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GRADUATION CLASS of 2017 Student and Parent Meeting September 21, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "GRADUATION CLASS of 2017 Student and Parent Meeting September 21, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRADUATION CLASS of 2017 Student and Parent Meeting September 21, 2016

2  Grad Gear  Grad Executive  Academic Information  Fundraising  Parent Volunteers  Prom/Banquet and Dry Grad Venues  Student Survey AGENDA


4  Hoodie (pullover/zippered) - w/ embroidery $65.00  Hoodie (pullover/zippered) - w/o embroidery $60.00  Sweatpants - $45.00  Toques - $15.00  Baseball Shirt - $25.00  T-Shirt - $ 20.00 Orders DUE September 23 rd PLEASE PAY MS. LARDER in the OFFICE Mrs. Anderson has the order forms and sizes that you can try on.

5  Nomination forms were due Sep 16th!  All Gr 12s, please provide Mr. K with an EMAIL ADDRESS, parents too if so desired  Voting via Google Vote will be open Sep 22-23  5 members will be elected  Meet Mondays at lunch hour  plan the fundraising events, grad weekend, dry grad activity, … Grad Executive

6  Post - Secondary Institutions  Applications–many are already accepting applications  Placement tests  Interim marks  Scholarships  Listen for announcement of the application packages; could be as soon as December 2016  DUE March, 2017, before spring break  Counselors:  Mrs. E. Wilkins  Ms. L. Marvell Academic Information

7  Please ensure that you have all the credits required to graduate.  You must have the following;  English 12, 11, & 10 and 3 other grade 12 courses  Social Studies 11 & 10  Math 11 & 10  Science 11 & 10  Planning 10  PE 10  1 Applied Skills or Fine Arts (Foods, Art, Shop, etc)  Total of 80 credits from grades 10, 11, & 12 Academic Probation

8 WEX / SSA / ACE It / Dual Credit 78careersandtransitions/home UFV/TRU/Coding/HMR/NOT info session Oct 11 th 7-9 pm

9 Getting Prepared. Info session in commons room Nov 30 th lunch time The Graduation Portfolio

10 Why?  Since September 1 st, 2007, it has been a requirement for all BC secondary school students.  Graduation Transitions is intended to prepare students for a successful transition to life after secondary school. In order to meet this goal, Graduation Transitions encourages students to:  take ownership of their own health and learning  examine and demonstrate connections between their learning and their future  A plan for their growth and development as skilled, healthy, knowledgeable, participating citizens.

11 What evidence are they looking for? Personal Health  Daily physical activity and a commitment to fitness and physical and emotional well-being are key to healthy living. In this component of Graduation Transitions, students develop the knowledge, attitudes, and habits needed to be healthy individuals by maintaining a personal health plan and participating in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity. Community Connections  Life after graduation includes the world of work and community responsibilities. As part of Graduation Transitions, students gain employability skills through participation in at least 30 hours of work experience and/or community service and another 5 hours of volunteer experience (school or community based). Career and Life  Graduation Transitions requires students to explore personal and career goals during their secondary school years and create a plan for life after graduation. Transition planning is an ongoing process throughout the graduation program years and requires the completion of a transition plan, culminating in a final Grade 12 presentation in the form of an interview.

12 What do I receive for the completion?  Upon successful attainment of the Prescribed Learning Outcomes, a “Requirement Met (RM)” mark will be assigned, and students will earn four (4) credits toward graduation.

13 Where should I start?  Be sure you are saving assignments or projects you are proud of.  Create a resume! Get help through a workshop or a template.  Begin thinking about who you would ask to be a reference for you – ask now.  Look for volunteer opportunities.

14 Hope Secondary Web Site

15  Hallway Supervisor - all year  Cafeteria – all year  Poinsettia Sales – November 1st  Info package available  Cash Raffle – February/March  Dessert Theatre  Bottle Drives  Dec 3 rd, Jan 7 th, Feb 18 th Fundraising Opportunities

16 Grad Costs $100 $500 Very involved in fund raising Not involved in fund raising

17 Grad Fees Deposit

18  Parent volunteers are needed to make events successful  Fundraising Committee – parents?  ARE YOU INTERESTED?  Any other ideas???  Your help is much appreciated!! Parent Volunteers

19 Venue for Prom and Banquet  Harrison Hot Springs Resort - Copper Room

20  Harrison Hot Springs Resort Exhibition Centre  Hope Curling Rink  Hope Recreation Centre & Arena  Playland  Granville Island  Rafting  Dinner Cruise Some of the Options for Dry Grad

21  Google Survey  Provide an email address to Mr. K  Grad Exec voting  Dry grad activity – on the grad weekend or at the end of June?  Colour of caps and gowns  Voting for Grad Exec  etc Student Survey/Vote

22 Grad Photos December 5, 6, 7 th, 2016 January 19 th, 2017 Friendship Photos December 8, 9 th 2016

23 Any questions? Please stack your chairs at the end of this meeting


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