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Structured Data Capture (SDC) Community Meeting August 18, 2016.

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1 Structured Data Capture (SDC) Community Meeting August 18, 2016

2 Meeting Etiquette If you are not speaking, please keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold. »Some of your organizations have hold music, which may interrupt the meeting. If you need to take another call, please hang up and dial in again to join us when you are finished. This meeting is being recorded »Recordings and materials are made available on the SDC Wiki. Use the “Chat” feature for questions and comments. »Send comments to All Participants / All Panelists. 2 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute All Panelists

3 Reminder Join the SDC Initiative To join the Structured Data Capture (SDC) Initiative, go here: Joining the initiative ensures that you are included on initiative communications and announcements. You may join as an Interested Party or a Committed Member. (More information about these two options is on the Join page.) Thank you! Your commitment and participation are critical to our success. 3 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT

4 Agenda TopicTime Allotted Welcome Meeting Reminders & Announcements Event Reminders 15 minutes Standards Development & Harmonization (S&H) Pilots Work Group Updates IHE SDC Profile Updates FHIR SDC Profile Updates 45 minutes 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 4

5 Meeting Reminders SDC Community Meetings are Thursdays from 3:25 – 4:30 pm Eastern »Next meeting is August 25, 2016 »All Meeting Information and updates can be found on the wiki – 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 5 REMINDER Please check the wiki for the latest meeting schedule. REMINDER Please check the wiki for the latest meeting schedule.

6 Meeting Reminders SDC FHIR Coordination meetings are Wednesdays at 3:00 pm Eastern »Next meeting is August 24, 2016 »All Meeting Information and updates can be found on the wiki – SDC Pilots meetings are Wednesdays at 4:00 pm Eastern »Next meeting is August 24, 2016 »All Meeting Information and updates can be found on the wiki – 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 6

7 Save the Date What: Public Health Informatics Conference 2016 »Sponsored by National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) When: August 21 – 24, 2016 Where: Hyatt Regency Atlanta, GA Registration: Is open » xpires=yes&Site=phicon xpires=yes&Site=phicon For more information: 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 7

8 Save the Date What: Concordium 2016 - Data and Knowledge Transforming Health When: September 12 – 13, 2016 Where: Hilton Crystal City Registration: Is open » Description: Concordium showcases innovation and leading ideas; provides an opportunity to share emerging science and applications; and promote collaboration to improve health. Building on the success of Concordium 2015, this year’s conference will bring together individuals and organizations working with health data to integrate evidence, practice, and policy in the delivery system setting. 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 8

9 Save the Date What: 30 th Annual Plenary & Working Group Meeting When: September 17 – 23, 2016 Where: Baltimore, MD Registration: Is now open » FHIR Connectathon – September 17 – 18, 2016 For more information: 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 9

10 Structured Data Capture Pilots WG Updates

11 Encourage commenting / reviewing on the IHE SDC Profile »Comments period open until August 26, 2016 Continued updates / addressing any issues with current unit / system-to- system testing. Goal is to complete this level of testing by the end of July and begin interoperability testing in August. 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 11

12 Structured Data Capture IHE Profile IG Updates

13 IHE Profile Publication IHE SDC Profile is officially published for public comments »Download a copy of the ballot package »Full url: Timeline: Ballot is open from July 29, 2016 – Friday August 26, 2016 Submitting Comments »Use the spreadsheet in the ballot package to compile comments and submit the completed spreadsheet to the QRPH Comments mailing list: – »Both IHE Members and non-members are invited to submit comments. Ballot Contents »CP-QRPH-0162 – Change Proposal describing updates at a high level »IHE_QRPH_Suppl_SDC_Rev1.3 – Updated SDC Profile document (contains changes for ballot comment) »IHE_QRPH_Public_Comment_Form – Spreadsheet for submitting public comment 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 13

14 IHE SDC Profile Updates IHE Publication Timeline 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 14 Today IHE SDC Profile Publication Complete and Submit Profile to IHE (Jul 26) Publish for Comment (Jul 29) Comment Period Closes (Aug 26) Depose Comments & Update Profile Jan IHE NA Connectathon Participation (Jan 23 – 27) Update Profile Publish Updated Profile (Sept 30) Prepare for Connectathon Participation

15 Structured Data Capture FHIR Profile IG Updates

16 REMINDER: FHIR SDC Profile – Vote / Comment FHIR SDC Profile is published and comment period is OPEN »Deadline for all comments / voting is September 12 th Access the STU 3 Ballot » »Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the “Published by HL7, Affiliates and FHIR Foundation” link: 16 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT

17 Voting / Commenting on the FHIR STU 3 Ballot (cont’d) Scroll down to the Data Collection section and select the SDC or SDC-DE implementation guide to view and comment. 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 17

18 SDC FHIR Timeline 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 18 Jun 2016Jul 2016Aug 2016Sep 2016Oct 2016Nov 2016Dec 2016 STU Ballot Package Development Notification of Intent to Ballot (NIB) (July 3) QA Deadline (July 17) Final Content Deadline (Aug. 7) STU 3 Ballot (Aug. 12-Sept. 12) HL7 WG Meeting (Sept 18-23) Target Publication (before Jan. 2017) Milestones HL7 Today

19 Important Links SDC Wiki (main page) » IHE SDC Profile » FHIR SDC Profile Implementation Guides » SDC GitHub » 2016 ONC Annual Meeting: Committed to Better Health through IT 19

20 @ONC_HealthIT@HHSONC SDC Contact Information Initiative Coordinator: Ed Hammond ( Project Manager: Jenny Brush ( Standards Development Support: Perri Smith ( Technical and Harmonization Support: Vijay Shah (

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