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Chapter 2 & 3 The Early History of Education in a Changing World----Historical Perspectives of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 & 3 The Early History of Education in a Changing World----Historical Perspectives of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 & 3 The Early History of Education in a Changing World----Historical Perspectives of Education

2 The Beginnings of Education Informal Education Survival skills - modeling and admonition Non-Western Education 2000 BC - Iraq and China

3 Western Education 455-431 BC - Greece “Age of Pericles” Sparta - courage, patriotism, obedience, and physical strength Athens - intellectual and aesthetic objectives; reading, writing, counting, gymnastics, drama, music, science

4 Socrates Socratic Method - teacher asks a series of questions “Knowledge is virtue” Traveled Athens Very critical of government, brought to trial, found guilty. Given a choice - Stop teaching or be put to death. What did he choose? What would you choose?

5 Plato Student of Socrates In his book, Republic, suggested 3 classes: artisans, soldiers, and philosophers Educational aim - discover and develop each individual’s abilities.

6 Aristotle Believed most important purpose in life was to serve and improve humankind. Educational method different than Socrates and Plato - scientific, practical and objective. Believed women and slaves did not possess the intelligence to be leaders; therefore, they did not need to be educated.

7 Quintilian 35-95 A.D. Influential Roman educator Described current educational practices, made system recommendations, and listed great books Writings were rediscovered in the 1400s Influential in humanistic movement in education

8 Middle Ages 476- 1300AD

9 Charlemagne 742-814 AD European ruler - valued education Established schools and encouraged scholarly activity

10 Alcuin Former teacher in England Charlemagne selected Alcuin to improve education in the kingdom Seven liberal arts Trivium - grammar, rhetoric, and logic Quadrivium - arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy

11 Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 Helped change church’s views on learning. New learning institutions - medieval universities Formalized scholasticism - logical and philosophical study of the beliefs of the church.

12 Medieval Universities University of Bologna 1158 - law University of Paris 1180 - theology Oxford 1214

13 Renaissance Period Vittorina Da Feltre 1378-1446 From eastern Alps, studied at University of Florence Believed people could be educated and also be Christians at the same time Established several schools

14 Erasmus Humanistic Educator Two of his books The Right Method of Instruction The Liberal Education of Boys

15 The Reformation Luther Believed that people should be able to read and interpret the Bible for themselves.

16 Ignatius of Loyola Organized the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) to combat the Reformation Movement.

17 Comenius Known for his textbooks First to contain illustrations Orbis Pictus

18 John Locke Wrote important educational works. Viewed a young child’s mind as a blank slate on which an education could be imprinted. Teachers needed to create a nonthreatening learning environment.

19 Educational Awakening 1700 Age of Reason Descartes and Voltaire Frederick the Great Passed laws regarding education and required teachers to obtain special training and licenses

20 The Emergence of Common Man Rousseau Philosopher, not educator, but he wrote about education Believed that children were inherently good

21 Pestalozzi 1746-1827 Swiss Educator Believed that a teacher should treat students with love and kindness.

22 Herbart Developed Herbartian teaching method Preparation Presentation Association Generalization Application

23 Froebel Established first kindergarten Believed that women are best suited to teach young children.

24 Historical Educators Matching Activity

25 Colonial Education Types of schools Dame school - conducted by housewife Latin Grammar School - 1635 - Boston, Secondary School - College Prep Colleges - Harvard, Yale, William & Mary

26 Horace Mann 1796-1859 Secretary of State Board of Education Established common elementary schools in MA. Compulsory education laws - MA

27 Funding 1795 - Connecticut legislators sold public land and created a permanent school fund to help finance public schools.

28 Henry Barnard First U.S. commissioner of education Who is the Secretary of Education today?

29 History of Education 1900-1950 Gc History of Education 1900-1950

30 Evolution of Educators - 1600-1900 SJU&feature=related

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