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Classification & Taxonomy of Living Things Bringing ORDER to the living world! HERE is an introduction into how we start defining the groups that all living.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification & Taxonomy of Living Things Bringing ORDER to the living world! HERE is an introduction into how we start defining the groups that all living."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification & Taxonomy of Living Things Bringing ORDER to the living world! HERE is an introduction into how we start defining the groups that all living things are grouped into.

2 Why do scientists classify things?  To organize things into categories. -Which makes things easier to study! ?

3 Classification  The process of grouping things based on their STRUCTURE and/or BEHAVIOR

4 Taxonomy the science of describing, naming, and classifying organisms Domain.............. Eukarya

5 How we start organizing …

6 Helpful way to remember the 8 levels  Domineering King Phillip came over from germany swimming  Dumb kids playing catch on freeways get squashed  Or…make up your own…  D K P C O F G S



9 Domain Eukarya

10 Early classification  Aristotle grouped everything into simple groups such as animals or plants  He then grouped animals according to if they had blood or didn’t have blood, and if they had live young or laid eggs, and so on…

11 Modern Taxonomy The Evidence used to classify into taxon groups  1) Embryology  2) Chromosomes / DNA  3) Biochemistry  4) Physiology  5) Evolution  6) Behavior

12 Binomial Nomenclature  Developed by Carolus Linnaeus  Swedish Biologist 1700’s  Two-name system  Genus and species named using Latin or Greek words

13 Rules used to write scientific names Homo sapiens  An organism’s genus is always written first; the organism’s species is always written second  The genus is Capitalized; the species is written in lower case  Scientific names of organisms are always italicized or underlined

14 Using the Classification System Field guides help identify organisms. -they highlight differences between similar organisms (like trees) Taxonomic Key (Dichotomous Key) -paired statements that describe the physical characteristics of different organisms

15 Classification Tools Dichotomous Key  Grouping organisms according to characteristics, using 2 choices at a time.

16 Taxonomic Key  1a Fruits occur singly.................................................. Go to 3  1b Fruits occur in clusters of two or more................ Go to 2  2a Fruits are round...................................................... Grapes  2b Fruits are elongate................................................. Bananas  3a Thick skin that separates easily from flesh..........Oranges  3b Thin skin that adheres to flesh.............................. Go to 4  4a More than one seed per fruit................................. Apples  4b One seed per fruit.................................................... Go to 5  5a Skin covered with fuzz............................................ Peaches  5b Skin smooth, without fuzz...................................... Plums What steps would you use to identify an apple?

17 Key to Class Plants (section 3)  1aLeaves are long and skinny ………………. Go to 2  1bLeaves are fat and short(ish) …………….. Go to 4  2aLeaves are light green, maybe white stripes. Go to 3  2bLeaves are dark green, maybe red stripes.. Draceana marginata  3a(later)  3b(later)  4aLeaves are green, with white in the middle.. Philodendron  4bLeaves are green, fuzzy, may have flowers … Violet

18 Key to House Plants  1aLeaves are long and slender ………………. Go to 2  1bLeaves are rounded or oval ………………. Go to 4  2aLeaves are light green, white or no stripes... Go to 3  2bLeaves are dark, with red stripes …. Draceana marginata  3a(later)  3b (later)  4aLeaves are green and fuzzy, has a purple flower …………. Violet  4bLeaves are green, turn white, are 6-8 inches long …… Philodendron

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