Build Ft. Mandan across the river Nov 4, 1804 hire Charboneau as their interpreter, his wife Sacagawea or “Bird Woman” will come along to help get horses from the Shoshone Dec 24,1804 Ft Completed, Mandans assist during brutally cold winter

12 Timeline 1805 Feb 11, 1805 Sacagawea gives birth to Jean Baptiste April 7, 1805 Keel boat returns to St. Louis with maps, reports, artifacts, scientific specimens. 33 members head West in smaller canoes April 29, 1805 encounter grizzly bear, previously unknown to science June 3, 1805 reach the fork in Missouri River, choose the South fork June 13, 1805 Reach the Great Falls on the Missouri

13 Timeline 1805 June 13, 1805 Reach the Great Falls on the Missouri, have to portage (carry canoes) 18 miles, taking over 1 month Late July, reach 3 forks of Missouri, name them The Gallatin, Madison and Jefferson Aug 8, 1805 Sacagawea recognizes Beaver Head Rock Aug 12, 1805 Lewis crosses Lemhi pass, realizes there is no “Northwest passage”

14 Timeline 1805 Aug 15-17, 1805 buy horses from the Shoshone, The chief Cameahwait, is Sacagawea’s brother, hire “Old Toby” to lead them across the Bitterroot Mtns. Sept 11 head into the Mtns, nearly starve name a stream hungry creek. Sept 22, 1805 stumble out of the mtns encounter the Nez Perce (pierced nose people)

15 Timeline 1805 Oct 15, 1805 reach the Columbia R. Nov 7, 1805 Clark thinks they have reached the Ocean, Writes in his journal, “Ocian in view! O! the joy” Nov 15, 1805 officially reach the Pacific O. Nov 24, 1805 Take vote where to establish winter quarters. First time in American Hist that a woman and an African American were given a vote. Dec 8, 1805 build Ft. Clatsop

16 Timeline 1806 Mar 23, 1806 begin journey home May-June stay with the Nez Perce waiting for the snow to melt July 3, 1806 break into 2 groups July Lewis’s group encounters the Blackfeet, they tried to steal guns, two Blackfeet are killed July 25, Clark carves his name in Pompey’s Tower Aug 14, reach Mandan Villages, say goodbye to Sacagawea and Jean Baptiste

17 Timeline 1806 Early Sept, traveling 70 miles a day, they stop at Sgt. Floyd’s grave Sept 23, 1806 after 2 years and 4 months, Lewis and Clark reach St. Louis Fall 1806, the captains meet with Jefferson in D.C. Lewis becomes governor of the Louisiana Territory. Clark becomes Chief Indian Agent. York asks for his freedom In 1809, Lewis kills himself

18 Results of the Journey Lewis and Clark “Discover” 178 new plants and 122 new animals. Extensive mapping of the Western lands Found out there was no Northwest passage Learned medicine from native peoples Inspired people to move West Successful military mission Beginning of the end for native cultures West of the Mississippi R. Tribes would be moved off of their homeland and onto reservations The huge herds of buffalo would be nearly extinct by the 1880’s

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