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2 In the beginning the current status of Korea national park is described in order to demonstrate the outlook of Korean national parks and then it moves to national park management system in which KNPS as national park agency has played important role. Legal aspect of park system and KNPS creation is also dealt with here Overlooking park system in Korea it is illustrated how policy change in park management has evolved over time particularly in regard to national park. Thereafter more broader spectrum is presented to cover all protected areas beyond national park and in this regard two international projects organized by KNPS to advance better management of protected areas are laid out as benchmarking examples of your country Summary

3 Contents National Park in Legal Perspective Korea National Parks Service 1 2 3 4 The Current Status of Korean National Parks The Concept and Value of a Park

4 Change in national park management policy Contents National Park in legal perspective 5 6 7 As a lead agency of managing Korea protected areas

5 Natural Park Definition Classification Criteria of Designation In General Natural Artificial Legal Non legal Chapter1.The Concept and Classification of Parks Classification of Parks

6 In General By creation origin - natural park : nature-and ecosystem oriented  the land park and the marine park - artificial park : developed artificially  the facility park and the cultural park By legal origin - legal park : designated for the public benefit by the public organization - non-legal park : developed and managed privately for mainly commercial object The Concept and Classification of Parks

7 Natural Park 1) Definition of a natural park (natural park act Article2) Natural park is the place designated and managed to conserve the ecosystem, natural and cultural landscape and to purse sound and sustainable use. 2) General characteristics by IUCN ○ A large area wherein one or more ecosystem is preserved, unimpaired by human development or occupancy ○ Or an area wherein the inhabitant species, the geological location ○ The traditional customs are subjects of keen interest to the public in terms of scholarship, education, and leisure, or an area which displays a remarkable natural scenery ○ The area must also be entirely controlled by a top ranking government organization (IUCN, 1972) The Concept and Classification of Parks Natural parkNNatural parkN

8 Natural park 3) classification of natural parks -National Park : representative of the nation in the aspect of ecosystem, natural and cultural beauty and designated by the Minister of Environment(20 at present) *Yellow Stone national park in the USA was designated for the first time in the world as national park in 1972 -Provincial Park : representative of the province (22 at present) -County Park : representative of the county (31 at present) The Concept and Classification of Parks

9 4) Criteria of designation Ecosystem : to be good state in ecosystem conservation and in which endangered fauna and flora species or natural monuments should be exist Natural Landscape : to be good in landscape conservation state, undamaged and beautiful Cultural aspect : to contain cultural or historical assets which are harmonized with the natural landscape and to deserve conservation. Topographical aspect : not to be exposed to damage by industrial development Location and use aspect : to be balanced throughout the country The Concept and Classification of Parks Natural parks Natural park

10 Chapter2 Current State of Korea National Parks

11 Size (unit: ㎢ ) Size (unit: ㎢ ) Total LandSea 6,580(100%)3,899(59%) 2,681(41%) 20 National Parks Mountainous park: 16 Marine park: 2 Seashore park: 1 Historical park: 1 20 National Parks Mountainous park: 16 Marine park: 2 Seashore park: 1 Historical park: 1 Land ownership (unit: ㎢ ) Land ownership (unit: ㎢ ) Total 3,899 State-owned 1,935(49.6%) Public-owned 439(11.3%) Private-owned 1,593(39.1%) Park Visitation (unit : thousand) Park Visitation (unit : thousand) Year Visitors 2002 23,042 2003 25,000 2004 25,841 2005 26,878 2006 24,948 Current state of Korean National Parks

12  Status - A national government affiliated agency  Organizational Structure -a Headquarter and 26 national park offices - a national park research institute - an aviation corps   Staffing Structure - Number of permanent employees: 911 - Number of contract employees: 638  Budget - Internal revenue plus Government subsidy - Total budget: $130 million Current State of Korea National Parks

13 113 54% of natural protected area of Korean land use plan 54% of natural protected area of Korean land use plan Historic and cultural heritage Treasure house of bio-resource bio-resource Best tourist resources Core area of ecosystem 68% of species habitat 57% of endangered species habitat 68% of species habitat 57% of endangered species habitat 313 buddhist temples Treasure 16% of national Treasure 313 buddhist temples Treasure 16% of national Treasure Tourism and hiking Over 30 million visitors Tourism and hiking Over 30 million visitors Value of National Parks Economic Value (65 billion USD) (65 billion USD) -conservation: 58 -use: 7 Economic Value (65 billion USD) (65 billion USD) -conservation: 58 -use: 7

14 Jirisan National Park

15 Bukhansan National Park

16 Naejangsan National Park

17 Gayasan National Park

18 Dadohae Marine National Park

19 Byeonsan Peninsula National Park

20 National Treasures ▲ National Treasures 13 ▲ National Treasures 144 ▲ National Treasures 50

21 Treasures 507 Treasures Treasures 1134 Treasures 507 Treasures 1312, 1313 Treasures 1315 Treasures 1314

22 Chapter3 National Park in Legal Perspective ■ Legislation There is no law or act for governing national park only but the natural park act covers all, national, provincial, city and county parks ■ Management Authorities: National park managed by KNPS; provincial park by province; city and county park by themselves ■ Natural Park Act enacted on Dec. 29, 1967 and Separate enactment in 1980

23 National Park in Legal Perspective Conservation, monitoring, survey Of natural Resources Permission for construction Planning procedure Zoning of a park Land ownership Criteria of park designation Foundation of Park committee bbbb General provisio n Desig nation of park Park plan Park protectio n Objective, definition, mission of the natural parks Natural Park Act

24 International 2003- Beginning1967-1987 Take off 1997-2003 Transitional 1987-1997 Change in policy Chapter 4 Change in national park management policy

25 Change in national park management policy 1.The Beginning period(1967- 1987); scenic view protection and park clean-up oriented ■ system -Natural park law enacted and nation park designation get started with Jiri mountain as first in 1967 -Management under local government, consigned to 42 city and counties ■ performance -This system resulted in huge inefficiency due to big gap in policy and management capacity between cities and counties ■ management level Park management during this period remained at the level of managing resort areas of which management is focused on garbage collection, clean-up, collecting entrance fee, regulating illegal activities, and nature protection campaign

26 2. Transitional period(1987 -1997); park identity established ■ system -Korea National Park Agency established and thus change in park image addressed ■ management focus ;strengthening regulation such as crack-down on illegal activities including banning cooking in the park( during this period KNPA was under the ministry of construction and interior administration) ; and building basic infra-structure of the park such as tracking and mountain climbing facilities and toilets ■ management level -During this period KNPA achieved its goal of park image changing from resort area to national park Change in national park management policy

27 3. Take-off period(1997 -2003 ) ■ system KNPA was transferred from under the ministry of interior to under the ministry of environment ■ management focus -Rapid increase and change in demand for park service and corresponding -increase in and diversification of park service supply to meet the new challenge ■ Change in demand for park service -High rise in income (per capita income exceeded 10,000US$ in 1995) -National park evolved from resort area to space for interaction between people and nature Change in national park management policy

28 ■ Change in park service supply Improving tracking trails and expanding safety facilities Providing refreshment area such as auto camping ground Developing nature study trail and program Operating nature interpretation program by appointment Introducing restoration program of damaged area and nature sabbatical year system Establish an ecological research centre under KNPA Change in national park management policy

29 4. Professional and Global period ■ Professionalization of management Strengthening the role of managing protected areas in Korea as lead organization ; establish and operate Korea Protected Area Forum Sorting out nature sabbatical year system by type; safety, restoration, and conservation.Restoring the Asiatic black bear; establish species restoration centre Establishing a migratory bird research centre Improving visitor service quality; high quality of visitor guide centre, improved toilet availability, improved tracking trail, nature observation trail, refuge shelter etc., Introducing BSC system in management, an advanced technique for management and operation Change in national park management policy

30 ■ Internationalization of management Signing MOU for international cooperation with overseas park management agencies; Costa Rica, Finland, Australia, New Zealand Strengthening cooperation with IUCN; Seconding of staff, holding joint international workshop, implementing MEE project jointly Initiating overseas benchmarking; 5 countries including UK, Australia, Finland Change in national park management policy

31 Natural Park Act Designation Basic Natural Park Plan General Provisions Protection of Natural Parks

32 Natural Park Act Collection of Fees Park Services Complementary Regulation Penalty against illegal activities

33 Current Number of Staffs Executives General staffs Special staffs Technical staffs Operation staffs Temporary staffs The Date of KNPS Foundation The Vision of KNPS The Goal of KNPS Missions of KNPS Korea National Parks Service Park Service

34 Click to edit title style Text 1 Text 2 Text 3

35 Chart Documents

36 Click to edit title style vvv bbbb Text 1 Text 2Text 3Text 4

37 Click to edit title style Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Text 6 Text 5

38 Major pending issues  Visitation beyond the park capacity Private land problem - 50,000 residents in the parks -Complaints about prohibition regulations on the use of private lands lands Ministry of Environment and KNPAMinistry of Environment and KNPA are now studying how much and how to purchase private lands in future - Density of visit is too high * 30 million of visitors per annum * Trend shows strong preference for mountain climbing up to the top mountain climbing up to the top Pending Issues 50 25 0 The private lands including temple area The private lands including temple area account for 39% of the overall park size account for 39% of the overall park size 75 PrivatePrivatePublicPublicStateState 1111 5050 % 39*39* Visitors on the top of the mountain Structural Aspect

39 Operation and Managerial Aspect Insufficient financial resources Considerable part of the management budget depends on self-earn revenue such as entrance fee. Considerable part of the management budget depends on self-earn revenue such as entrance fee. - Since 1996, the number of visitors has decreased, deepening the shortage of financial resources - Since 1996, the number of visitors has decreased, deepening the shortage of financial resources Considerable part of personnel have to work for collecting fees instead of managing the park resources and giving better service to visitors.Considerable part of personnel have to work for collecting fees instead of managing the park resources and giving better service to visitors. Abolishment of park entrance fee has been on the debate Abolishment of park entrance fee has been on the debate Government should charge more of the management costGovernment should charge more of the management cost

40 Panel member – Heuk-Jin Chung Adviser, Management Effectiveness Evaluation Team October 2008 Korean MEE experience – introduction of management effectiveness evaluation to protected areas in Korea

41 In 2004 COP7 of CBD adopted PoW PA. The news energized KNPS management to take an initiative in response to the international call. The initiatives taken by KNPS are as follows: o Organize an large scale meeting of experts from various agencies of government,academia, civic groups interested in the management of protected areas in Korea. o Establish a small unit within KNPS whose mission is to follow up on PoW PA in Korea The Experts meeting adopted 7 items recommendation for follow-up on PoW PA including: o Create a Korea protected area forum consisting of agencies, academia and civic group representatives in which members meet periodically for discussion over PA management issues for coordination of conflict of interests among themselves. o Hold an international workshop for better management of protected areas in Korea with many experts participation around world including IUCN and UNEP for national attention to the PoW PA. o Introduce IUCN PA category system to Korea o introduce management effectiveness evaluation system to protected areas in Korea o Launch as soon as possible a Korean MEE project

42 Implement CBD POW PA (adopted at the 7 th conference of parties to CBD ) Implement CBD POW PA (adopted at the 7 th conference of parties to CBD ) honoring international convention & raising national prestige honoring international convention & raising national prestige Build adaptive management system in korean protected areas Improve management thru capacity building Build adaptive management system in korean protected areas Improve management thru capacity building better management & manager capacity building Reporting to the public & government on management effectiveness of PA Providing information on the current state of PA management Reporting to the public & government on management effectiveness of PA Providing information on the current state of PA management Information provision on management & publicity

43 20 national parks 10 ecological conservation and scenic area 12 wetland conservation area 1 wildlife protecting area 20 national parks 10 ecological conservation and scenic area 12 wetland conservation area 1 wildlife protecting area spatial scope Dec.2007 ~ May 2009 (18 months) - Dec. 2007 ~ Feb. 2008 : warming up period - 2008. 3~2008. 12 : evaluation model development and execution of model - year 2009 : writing reports and publication Dec.2007 ~ May 2009 (18 months) - Dec. 2007 ~ Feb. 2008 : warming up period - 2008. 3~2008. 12 : evaluation model development and execution of model - year 2009 : writing reports and publication Time horizon US$320,000 budgetbudget

44 develop an evaluation framework at site level comparison among sites in Korea & international comparison develop an evaluation framework at site level comparison among sites in Korea & international comparison Developing an evaluation model for Korea PA Study case studies in advanced countries on MEE of protected areas Training protected area managers Study case studies in advanced countries on MEE of protected areas Training protected area managers Manager capacity building Hold workshop for MEE exercise (managers, stakeholders, etc participated) Joint field survey by internal and external experts Hold workshop for MEE exercise (managers, stakeholders, etc participated) Joint field survey by internal and external experts Implementation of MEE Participate in WCC and present MEE performance Writing indivisual MEE reports site by site and an final integrated report (comparison analysis and recommendation included) Participate in WCC and present MEE performance Writing indivisual MEE reports site by site and an final integrated report (comparison analysis and recommendation included) Sharing MEE results & publicity


46 Agencies need: o To determine which sites, and their natural and cultural heritage assets, are at an acceptable standard and which are not; However it remains to be seen because it may be difficult to set up acceptable standard suitable to each site and thus it leads us to the choice of adaptive management approach. o To assess how well each site conserve its natural and cultural heritage; it also leads us to management effectiveness comparison between sites and in this regard Korea MEE exercise is expecting global study of site comparison from IUCN. o To account for the time and other resources staffs spend on their core role of conservation, and relate these costs to their accomplishments. It is key point of Korea MEE exercise and we expect it will be achieved by policy recommendations for adaptive management of each site which the Korea MEE exercise report will generate o To evaluate protected areas not only at the site level but also at the system level o To build staff capacity to carry out MEE on their own through diverse workshop and training o To strong leadership at a range of levels throughout the organisation o To engage closely and often with the field staff in developing and running the program o To feed data back to leaders, managers, field staff and specialists as soon as possible to demonstrate how it helps management Lessons we’ve learnt

47 Major resources of National Parks Total number of species : 15,727 Endangered species grade Ⅰ and grade Ⅱ (animal) : 84 (54% of the total 156 species) Endangered species grade Ⅰ and grade Ⅱ (plant) : 44 (68% of the total 65 species) National treasures : 38 Treasures : 141 Natural monument : 207 Temples : 339 Current State of Korean National Park



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