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HIE ISOLDE Linac Short Technical Description W. Venturini Delsolaro Material from: L. Alberty, J. Bauche, Y. Leclerq, R. Mompo, D. Valuch, D. Voulot, P.

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Presentation on theme: "HIE ISOLDE Linac Short Technical Description W. Venturini Delsolaro Material from: L. Alberty, J. Bauche, Y. Leclerq, R. Mompo, D. Valuch, D. Voulot, P."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIE ISOLDE Linac Short Technical Description W. Venturini Delsolaro Material from: L. Alberty, J. Bauche, Y. Leclerq, R. Mompo, D. Valuch, D. Voulot, P. Zhang, E. Zografos HIE-ISOLDE Safety Review Tuesday, 5 November 2013

2 Contents HIE ISOLDE Linac: layout and beams Common vacuum Cryomodules Accelerating cavities Focusing Solenoids Resistive magnets Inter tank sections

3 The HIE ISOLDE Linac HIE-ISOLDE aims at boosting the energy of the Radioactive Ion Beams of REX-ISOLDE from 3 MeV/u up to 10 MeV/u (A/q < 4.5) by means of a SC linac

4 High Energy Beam Transfer Lines

5 HIE ISOLDE Beams Radioactive beams: maximum intensity - a few ppA Stable beam for linac set-up < 10 ppA (used to assess radioprotection issues) Request to leak gas directly into the ion source with max. intensity of 1000 ppA

6 High beta QWR electromagnetic design E-field H-field Parameters f 0 at 4.5K [MHz]101.28 β opt [%]10.88 TTF at β opt 0.9 R/Q [Ω] (incl. TTF)556 E p /E acc 5.0 H p /E acc [G/(MV/m)]95.3 U/E 2 acc [mJ/(MV/m) 2 ]207 G=R s Q [Ω]30.8 P diss @ 6 MV/m [W]10 P diss on bottom plate [W]0.0018 Stored energy = 7.4 J at nominal accelerating field

7 Cavity technology Superconducting option  Cryogenics (4.5 K)  High CW fields (30 MV/m)  Possible field emission, X rays Nb/Cu  Thermal stability (no quench)  Low forward power (~ 500 W) Liquid Helium space OFE copper walls Beam axis E-beam weld

8 RF power circuit (simplified) Load Circulator Cavity RF power amplifier 500 W Cold part Coupler Pickup PiPi PrPr RF drive signal Low Level RF system PiPi Interlocks Access, Radiation, Vacuum, Temperatures, Cavity Field…

9 Cavity Operating Modes 1.Multipacting conditioning –Resonant electron loading –Low fields, low radiation doses 2.High field conditioning –Field emission sites randomly located on cavity surface –He processing –Possible high X rays doses 3.Beam operation –After conditioning: almost no electron loading/X rays

10 Conditioning events

11 Superconducting Solenoid Nb Ti technology Nominal current: 116 A Peak field: 7.9 T Maximum stored energy: 16 kJ Inductance: 2.37 H Self protected with by-pass diodes Vapour cooled current leads Power converter: 120A/10V with crowbar

12 45º deg. Dipoles

13 Quadrupoles

14 H/V correctors

15 Warm Interlock controller EDMS 1223552

16 High beta cryomodule assembly 5 QWR cavities RF supply and pick-up Tuner and coupler motors Instrumentation 1 solenoid Supporting frame assembly Actively cooled frame Suspension rods Adjustment mechanisms Helium reservoir Cryogenics piping Cryogenics supply Instrumentation Top plate Services Seal interface Thermal shield Cryogenics circuit Instrumention Vacuum vessel Interfaces

17 Cryogenics circuits Saturated helium at 4.5 K to cool the cavities and support frame (1.3 bar gauge nominal) Pressurized helium gas at 50-75 K to cool the thermal shield (13 bar gauge nominal)

18 “Inter-Tank” spaces Sector Valves to isolate cryomodules vacuum spaces Beam Diagnostics box with TP Steerer Magnet

19 HIE ISOLDE project phases (5.5 MeV/u) 10 MeV/u

20 Final stage with 6 Cryomodules

21 Thanks for your attention

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