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FOR TRAINING USE ONLY 1 Be a Leader…All the Time CAO: 15 Oct 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "FOR TRAINING USE ONLY 1 Be a Leader…All the Time CAO: 15 Oct 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY 1 Be a Leader…All the Time CAO: 15 Oct 2013

2 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY ___ Company LD B: Commander’s Call On Feedback & Peer Evals 2

3 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Expectations 3 You will: Keep academics #1Keep academics #1 Support the Company & CorpsSupport the Company & Corps –Maintain EVERY standard –Grasp opportunities –Be mutually supportive Command team will: Provide positive environmentProvide positive environment Set clear expectationsSet clear expectations Support youSupport you EDIT FOR COMPANY Review the Command Team Expectations

4 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY RC Priorities Academics, Number 1 Be Ready, Be On Time, From Alpha to Victor We Are One Corps Make the Right Call 4 Responsibilities To yourself To each other To the Corps EDIT FOR COMPANY Review RC Goals & Responsibilities

5 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Company goals Achieve Co average 3.0 TGPA Earn top 25% in parade rankings (in top 5) Earn top 25% in PFT with 100% Co participation (in top 5) –1C avg > 2C avg > 3C avg > 4C avg Achieve 100% participation for Leadership Day Hit a homerun in the following: –1 Nov: Homecoming –16 Nov: Commandant’s Inspection 5 Be a Leader…All the Time EDIT FOR COMPANY Review Command Goals & Responsibilities


7 Why Feedback 7 “Most of us think we know how to give feedback. Positive comments are better — and more useful — than negative ones. And if you do have to point out something wrong, start with a compliment, move on to the problem, then end on a high note… [AKA THE SANDWICH] 1 NY Times, 5 Apr 2013, by Alina Tugend

8 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Why Feedback 8 It turns out that it’s not that simple. Those who have studied the issue have found that negative feedback isn’t always bad and positive feedback isn’t always good. Too often, they say, we forget the purpose of feedback — it’s not to make people feel better, it’s to help them do better.” 1 1 NY Times, 5 Apr 2013, by Alina Tugend

9 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY NOT YET BLUF Peer evaluation is opportunity To make us better To improve our leadership If done in mature manner, to influence chain of command selections Feedback & ranking is obligation and deserves our concerted, deliberate, and reflective effort 9

10 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY ROE Peer eval report is confidential, NOT disseminated to any cadets Peer eval report is NOT part of rank boards Individual focus & for semester counseling sessions only 10

11 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Today’s Purpose Cage company on purpose of feedback Introduce computer-based peer evaluation system Discuss ROE, techniques, and criteria for assessment process 11

12 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY What Does “It” Give Us? (1) 12 Rank: 1 to XX, including yourself (required) Strengths & Improves: One-to-three words (optional)

13 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY What Does “It” Give Us? (2) 13 Most Improved Most Influential Not Best Effort (required)

14 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY What Does “It” Give Us? (3) 14 NOTIONAL DATA ONLY ______ Ranking Matrix Personal Matrix Comments Matrix

15 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY So…Why Feedback 15

16 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY So…Why Feedback To learn individual strengths and weaknesses To measure – honestly – against peers ----------------------------------------------------------------- To appreciate strengths & develop weak areas To become more capable as leaders -------------------------------------------------- To clarify & set expectations ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gain experience in rating others 16 CURRENT STATE GAMEPLAN & COACHING PRACTICALEXPERIENCE

17 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Avoid (1) Rating someone “outstanding” when they are not Halo/Horns Effect Drawing too much from limited observation 17 Don’t do a disservice to your peers

18 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Avoid (2) Giving too much consideration to academics, merits/demerits, PT -Part of “whole person” excellence only 18 Don’t do a disservice to your peers

19 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Do & Practical Tips (1) Select criteria before you start process Have criteria in front of you 19

20 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Do & Practical Tips (1) Select criteria before you start process Have criteria in front of you 20 4C: PREPARE Core Values Standards Followership Teamwork Basic military skills Knowledge 3C: SERVE* 4C plus Example Credibility Judgment Accountability Purposeful 1-on-1 Professional 1-on-1 Positive 1-on-1 * 3C trains & supervises only under direct supervision of junior or senior cadet leaders 2C: LEAD 3C plus Small unit leadership Account for Organize Communicate Supervise/train Inspect Assess Develo p 1C: COMMAND 2C plus Organizational leadership Set direction Align team & effort Gain commitment Create positive climate

21 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Do & Practical Tips (2) Consider every one Put a complete list in front of you 21

22 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Do & Practical Tips (2) Consider every one Put a complete list in front of you 22

23 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Do & Practical Tips (3) Use rule of “thirds” – top, middle, bottom Use scratch sheet of paper 23

24 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Do & Practical Tips (3) 24 Use rule of “thirds” – top, middle, bottom Use scratch sheet of paper NOTIONAL DATA ONLY

25 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Do & Practical Tips (4) 25 Re-assess at the cut lines Mark up scratch sheet of paper

26 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Do & Practical Tips (4) 26 Re-assess at the cut lines Mark up scratch sheet of paper NOTIONAL DATA ONLY ITERATIVE PROCESS

27 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Do & Practical Tips (5) At min, put weight of effort on bottom third Provide strengths & improves for each 27 ITEMS TO CONSIDER FOR STRENGTHS & AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT Leadership Followership Teamwork Level of Effort Commitment Positive Assertive Role model Presence Respected/Respectful Confident Selfless Prepared Military bearing Creative Judgment Keeps to Self No initiative Poor standards Does not participate Not team player Weak communicator

28 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Things To Do & Practical Tips (6) Answer three questions constructively Most improved because… Most influential because… Lacks best effort … and recommend… 28

29 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Mindset Attitude Goal is development It’s our obligation to each other Trust – in each other & the system Concerted & mutual commitment Opportunity – in future – to contribute to rank board decisions 29 “Leadership is about helping other people” -- C/COL Collin Hicks, Regimental Commander ‘14

30 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY How To Guide 30 Open Lesesne Gateway Select “Cadet Services” tab Under “Commandant Information System” section, select “Peer Evaluation”*** Rank order 1- XX Answer three questions, minimum ***For CDRs/1SGs: Complete peer evaluations for peer class and all lower classes SUSPENSE: XX Nov 2013

31 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Discussion 31 Be a Leader…All the Time


33 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Top 10 Rules for Feedback 33

34 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #10 Most important rule for feedback… 34

35 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #10 Most important rule for feedback… There is NO feedback… If there is NO communication 35

36 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #9 Most important rule for feedback… On the good- bad scale… this is NOT GOOD! 36

37 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #9 Most important rule for feedback… On the good- bad scale… this is NOT GOOD! It’s all about expectations… 37

38 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #8 Most important rule for feedback… 38

39 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #8 Most important rule for feedback… Feedback is hard… Twice as hard to do as to receive… But miracles happen… 39 He must have slept at a Holiday Inn Express…

40 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #7 Most important rule for feedback… 40

41 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #7 Most important rule for feedback… We develop leaders by discussing the better angels… & the little devils… 41

42 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #6 Most important rule for feedback… 42

43 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #6 Most important rule for feedback… "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” –T.R. Be a coach…not a critic… 43

44 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #5 Most important rule for feedback… 44

45 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #5 Most important rule for feedback… Be genuine… Not two-faced 45

46 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #4 Most important rule for feedback… 46

47 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #4 Most important rule for feedback… Have ‘Big Ears’… You’re well trained… 47

48 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #3 Most important rule for feedback… 48

49 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #3 Most important rule for feedback… 49 You gotta see it… Remember…MBWA

50 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #2 Most important rule for feedback… 50

51 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #2 Most important rule for feedback… Commandant told me to do it… And well… Just look at him… He means business… 51

52 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #1 Most important rule for feedback… Drum roll, please… 52

53 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY #1 Most important rule for feedback… Give feedback…all the time… It’s Your J.O.B. as a leader 53

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