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Sloth Bear Conservation in CNP Presented by: N.P. Gautam (PI) and B. R. Lamchhane (Conservation Officer NTNC, BCC, Chitwan) Project funded under: 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Sloth Bear Conservation in CNP Presented by: N.P. Gautam (PI) and B. R. Lamchhane (Conservation Officer NTNC, BCC, Chitwan) Project funded under: 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sloth Bear Conservation in CNP Presented by: N.P. Gautam (PI) and B. R. Lamchhane (Conservation Officer NTNC, BCC, Chitwan) Project funded under: 2011

2 Background – Mammals in Nepal ParticularsNumber Total mammal species208 Threatened56 Protected27 Data deficit79

3 BIO-DIVERSITY of Chitwan More than 40 lakes Three major river system (Reu, Rapti and Narayani) Variety of forest and Grassland types TaxaNepalChitwan% Mammals2086837 Birds86954461 Amphibians and Reptiles1434934 Fish18512065

4 Sloth Bear (Melursus ursinus) IUCN red list  Globally – vulnerable  Nationally - endangered CITES – Appendix-1 One of the three bear species found in Nepal (Himalayan black bear, Brown bear and Sloth bear)

5 Distribution in world 1. Nepal 2. India 3. Sri Lanka 4. Bangladesh and 5. Bhutan

6 Distribution in Nepal 8 districts of Terai & Siwaliks (map) Bardia NP, Chitwan NP, Parsa WR, Bara, Banke, Kailali and Dang. extirpated in Suklaphanta WR (1994)

7 Population Global population: 10- 20,000 National Population: < 1000 ( National red list) Population in CNP : 200- 250 (Joshi, 1994)

8 Chitwan- Occupancy survey 2008-9

9 Occupancy results HabitatNo of signs recorded Streamline/riverbed29 Sal forest197 Grassland20 Riverine forest35 Mixed forest46 Other15 Total342

10 Camera trap 2010

11 Camera trapping locations ParticularsNumber Total camera locations310 Locations where sloth bears has captured44 Total independent captures75

12 Habitat and food Sloth Bears occur in a wide variety of habitats ranging from grasslands, thorn scrub, sal forest, moist evergreen forest and riverine forest. The main food sources for this species are termites, honey, berries, roots, carrion, insects and fruit.

13 Ecology Home range: 10 – 15 Km ² Life span: 40 years Gestation: 7 months Litter size: 1 – 2 cubs

14 Conservation threats Human-bear conflict  Injuries – 6 (2009), 9 (2010)  Livestock – 1 (2010) Habitat loss/degradation Poaching (esp. for bile) Bear baiting (trapping for entertainment purposes – dancing)

15 Way forward Assessment of status and distribution Conservation awareness Enhanced law enforcements Translocation of species from high occupancy areas

16 Acknowledgement: Naresh Subedi –NTNC, BCC Chitwan Nepal Baburam Lamichhane - NTNC, BCC Chitwan Nepal DNPWC Kathmandu WWF-Nepal CNP Kasara, Nepal All respondents of the survey Rufford

17 Thank you

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