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Novell Consulting’s Processes and Practices for Novell NetWare ® 5.1 Accelerated Upgrades Stuart Proffitt Novell Consultant

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Presentation on theme: "Novell Consulting’s Processes and Practices for Novell NetWare ® 5.1 Accelerated Upgrades Stuart Proffitt Novell Consultant"— Presentation transcript:

1 Novell Consulting’s Processes and Practices for Novell NetWare ® 5.1 Accelerated Upgrades Stuart Proffitt Novell Consultant Nancy Hawkins Novell Consultant

2 NetWare ® WindowsSolarisLinux Tru64New Net Services Software Model eDirectory™ Storage Access Management Security Collaboration Others Solutions & Applications Net Services Core Services Platform Operating Systems TraditionalWeb Services

3 NetWare ® 5.1 Accelerated Upgrades What is an Accelerated Upgrade?  History behind Accelerated Upgrades  Incentive for using Accelerated Upgrade  Benefits

4 Accelerated Upgrade Benefits Speed Can be performed remotely Low overhead Customizable

5 Accelerated Upgrade Limitations Not supported during a 4.x to 5.1 Accelerated Upgrade  Server Fault Tolerance III (SFT III)  High Capacity Storage System (HCSS)  NetWare 4.10 with no long namespace and >1million directory entries  Adding drivers for new NIC or disk  Adding IP protocol Not supported during a 5.0 to 5.1 Accelerated Upgrade  Adding drivers for new NIC or disk  Adding IP protocol

6 NetWare 5.1 Minimum Requirements Pentium II or higher processor DOS partition—50 MB available SYS Volume—1.3 GB available RAM—128 MB CD-ROM drive

7 NetWare 5.1 Recommendations Pentium II or higher processor DOS partition—RAM + 500 MB/1 GB minimum SYS Volume—4.0GB/DIB set + RAM—256 MB + apps CD-ROM drive PS/2 mouse

8 Types of Accelerated Upgrades Accelerated Upgrade Utility Response File Installation Scripts

9 Accelerated Upgrade Utility Windows client workstation running NetWare 5 Accelerated Upgrade NetWare 4 or 5 targeted server File copy Staging server

10 The Accelerated Upgrade Utility Similar to an across-the-wire migration Run from a client workstation NetWare 5.1 CD required  Can be copied to a staging server Comes with NetWare 5.1—at root of CD

11 Limitations Only installs basic services Does not install licensing Requires a workstation, a staging server, and file copy across the network

12 Response File Text file read as input to install process Similar to “UNATTEND.TXT” Covered in BrainShare 2001 session RW123

13 Installation Scripts Used in NetWare installation Formerly known as CDWare Scripts Highly customizable Allow installation of additional products

14 Making the Choice of Upgrade Method Accelerated Upgrade Utility Response File Installation Scripts

15 Our Selection Is …

16 Recognizing Installation Scripts Text files with these extensions .IPS—individual product installation .ICS—common functionality between scripts .ILS—language-specific scripts

17 Launching Scripts Launched by INSTALL.NLM (NetWare 4x) Requires INSTALL.NLM from the NetWare 5.1 CD Launched by NWCONFIG.NLM (NetWare 5x) Looks for first.IPS unless specified

18 Command Line Options S (source path) D (DOS path for SERVER.EXE) B (batch file spec) E (error file spec) NOSTATUS (suppress status bar)

19 Command Line Example Example syntax (all on one line) LOAD NW51:\INSTALL\ACCUPG\INSTALL.NLM s=nw51:\install\accupg d=c:\NWSERVER b=NW51:\INSTALL\ACCUPG\UPGRADE.IPS e=C:\NW5UPG.LOG

20 Customizing the Scripts Default scripts are interactive Must modify for an unattended upgrade Add commands to perform functions  Examples Back up Novell Directory Services ® (NDS) Purge SYS Copy Foundation Key file Install additional products Be creative

21 Scripting Language Included in NetWare 5.1 documentation   Look in “Other Installation Options”


23 Setting Custom Environment Variables SetVar SRC, "NW51:" SetVar NEWDST, "C:\\NWSERVER" SetVar CUSTSRC, '%{SRC}\\Install\\ACCUPG' SetVar DN,.Admin.ACME SetVar Pass, password SetVar RCONJPWD, password

24 Setting Path Variables GetPath autoexecDir, 1, 'SYS:\\SYSTEM', '' GetPath sys, 1, 'SYS:\\', '' GetPath logpath, 1, 'SYS:\\SYSTEM', '' GetPath SCRSRC, 1, 'SYS:\\SYSTEM\\RU', '' GetPath SRC, 1, '%{NWSRC}..\\..\\..\\', '' GetPath ProdTCP, 1, '%{SRC}\\products\\tcpip', ''

25 Executing Custom Commands NLMExec 1, 'load DSREPAIR -RC' Delay 20 Display 2, "Making copy of the NDS dib and copying it to c:\nwserver..." CopyFile 0,0,1,2,0,sys,system\dsrepair.dib,'','',NEWDST,'','','‘ PI_EditNCF_KEYSTRINGS "SERVER",'' EditNCF CDRIVE,'autoexec.bat','.NC1', ccode APPENDFile CUSTSRC,'autoexec.BAT','','', CDRIVE,'Autoexec.bat','','' Display 2, "Modified C:\Autoexec.bat to Load Server w/o NWLogo. /n Added Server -NL"

26 Lets See What All the Talk Is About

27 Upgrade Stages 1.Copy file Reboot 2.Hardware detection Reboot 3.Upgrade DS Reboot 4.Post upgrade cleanup

28 In Theory… "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice—but in practice, there is." Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut, Computer scientist

29 Keys to a Successful Upgrade Communication Planning Testing

30 Overlaying Support Packs Basically a file copy Overlay the older files with the newer files See TID 1006084  Note: In step 11, the file name should be NWOVLY1.EXE

31 Deployment Steps Requirements assessment Build test lab Select first NetWare 5.1 server in the tree Perform pilot Deploy Accelerated Upgrade source media Perform the upgrades Post upgrade cleanup

32 Requirements Assessment Identify potential problems Server configurations Identify applications Develop a plan

33 Identify Potential Problems NDS Health Check Stuck obituaries DS version NDS ® partition/replica design Time synchronization Determine DIB size IP infrastructure design

34 Server Configuration Create a server configuration spreadsheet Available space on SYS and DOS partition LAN and disk drivers Location of specialized services On Compaq servers, check OS setting in BIOS

35 Identify Applications Server-based *NLMs ™  Virus scanners  Messaging systems (GroupWise ®, **NIMS™, etc.)  Backup software  Databases (SQL, Oracle, Sybase, etc.) Btrieve-based applications *NetWare Loadable Module™ ** Novell Internet Messaging System™

36 Develop a Plan Correct any NDS issues Select first NetWare 5.1 server Install/upgrade LAN and disk drivers Select personnel to perform upgrades Determine media distribution method Upgrade schedule Create checklists

37 Test Lab Duplicate the production environment Isolate from the production network Deploy standard client workstations

38 Test Lab Equipment At least three servers—more is better One administrative workstation Two client workstations Tape drive, FAX cards, serial boards, etc. Hub or switch Cables

39 Test Lab Server Setup Process Install server into test lab NDS tree Patch server to match production server Install applications on server Verify client connection to server Remove NDS from server Image the server Reinstall NDS on server

40 Test Lab—Tasks Build accelerated upgrade scripts Build checklist Test upgrade process using checklist Verify that the upgrade worked Modify and repeat as necessary

41 Select the First NetWare 5.1 Server Must hold a replica of [Root]—R/W or Master Will be the Certificate Authority Must not be a temporary server

42 Starting the Upgrades Install the first NetWare 5.1 server Follow steps in NWDEPLOY.EXE Allow NDS to synchronize for a day

43 Upgrade Pilot Choose low-profile servers Perform upgrades using scripts from lab Review results of pilot Revise process if necessary Finalize upgrade scripts

44 Deploy Accelerated Upgrade Source Media Create and deploy CD-ROMs to remote sites Review upgrade process with upgrade staff Review personnel schedule Review upgrade schedule

45 Post Upgrade Cleanup Install additional products with NWDEPLOY.EXE  Certificate Server  Storage Management Services™ (SMS™)  LDAP  Portal Resolve any leftover problems Remove old DS files

46 Review the Demo

47 Common Pitfalls IP infrastructure not in place Failure to allow DS to synchronize Not cleaning up NDS problems Not enough free space on SYS volume Running RCONSOLE from the server you are upgrading Having applications that hold NDS open Failure to communicate plan to team members Have a human onsite at remote locations

48 Considerations If you are going to do any of these items, do them before you upgrade the server  Change server names  Change server context in NDS  Change server IP address

49 Cool Tools Toolbox— JCMD.NLM— MOUNTDOS.NLM— CPQFM— UltraEdit— Server Magic— Server Image—included with Server Magic

50 References Success stories  NDS Health Check—TID 10012858 In-place Upgrade Health Check—TID 10021958 NetWare 5.1   “Other Installation Options”


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