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 Emotional Disability is defined as a condition illustrating one or more certain characteristics over an extended period of time and to a clear degree.

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3  Emotional Disability is defined as a condition illustrating one or more certain characteristics over an extended period of time and to a clear degree that negatively affects a child’s education performance.

4  Depression or Unhappiness  Relationship Problems  Inappropriate Behavior  Inability to Learn  Physical Symptoms or Fears

5  Under the Emotional Disabilities umbrella, there are two categories:  Behavioral Disabilities  Psychiatric Disabilities

6 Behavioral Disabilities: Children with this disorder tend to be disruptive to classroom setting and can pose harm to themselves or others. Two types:  Conduct Disorder  Violent, aggressive, taught in special education classes until behavior is safe in regular classrooms  Oppositional Defiant Disorder  Extreme non-compliance, negative, uncooperative but not violent

7 Psychiatric Disorders: Defined as behavioral or mental patterns that hinder daily functions and cause distress. Common Types: Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Psychotic Disorder, Eating Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder


9 Contributing Factors: › Biological Factors: Genetics, Neurological Conditions, Certain Physical Injuries and Illnesses and Nutrition Deficits › School Factors: Underdeveloped or poor social skills › Community Factors: Exposure to gang violence, crime and environmental agents › Family Factors: Physical, Emotional or Sexual Abuse, Child Neglect

10 The first course of action on preventing the progression of an emotional disability is to pay attention to the signs that are displayed at an early age that are not necessarily in line with their age category or are deemed to cause an issue down the road.

11 The best place for a child with Emotional Disabilities to be in is a classroom that provides behavior management routines and effective instruction. Effective instruction will involve a curriculum that will focus on the child’s learning needs and strengths to prevent frustration that may lead to acting out.

12  Help establish a routine that will help students manage time  Make sure that instructions are clear and understood before the start of an assignment  Keep a daily record of academic and behavioral successes so over time they have a visual of their improvements

13 An Emotional Disability Evaluation :  Looks at deficits in coping skills and emotional functioning.  Gathers data about personal attributes and patterns of behavior which illustrates the student’s moods, though process, feelings and attitudes.

14 When completing an assessment, it is beneficial to use a strength-based approach. This looks at the challenging behaviors but also highlights the strengths to have a well rounded behavioral intervention plan.

15  Questions that are geared toward a strength-based approach:  What conditions or situations may ignite the problem behavior?  Are any of the behaviors exhibited showing a pattern?  What holds the student’s attention?  In what situations is the student at their best and most successful?

16  There are studies that show that parental involvement helps with the drop of problem behaviors.  Parents can learn their child’s learning style, strengths and weaknesses, communicate with the school and teachers, reach out to the community and know their rights when it comes to the care of their child.

17  In Arkansas:  Youth Home Inc., Adolescent Psychiatric Treatment Program, Little Rock, AR  Rivendell Behavioral Health Services, Benton, AR  Ascent Children’s Health Service, Jonesboro, AR

18  Organizations that support children in and outside of the classroom with emotional disabilities: › Center On Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support; › American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; › Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health;

19  3 to 8 percent of school-aged children have emotional disabilities that are severe enough for treatment.  African-American students are more likely to be classified as having an emotional disability that white students. The connection is with the low income status and the emotional disturbance.

20  Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in the Classroom. (2016). Retrieved October 10, 2016, from the-classroom.html  Emotional Disturbance|Center for Parents Information and Resources. (2015). Retrieved October 10, 2016, from  Emotional Disturbance Project IDEAL. (2013). Retrieved October 10, 2016, from  Quinn, M.M., Osher, D., Warger, C., Hanley, T., Bader, B.D., Tate, R., Hoffman, C. (2000, March). Educational strategies for children with emotional and behavioral problems. Retrieved October 10, 2016, from  Screening and Evaluation for Serious Emotional Disabilities-Exceptional Children. (n.d). Retrieved October 10, 2016, from support/resources/screening-and-evaluation-for-serious-emotional-disability support/resources/screening-and-evaluation-for-serious-emotional-disability

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