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Iroquois of the Eastern Woodlands. Map -The Eastern Woodlands cultural area refers to the region that stretches from the northeastern coast of present-day.

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Presentation on theme: "Iroquois of the Eastern Woodlands. Map -The Eastern Woodlands cultural area refers to the region that stretches from the northeastern coast of present-day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iroquois of the Eastern Woodlands

2 Map -The Eastern Woodlands cultural area refers to the region that stretches from the northeastern coast of present-day United States and to the west of the Great Lakes. -The blue area is the region we will be focusing on, not in America

3 Topography -The Eastern Woodlands is basically one big forest with a variety of trees including Deciduous and Coniferous -The Great Lakes provided watershed provided access to water transportation to all Eastern Woodland places.

4 - Climate and great soil conditions allowed people to grow corn, beans, sunflowers and squash Subsistence and Food -Most of the Iroquois diet actually came from their fields and plantation rather than hunting although that is also another source of food for them.

5 Shelter -The Iroquois built large towns heavily guarded by palisades of logs -Each extended family lived in a longhouse which was divided into several different parts.

6 Clothing Micmac Chief’s Coat: This was a military great coat from the back view. The Iroquois didn’t wear full shirts most of the time, they only wore religious tops or no shirt at all.

7 Transportation -Snow shoes were commonly used in winter or anytime with snow. -The Natives had many different Canoe styles made out of different woods and made differently. -Two different kinds were the Algonkian and Birchbark Canoes. -All canoes were made on their own.

8 Social Organization and Government -Iroquois Council Discussions – A council, made by family members, group to discuss important matters concerning the village such as war. Iroquois had strong relationships with their allies which were hard to break Iroquois had a large political unit called a Village Band, Every Village band was run by at least one person whom their power was passed on by heritage from their ancestors or parents

9 Religion The Iroquois people had many different religions, the main ones are : Ojibwa, Odawa, Nipissing, Algonquin, Maliseet, and Micmac or “Mi'kmaq”. Mi’kmaq was a religious group and means allies, this group spoke Eastern Algonquian This is an Odawa Noble, The Odawa is a religious group

10 Kinship The family was matrilineal and patrilineal, because heritage came from the woman’s bloodline The women of the family would have to stay close to the house and look after the children, gather berries, crops, and make clothes out of animal skins

11 References Cranny, Michael William. Crossroads: A Meeting of Nations. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Ginn Canada, 1998. Print. "The Eastern Woodland Hunters - Environment / Housing." The Eastern Woodland Hunters - Environment / Housing. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.


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