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Scholarship Program Findings of the Questionnaire on alumni Future April 2011 By Hala El-Desouky Scholarship Program Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Scholarship Program Findings of the Questionnaire on alumni Future April 2011 By Hala El-Desouky Scholarship Program Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scholarship Program Findings of the Questionnaire on alumni Future April 2011 By Hala El-Desouky Scholarship Program Consultant

2 Objective To know the questionnaire findings and recommendations to enforce, benefit from, and maintain the findings

3 Targets To know questionnaire objective To know questionnaire detailed findings To know the recommendations

4 Questionnaire Objective

5 To know :  alumni background information  Percentage of alumnis who got an appropriate job opportunity  alumni participation in developmental work

6 Questionnaire Objective  alumni response to the idea of establishing a alumni organization.  Fields, mission, and vision suggested by alumnis concerning the organization.  Support that could be provided by the alumni to the organization, and alumni suggestions on how the organization can support them.

7 Questionnaire Detailed Findings

8 The questionnaire was given to a total of 107 alumnis. 70 alumnis responded. Participation rate was 65%.

9 Participation

10 Participation by class

11 Job Opportunities

12 Reasons of Answering No 34.62% did not find the proper opportunity 30.77% continued in the same job they worked in before the scholarship 15.38% still studying 3.85% answered by the bad system 15% did not answer

13 Participation in Development

14 Kind of Participation

15 alumni Opinion on the Idea of Establishing an Organization

16  87.14% agreed using different terms (agree, strongly agree, support, strongly support, good idea, serious and excellent work, excellent idea, I wish, we have wished for this years ago, great work, great and marvelous, very good idea, important and beneficial, Ok, yes).  8.57% did not give a clear answer  2.85% did not answer  1.42% said it is not practical

17 Organization Activities

18 GA& BMs

19 Suggestions for Participation

20 Organization Vision Suggested drafts of organization vision are classified as follows: 15 suggested drafts of organization vision 15 target drafts 13 activity drafts 11 suggestions of procedural steps 5 advices to be considered 5 drafts of organization scopes 11.11% did not answer

21 Organization mission Suggested drafts of organization mission are classified as follows: 8 organization mission drafts 18 organization objective drafts 14 organization activity drafts 11 advices to be considered 15.71% did not answer

22 Alumni suggestions on the organization support to find a job opportunity in their specialization 22.12%: training courses for alumni 20.19%: providing a network of different entities in different fields 11.54%: experience marketing 8.65%: recruitment flyers, database of alumni and their specializations

23 Alumni suggestions on the organization support to find a job opportunity in their specialization, cont. 5.77% expected a formal website for the organization through which jobs available for every specialization are announced in addition to institutions which can benefit from or support these fields. 3.85% expected partnership with other organizations; the same percentage expected support to finance and publish research and small enterprises. 15.38% did not answer.

24 Alumni Expectations for the Organization 22.22% see that the organization will succeed if it works according to certain plans, in addition to group work, strong management, resource mobilization, and discarding personal interest. 13.89% expects alumni and society service 12.5% expects an entity protecting alumni vitality and linking them to labor market.

25 Alumni Expectations for the Organization, Cont. 8.33% expects that the organization will have an effective role in the civil society and the same percentage did not answer. 5.56% expects that the organization will face many challenges which need sincere efforts and capacities. 4.17% expects a strong network between alumni and members. The same percentage expects providing help and services to the society.

26 Alumni Expectations for the Organization, Cont. 2.78% expects that the organization will be among the major development organizations in the middle east The same percentage expects branches in governorates. The same percentage expects the organization to encompass scientific activities and research and be a communication channel with research centers abroad.

27 Recommendations

28 Encouraging and supporting alumni in establishing an organization with clear vision, mission, and fields. Increasing support to building alumni capacities to help them find job opportunities. Providing required support to increase organization efficiency.


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