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EU GridPMA meeting Dublin, January 2010

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1 EU GridPMA meeting Dublin, January 2010
Jens’ Soapbox EU GridPMA meeting Dublin, January 2010

2 Soapboxes Explain Expose Expatiate Explicate Expand Expedite
Expostulate Experiment Explore

3 This soapbox is about…Trust
Meaning Trustworthiness (more or less) What it is, properties Why we have it Building it W&F

4 Trust – WN definitions “Certainty based on past experience,” reliance
“The trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others” “Complete confidence in a person or plan, etc”

5 Consider WoTs Like Thawte’s WoT Or PGP Trust Model

6 Relations Relations properties from maths:
Reflexive: a~a Symmetric: a~b => b~a Transitive: a~b & b~c => a~c A relations may have any or all of these properties Exercise: prove or disprove S&T=>R

7 Reflexivity “I trust myself” … or do I? Why we have best practices
The unknowns The known unknowns And the unknown unknowns

8 Building Trust Timeo Hominem Unius Libri Based on reputation Ideas
Knowledge/skill (evidence of) Honesty/integrity (perceived, assumed) Contributions 2nd hand information (or 3rd etc)

9 Building Trust Basic F2F meeting – TrustBuilding
Doing what is expected Not necessarily what we expect… We may expect people to not do what is expected

10 Trust based on Knowledge
Knowledge pertaining to operation of CA Knowing what to do Normally Exceptional cases (devious flow) When something goes wrong

11 Improving Knowledge Normal operations Devious flow
Training for CA managers? Devious flow Documentation – CAOPS Or covered by CA’s policy Papal infallibility

12 Improving Knowledge Sharing between CA managers
Off the record When something goes wrong Gather unto the RAT for advice Assuming the combined RAT has the skills

13 Symmetry Some acts establish symmetric trust
E.g. PMA trustbuilding Some are asymmetric establishers PMA accreditation Some acts break symmetry E.g. violating minreq

14 Transitivity Alice trusts Bob Bob trusts Charlie
Charlie trusts Donna (etc) B C A D

15 Transitivity If numbers model the Level of Trust:
Any practical use of such models? (rhetorical question for now…) .8 .8 B C .8 A D

16 Numbers Of course they don’t… [0,1]
Fuzzy logic closer (not warm and fuzzy) Basic scientific principles: Subjective Emotional

17 Transitivity? PMA CA RP RA User

18 Transitivity? IGTF PMA CA RP RA User

19 Transitivity? IGTF PMA CA RP RA User Terena Inst.

20 Painting by Numbers Has been studied for PGP C A B D

21 Implementation Digital vs mechanical vs procedural
Cf revoking physical key in real world Electronic locks PKI implements Trust Or does it? It implements a projection

22 Implementation

23 Requiring vs Enforcing
Stalin: “Trust is good, control is better.” Me: “Just because you can’t – or don’t – enforce it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t require it.”

24 Requiring – Examples Cf. TERENA discussion Cf user passphrase length
Institution promises to behave NREN checks if something goes wrong Cf user passphrase length Traceability of robot certs (if applicable)

25 Requiring vs Enforcing
Require Requirements at time of agreement Follow up if something goes wrong Enforce Check and validate at time of agreement

26 Requiring vs Enforcing
Less W&F Impose higher sanctions Validator disclaims responsibility? Enforcing Warmer and fuzzier Fewer sanctions for misuse Validator has part of responsibility

27 The Time Dimension Continuity Depreciation
Staff change – handover process Disaster recovery Depreciation Re-establish trust

28 The Warm and Fuzzy Feeling
Traceability By DN Via CA (usually) Naming the subject “Fuzzy matching” Uniqueness of names

29 A Deo Rex, A Rege Lex PMA CA RA User

30 The Time Dimension PMA CA RA User Revise Implement Re-check Rekey

31 Compare WoTs We are more structured and hierarchical
Like CAs, really Can we learn from WoTs? Consequences of Type 1 Errors? Consequences of Type 2 Errors?

32 Basic Exercises How many reviewers does it take to review a CA
How does this depend on their experience Process developed as we go along

33 Basic Exercises Would you trust my digital identity more if I had two, from different RAs (CAs) Would you trust it more if verified by more than one RA? How does this depend on the experience/training of the RA?

34 More Useful Exercises What are the goals we aim to achieve
Cf some previous soapboxen Assurance Writing up into the document currently known as “essentials”

35 Advanced Case Studies? The need to revet (re-vet) identities
Which time problem does it deal with? How does it deal with it? Are we solving a problem we don’t have Or can be solved in a better way Not enough things on top of other things But too many carts before horses

36 Conclusion(s) Trust models operate with incomplete information
Implementations are (crude) approximations Academic models of some use

37 Conclusions(s) Potential benefits from more complex trust models
Instead of solving the problem, identify the problem Then (and only then) solve it

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