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ELEMENTARY SCIENCE LIAISONS ICAD 5: DATA ANALYSIS (February 22 – February 25, 2016) Next Generation Sunshine State Standards For Science with Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "ELEMENTARY SCIENCE LIAISONS ICAD 5: DATA ANALYSIS (February 22 – February 25, 2016) Next Generation Sunshine State Standards For Science with Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELEMENTARY SCIENCE LIAISONS ICAD 5: DATA ANALYSIS (February 22 – February 25, 2016) Next Generation Sunshine State Standards For Science with Integration of English Language Arts Literacy and Mathematics Common Core State Standards Department of Mathematics and Science Office of Academics and Transformation Millard Lightburn, Ph.D. Supervisor Mary Tweedy, Noreyda Casanas, Yusimi Perez, Curriculum Support Specialists

2 Session Outcomes Participants will be able to: –Understand how to analyze and interpret Interim data. –Develop instructional focus calendar to support remediation and enrichment of secondary benchmark. Department of Mathematics and Science

3 What Kind of Information can Data Provide us? Data can… provide feedback on the past and provide a basis to begin planning for the future Department of Mathematics and Science

4 Importance of Data We live in a data driven society. Data is used to make decisions at all levels of government and businesses. Education is no exception. We are in the business of educating our future leaders. In education, we need to be able to disaggregate assessment data at the level where we can make a difference in a child’s life. We should be able to say that John Doe needs help in understanding “Properties of Minerals Department of Mathematics and Science

5 Florida Continuous Improvement Model Department of Mathematics and Science

6 Data Analysis Grade 5 Science 2015-16 Winter IA results QSBA-Q2 Benchmark Assessment for K-4 Department of Mathematics and Science

7 Grade 5 Science Proficiency for Winter IA 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (District) INTERIMNUMBER OF STUDENTS Average Correct (%) Satisfactory (%) Limited (%)Insufficient (%) Winter 2016 22,65054% 10%36% Winter 2015 22,69254% FCAT 49% 10%36% Winter 2014 22,70655% 56% FCAT 51% 10%34% Winter IA 2013 21,786 53%52% FCAT 51% 11%37% Department of Mathematics and Science

8 GRADE 5 SCIENCE INTERIMS RESULTS 2014-15 (DISTRICT) Assessment Enroll- ment % Tested % Satisfactory OverallNature of Science Earth and Space Science Physical ScienceLife Science Avg. % Correct Pts. Max Avg.% Correct Pts. Max Avg.% Correct Pts. Max Avg.% Correct Pts. Max Avg.% Correct Pts. Max FCAT 2015 25,411 49% 60% 10 63% 1663% 16 64% 14 MYA (Winter IA 2015) 25,40389%54% 6850%957%2053%2453%15 Fall IA 201425,26637%48%51%6743%946%2056%2455%14 Baseline 201425,25889%NA48%6638%845%1954%2447%15 FCAT 201425,703100%51%NA5670%1069%1669%1664%14 Department of Mathematics and Science The MYA enrollment reflected above is as of Feb. 13, 2015 (Fall IA is on Nov. 26, 2014 and Baseline is on Sept. 12, 2014). It excludes students with Florida Alternative Assessment (FAA). The MYA science data were downloaded from Thinkgate on February 19, 2015. The % satisfactory indicates the predictive value of the % of students would earn achievement levels 3-5 on the 2015 FCAT2.0. Score is not reported if the number of students tested is less than 10. Average % Correct of less than 51 are denoted in red. The Fall IA was optional for schools. Source: Dr. Wongbundhit, Yuwadee

9 Winter Interim Cut Scores Grade 5 Science Satisfactory: Raw score (36-68) (53% or higher) Limited: Raw score (33-35) (48-52%) Limited: Raw score (33-35) (48-52%) Insufficient: Raw score (0-32) (0 – 47%)


11 At Risk ( Group students by standards ) Item Analysis ( scores by test item ) Proficiency Report (Satisfactory, Limited, Insufficient) Progress Report ( Performance by assessments) ) Score Analysis Report ( Rank students ) Standard Analysis (Scores by standards) Department of Mathematics and Science

12 2016 Grade 5 Science MYA (Proficiency Report) Department of Mathematics and Science

13 REPORT SELECTION: AT RISK (various reports are available) Students by Standard report provides list of standards that are of concern and lists students who had low performance on each standard.. It is a great tool for intervention and differentiated instruction Department of Mathematics and Science Students

14 ITEM ANALYSIS REPORT : Compares class performance to school and district performance Department of Mathematics and Science

15 Item Analysis (2016 Gr 5 Science MYA) Department of Mathematics and Science

16 2016 Grade 5 Science MYA STANDARD ANALYSIS Department of Mathematics and Science

17 GR 5 Science MYA Standard Analysis Cont…… Department of Mathematics and Science

18 To view Progress Report that shows performance by benchmark from Baseline to Winter IA, click on notepad Department of Mathematics and Science

19 Progress report by standards from Fall to Winter IA Department of Mathematics and Science

20 Progress Report by Standard export to Excel Department of Mathematics and Science

21 School X Grade 5 Science Fall and Winter IA Progress report with columns added to spreadsheet: Diff FIA-WIA, Benchmark by Qtr, and Benchmark by Grade Level. Participants will be able to: –Access science instructional resources to support science teaching and learning –Identify effective science teaching and learning –Develop an action plan to support science teaching and learning Department of Mathematics and Science

22 Comparison Gr 5 Science Performance by Benchmark Baseline & WIA (2015-16) BENCHMARKSBENCHMARKS by QUARTER BASELINE 2015 Winter IA 2016 DIFF % (WIA - Base) NGSSS.SCI.3.SC.3.L.14.1Q3 (Plants Structures & Function)36%46%10 NGSSS.SCI.4.SC.4.E.5.4Q2 (Movement in space)42%68%26 NGSSS.SCI.4.SC.4.E.6.2Q3 (Minerals and Rocks)32%44%12 NGSSS.SCI.4.SC.4.E.6.3Q3 (Earth Resources)52%48%-4 NGSSS.SCI.4.SC.4.E.6.4Q3 (Weathering and Erosion)43%41%-2 NGSSS.SCI.4.SC.4.L.16.4Q3 (Life Cycles)46%36%-10 NGSSS.SCI.4.SC.4.L.17.3Q3 (Food Chain)53%47%-6 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.E.5.1Q2 (Our Galaxies)59%76%17 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.E.5.3Q2 (Our Solar System)56%71%15 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.E.7.1Q2 (Water Cycle)36%55%19 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.E.7.3Q2 (Weather)41%52%11 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.L.14.1Q4 (Human Body Organs)54%48%-6 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.L.14.2Q3 (Comparing Plants and Animals Organ Function)44%53%9 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.L.17.1Q3 (Animal Adaptations)49%56%7 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.N.1.1ALL (Practice of Science: Process skills, variables)32%56%24 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.N.2.1ALL Qts (Observations linked to evidence)33%44%11 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.N.2.2ALL Qts (Evidences produced should be replicated)50%42%-8 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.P.10.1Q2 (Forms of Energy)80%49%-31 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.P.10.2Q2 (Energy can casue motion or create change)49%43%-6 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.P.10.4Q2 (Electrical energy can be transformed)48%72%24 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.P.13.1Q1 (Forces)52%63%11 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.P.13.2Q1 (Forces that move objects)48%53%5 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.P.8.1Q1 (Properties of Solids, Liquid and Gases)60%58%-2 NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.P.8.3Q1 (Mixtures of solids can be separated)56%55% NGSSS.SCI.5.SC.5.P.9.1Q1 (Physical and Chemical Changes)49%54%5 Department of Mathematics and Science

23 2013-2015 Content Focus (Gr 5 Science FCAT 2.0) Department of Mathematics and Science

24 Analyze 2016 Winter Interim  Analyze changes by benchmarks  Use the teacher debriefing protocol to analyze your class or school datateacher debriefing protocol  Use the grade level debriefing protocol to compare your class performance to overall school performance.grade level debriefing protocol Department of Mathematics and Science

25 Sample Data Chats form Student Name and ID ___________________ Math FCAT: Achievement Level and DSS_______ Reading FCAT: Achievement Level and DSS ____ Science Assessment data: Baseline: _____ Monthly ____ Winter Interim ______ Post-Baseline_______ Student Goals:___________________________ Teacher Comment__________________ Data Chats Department of Mathematics and Science

26 Action Plan Develop an action Plan to support Grade 5 Science based on Winter IA results: 1. List strongest benchmarks (50%+) 2. List weakest benchmarks (<50%) 3. Identify number of students: Satisfactory (53+), Limited (48-52) (Bubble) and Insufficient Progress 4. How will you group your students for intervention and enrichment? 5. Develop an Instructional Focus Calendar (IFC) to time to address all deficient benchmarks. Department of Mathematics and Science

27 Pretest and QSBA K-4 2015-16 PRETESTQSBA Q1QSBA Q2 GRADEStudentsSatisfactoryStudentsSatisfactoryStudentsSatisfactory Fourth15,69027%10,81243%7,72730% Third8,8726%10,97726%7,59837% Second First7,66113%9,88362%6,98560% Kinder6,34642%8,96877%6,81496% Department of Mathematics and Science

28 Percentage Points by Complexity Level for Grade 5 and 8 Science FCAT


30 Sample Low Complexity Question Department of Mathematics and Science Source: FCAT 2.0 Item Specs

31 Sample Moderate Complexity Question Department of Mathematics and Science Source: FCAT 2.0 Item Specs

32 High Complexity Question Department of Mathematics and Science Source: FCAT 2.0 Item Specs

33 FCAT PLEDGE Department of Mathematics and Science Share the FCAT Pledge with your students. I WILL

34 -School Performance Data, FCAT, Baseline and Interims eports/MonitoringProgressSchoolReports.asp eports/MonitoringProgressSchoolReports.asp Data Online Resources

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