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The practice of seizing American sailors and forcing them to serve on British ships was called ____.

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Presentation on theme: "The practice of seizing American sailors and forcing them to serve on British ships was called ____."— Presentation transcript:

1 The practice of seizing American sailors and forcing them to serve on British ships was called ____.

2 Jefferson had congress pass an _____ that prohibited trade with any foreign country.

3 The ____ separates rivers that flow east from those that flow west.

4 Because he believed in the good sense of ordinary people, Jefferson wanted to make government more _____.

5 _____ allows the Supreme Court to review laws and find them to be unconstitutional.

6 Jefferson believed in the idea of _____, or in government leaving the economy alone.

7 These people, such as Henry Clay, wanted to fight with Britain.

8 The war of 1812 gave Americans a strong sense of _____, or pride in America.

9 General Jackson wins this battle 2 weeks after peace is agreed upon.

10 Tecumseh dies at this battle & Harrison wins a decisive victory by chasing the British into Canada.

11 Oliver Hazard Perry built a fleet of ships at this battle and beat the British.

12 Gen. Jackson, with the help of the Cherokees, defeated the Creek Indians at this battle in the Mississippi Territory.

13 The British advance toward Baltimore is halted at this fort.

14 French leader who sold Louisiana to the United States.

15 Wrote the “Star Spangled Banner.”

16 President during the war of 1812.

17 American general who defeated the Creek Indians; hero of the Battle of New Orleans.

18 Third president of the United States; bought Louisiana.

19 Indian who formed a confederation of Indian tribes to fight the white settlers

20 Explored the upper Mississippi River, Colorado and New Mexico; has a peak named after him.

21 Jefferson’s “wizard” Secretary of the Treasury.

22 Shoshone Indian guide and interpreter.

23 “Hero” of the Battle of Tippecanoe; governor of Indiana Territory.

24 One of Adams’ “Midnight Judges.”

25 Saved many of the precious things contained in the Presidential Mansion.

26 Jefferson’s personal secretary who was chosen to head an exploration of Louisiana.

27 Name one way in which Jefferson represented an average person.

28 What were Jefferson’s goals as president? (what did he want to do to government?)

29 Which Federalist policies did Jefferson continue? Which did he get rid of?

30 What did Jefferson believe the government should do in terms of the economy?

31 How did Jefferson reduce the national government’s budget?

32 What problem did the United States resolve with Spain with Pinckney’s Treaty?

33 Why was Jefferson concerned about the French getting Louisiana back from Spain?

34 Name 1 of the 2 reasons why Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States.

35 The Louisiana Purchase ___ the size of the U.S. at a cost of about ___cents an acre.

36 Jefferson’s purchase of Louisiana is an example of loose or strict interpretation of the Constitution?

37 In what city did Lewis and Clark’s expedition begin?

38 Where did it Lewis and Clark’s expedition turn around?

39 13. What precedent did the Supreme Court’s ruling in Marbury v. Madison help establish?

40 14. Why did the United States go to war with the Barbary States in the early 1800s?

41 15. What did Jefferson do, rather than do to war, to try to stop France & Britain from attacking our ships?

42 Why was the embargo unsuccessful?

43 How was the Nonintercourse Act different than the Embargo Act?

44 The Battle of Tippecanoe marked the beginning of…

45 The war of 1812 happened because (3 reasons):

46 Was the United States prepared for the War of 1812? Why or why not?

47 What were some positive results of the Treaty of Ghent (the end of the war)?

48 How did the U.S.S. Constitution get the nickname “Old Ironsides”?

49 Where did Lewis and Clark’s expedition begin?

50 Where did Lewis and Clark’s expedition turn around?

51 What river did Lewis and Clark follow for the first part of their expedition?

52 What river did Lewis and Clark follow for the second part of their expedition?

53 Where is the site of Jackson’s victory that took place 2 weeks after peace was negotiated?

54 Which river makes up the eastern boundary of the Louisiana Purchase?

55 Into which body of water does the Mississippi River flow?

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