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Group Summary: Stars and Their Evolution ALMA Science Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Summary: Stars and Their Evolution ALMA Science Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Summary: Stars and Their Evolution ALMA Science Workshop

2 Science Summaries The stellar theme involves different kinds of science, from the Sun to active stars to stellar atmosphere studies to dying stars and dead stars: will utilize the full complement of sensitivity, spatial & spectral resolution, mosaicing capabilities of ALMA

3 Science not in DRSP Interacting winds e.g. MWC 349, recombination line maser with BIMA, relatively few sources, but very bright (20 Jy), so ALMA should see more of these Eta Carina radio outbursts ESP work -> targets for TPF (tie in with NASA = $$ ?) Astrobiology (tie in with NASA = $$ ?) Astrometry/PM of embedded objects, star forming regions (not possible with SIM)

4 Issues 1 Software - ?? Image analysis tools + general modelling tools for survey work (e.g. XPEC, CIAO for X-ray astronomy) Support for faculty & postdocs, not just grad students CV site: host workshops (focus on science area) for broader impact, talk series Support astronomers -> independent research time (HST model of data analysts?)

5 Issues 2 ALMA scientists to work with new mm/sub-mm users Big emphasis on EPO for public support and funding Multi-wavelength perspective crucial, how to coordinate with ground-based & space-based observatories (policy?, time sharing?) Short time variability: Sun essential, other projects also necessary (stellar flares) Keep VLBI possibility e.g. AGB stars

6 Frequency Bands Change nomenclature!!! Band 5 is meaningless to the astronomical community; use center frequency or wavelength instead Band 1 impt: SiO line, Ka band NASA spacecraft communication ($$?) Band 5 impt: H 2 O line, evolved stars & CS envelopes, thermal H 2 O emission in ISM Band 4 impt: multitude of molecular lines in CS envelopes Band 8 [C I] + HDO (or get H 2 O with Band 5)

7 ACA Roughly 50% of stellar theme DRSP requests ACA/mosaicing capabilities Sun: absolute necessity of mosaicing Stellar envelopes: need ~1 arcminute scales “Dirty secret of interferometry” mosaicing to get uniform sensitivity

8 Early Science “First light objects”: planetary nebulae, AGB stars -> pretty images + significant science Eta Car, SN 1987A, Beta Pic disk

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