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Project in relation to a Line - Permanent organization („Houses“) - Accomplishment of day- to-day business - Vertical cooperation - Observance of hierarchy.

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Presentation on theme: "Project in relation to a Line - Permanent organization („Houses“) - Accomplishment of day- to-day business - Vertical cooperation - Observance of hierarchy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project in relation to a Line - Permanent organization („Houses“) - Accomplishment of day- to-day business - Vertical cooperation - Observance of hierarchy - Observance of official channel Line - Organization for a specific period („Tents“) - New conceptual formulation - Cross-functional and – hierarchical cooperation - Official channels are being questioned Project Slide1 Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

2 Special challenges for public administration Slide 2 Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

3 Project Work – but when? YESNO 1 We have never face a similar task. 2 The approach is very vague. 3 The problem is not yet completely defined. 4 It is an innovative development. 5 The task has interdisciplinary character. 6 The task / the order is very complex. 7 The order consists out of several individual orders which are all connected. 8 Different specialist departments are concerned. 9 Full or part time employees have to be specifically assigned. 10 The success depends probably more on the good cooperation in the team than on the performance of brilliant lone fighters. 11 Discussions and meetings with all participants will be necessary. 12 The order should reasonably be intensively supervised by a manager. 13 The management should be assumed by somebody who is able to fully concentrate on this task. 14 The realization of the order will be a long-term affair. 15 The order has a large capacity. 16 The order also includes a relatively high financial risk. 17 The customer is not important for us; he / she himself / herself works project-oriented. 18 Company-politically seen, a lot depends on a successful order execution. 19 The competitors are already working with project management. 20 The managers and employees involved are largely open for new approaches. From idea to project Slide 3 Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

4 Starting Point: Development prospects: Strategic model of urban development development prospects of single departments Questions: In which sections could my public administration profit from internationalization / interregional cooperation? Where do links for cooperation with European partners exist? Where have we already developed internationalization activities? Basis for Project idea How do project ideas arise? Slide 4 Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

5 Is support given from the highest administrative level and, if necessary, set out in writing? Does the project order exist? (division, strategic objectives and intended effects) Do parallel running projects exist that are linked to the content of this project and have they been coordinated with each other? Is the project organization established? Is the participation of employees and clients planned? Have the employees / clients been informed of the plans? Are the worker representatives informed and involved? Has an appropriate modeling tool been chosen? Checklist preliminary phase project Slide 5 Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

6 Target structure in project management Result targets „The Objective“ What exactly are we trying to reach? content objectives market-oriented objectives social objectives functional objectives business objectives quality objectives strategic objectives Targets during the approach „The Way“ How do we want to do it? project phases scheduling objectives budget / costs personnel deployment priorities Slide 6 Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

7 Where do we want to head? What is our objective?How do we realize that we have reached our objectives?With whom, when, where do we want to experience that objective?What changes in our life and in the life of others, when we have reached the objective?What has prevented us so far from reaching our objectives?What do we need to approach our objectives? Slide 7 Clean-cut formulation of objectives Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

8 Specific Objectives have to be described easily and understandable, clearly, specifically and not generally MeasurableObjectives have to be measurable, name clear indicators AttainableObjectives have to be rated as attractive and desirable by the project team RelevantObjectives have to be factually reachable and significant Time-BoundObjectives have to be binding, appoint a specific date Slide 8 SMART - Method Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

9 Slide 9 SWOT - Analysis Strengths What is going well? What are our strengths? What are we proud of? What gives us energy? Where do we stand right now? Weaknesses What is difficult? Where are our traps / barriers?? Which disruptions hinder us? What is lacking? Opportunities What are our future opportunities? What can we expand? Which possibilities for improvement do we have? What can we use in our environment? What else are we capable of? What is still lying fallow? Threats Where in the future are the risks lurking? Which difficulties are we going to face? What are possible risks / critical factors? What do we have to expect? Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

10 Strengths - Where is a possible unique selling point? - How well is the public administration organized (personally, financially, creatively)? Opportunities - Development of public administration - Creation of incentives (jobs, quality of life) Weaknesses - Lack of expertise - Language barriers - Budgetary situation Threats - Loss of project partners - No attention in Call - Too few own resources Slide 10 SWOT - Analysis Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

11 ImplementationNegotiationEvaluation Proposal development Project idea Publication of Call Deadline Approval Project start Project end 0 3 9-12 12-15 36-39 Slide 11 Life span of en EU project Process of project management Conception / Goal setting

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