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September 2016 TIC Tourist Arrivals Statistics: September 2016.

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1 September 2016 TIC Tourist Arrivals Statistics: September 2016

2 September 2016 TIC International Visitor Arrivals (total) CountryNumber Ukraine3432 Poland1521 Turkey435 Germany375 Belarus344 The USA162 Great Britain127 Czech Republic101 Other countries868 Total7365

3 September 2016 Other countries, 12% (less than 100 people, total 868) CountryNumberCountryNumberCountry Number Country Number Lithuania76Belgium21Serbia5Greece1 The Netherlands 76Sweden18Kyrgyzstan4Guatemala1 Japan63Romania16Argentina4Egypt1 Canada60Switzerland14Portugal4Colombia1 Spain50Аustralia13Chili4Nigeria1 France47Norway13Mexico3South Africa1 China44Brazil10Croatia3Singapore1 Israel43Moldova8The UAE2Uzbekistan1 Аustria35Denmark7Slovenia2Armenia1 Latvia33Ireland7Montenegro2Malta1 Іtaly32Georgia7Estonia2Ghana1 Hungary26Іndia7Іraq2New Zealand1 Russia26South Korea6Kazakhstan2 The Philippines 1 Slovakia23Finland5Zambia2 Azerbaijan22Bulgaria5Honduras1 Total 868

4 September 2016 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (total) City / Region Number Кyiv801 Lviv499 Kharkiv288 Оdesa225 Dnipro160 Lviv region131 Zaporizhzhya110 Other cities1218 Total 3432

5 September 2016 Other cities, 35% (less than 100 people, total 1218) City / RegionNumberCity / RegionNumberCity / RegionNumber Тernopil96Khmelnytskyi30Kirovohrad region10 Dnipropetrovsk region93Chernihiv27Kherson region10 Kyiv region77Chernivtsi25Vinnytsya region10 Poltava72Zhytomyr23Volyn region9 Cherkasy64Zakarpattya region22Luhansk region9 Mykolaiv60Chernihiv region21Donetsk7 Donetsk region56Lutsk18Zhytomyr region7 Vinnytsya54Sumy region16Luhansk7 Ivano-Frankivsk53Crimea15Kharkiv region7 Kropyvnytskyi45Mykolaiv region15Odesa region5 Kherson45Khmelnytskyi region15Chernivtsi region4 Poltava region39Ivano-Frankivsk region13Sevastopol1 Sumy37Cherkasy region12Simferopol1 Rivne35Uzhhorod12 Zaporizhzhya region30Rivne region11 Total 1218

6 September 2016 Subject of requests Subject Numbe r Map3654 Information about the city/ region 2724 Transport connections1672 Self-guided tours1580 Events in the city1231 Printed materials761 Information on the Railway station 695 Museums519 Food establishments359 Excursions332 Accommodation107 Information on the Airport67 Total13701

7 September 2016 TIC in the Old City (1 Rynok Square)

8 September 2016 TIC International Visitor Arrivals (Old Town) Country Number Ukraine2586 Poland 1274 Germany 315 Belarus 265 Turkey 239 The USA 105 Great Britain 90 Czech Republic 89 Other countries 657 Total5620

9 September 2016 Other countries, 12% (less than 89 people, total 657) Country Number Country Number Country Number Country Number Lithuania 70Belgium19Denmark 4 Montenegro 2 The Netherlands 65 Russia 17Ireland4Honduras1 Canada42Azerbaijan 15 Kyrgyzstan4 Greece 1 France42Switzerland 12 Argentina3 Guatemala 1 Japan38Romania 11 Georgia3 Estonia 1 Spain33Sweden 11 Mexico3 Egypt 1 Israel32Australia 9 Portugal3 Іraq 1 China30Moldova 8 Serbia3 Kazakhstan 1 Italy26Norway 8 Chili3 Colombia 1 Hungary26Brazil 7 India2 Nigeria 1 Latvia25South Korea 5 The UAE2 South Africa 1 Austria23Finland 5 Slovenia2 Singapore 1 Slovakia22Bulgaria 4 Croatia2Uzbekistan1 Total657

10 September 2016 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets, September 2016/2015 Country 2016 2015 Increase, % Ukraine25862815 -8,1 Poland 1274544 134,2 Germany 315237 32,9 Belarus 265106 150,0 Turkey 23991 162,6 The USA 10564 64,1 Great Britain 9069 30,4 Czech Republic 8930 196,7 Total 20162015Increase, % 5620437428,5

11 September 2016 TIC National Visitor Arrivals City/ RegionNumber Kyiv625 Lviv406 Kharkiv200 Оdesa190 Dnipro125 Dnipropetrovsk region 82 Poltava 72 Zaporizhzhya67 Other cities819 Total2586

12 September 2016 Other cities, 32% (less than 67 people, total 819) City/ RegionNumberCity/ RegionNumberCity/ RegionNumberCity/ RegionNumber Kyiv region56Chernihiv26 Khmelnytskyi region 13 Kharkiv region 7 Cherkasy55Zhutomyr23 Chernivtsi 11 Uzhhorod 6 Donetsk region54Ivano-Frankivsk23 Zakarpattya region 10 Luhansk region 5 Mykolaiv48Khmelnytskyi22 Kirovihrad region 10 Rivne region 5 Vinnytsya47Rivne19 Kherson region 10 Ivano-Frankivsk region 4 Ternopil43Chernihiv region19 Cherkasy region 10 Odesa region 4 Kropyvnytskyi41Lviv region16 Vinnytsya region 9 Chernivtsi region 4 Poltava region 37Crimea15 Volyn region 9 Sevastopol 1 Sumy34Lutsk15 Donetsk 7 Kherson29 Mykolaiv region 15 Zhytomyr region 7 Zaporizhzhya28 Sumy region 15 Luhansk 7 Total819

13 September 2016 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets of Ukraine, September 2016/2015 City/ Region 20162015 Increase, % Kyiv 625775 -19,4 Lviv 406201 102,0 Kharkiv 200220 -9,1 Оdesa 190263 -27,8 Dnipro 125205 -39,0 Dnipropetrovsk region 8291 -9,9 Poltava 7278 -7,7 Zaporizhzhya 6772 -6,9 Total: 20162015Increase, % 25862815 -8,1

14 September 2016 Subject of requests (Old Town) Subject Numbe r Map2937 Information about the city/ region 2063 Self-guided tours1459 Events in the city1022 Printed materials663 Transport connections600 Мuseums495 Food establishments342 Еxcursions258 Accommodation51 Total9890

15 September 2016 TIC at the Railway station (1 Dvirtseva Square)

16 September 2016 TIC International Visitor Arrivals (Railway Station) Country Number Ukraine752 Poland216 Тurkey92 Belarus68 The USA39 Germany32 Great Britain31 Other countries159 Total1389

17 September 2016 Other countries, 11% (less than 21 people, total 159) Country Number Country Number Country Number Japan20Italy4Bulgaria1 Spain15Norway4Ghana1 China12Romania4Estonia1 Czech Republic11France4Kazakhstan1 The Netherlands11Azerbaijan3South Korea1 Austria8Brazil3New Zealand1 Latvia8Ireland3The Philippines1 Russia8Lithuania3Croatia1 Israel7Denmark2Chili1 India5Zambia2Switzerland1 Canada5Serbia2 Georgia4Australia1 Total159

18 September 2016 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets, September 2016/2015 Country 20162015Increase, % Ukraine752 57431,0 Poland216 14746,9 Turkey92 35162,9 Belarus68 5523,6 The USA39 2462,5 Germany32 - Great Britain31 12158,3 Total: 20162015Increase,% 138999539,6

19 September 2016 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (Railway station) City/ Region Number Кyiv165 Lviv region110 Kharkiv88 Ternopil53 Zaporizhzhya38 Dnipro35 Оdesa34 Other cities 229 Total752

20 September 2016 Other cities, 30% (less than 28 people, total 229) City/ Region Number City/ Region Number City/ Region Number Lviv27Cherkasy9Zaporizhzhya region2 Ivano-Frankivsk26Khmelnytskyi8Poltava region2 Kyiv region21Vinnytsya7Khmelnytskyi region2 Rivne16Rivne region6Cherkasy region2 Kherson16Uzhhorod6Chernihiv region2 Zakarpattya region12Kropyvnytskyi4Vinnytsya region1 Mykolaiv12Luhansk region4Odesa region1 Chernivtsi12Lutsk3Simferopol1 Dnipropetrovsk region11Sumy3Sumy region1 Ivano-Frankivsk region9Donetsk region2Chernihiv1 Total 229

21 September 2016 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets of Ukraine, September 2016/2015 Total: 20162015Increase, % 75257431,0 City/ Region 20162015Increase, % Кyiv165 75120,0 Lviv region110 16587,5 Kharkiv88 5366,0 Ternopil53 3743,2 Zaporizhzhya38 358,6 Dnipro35 49-28,6 Odesa34 35-2,9

22 September 2016 Subject of requests (Railway Station) Subject Numbe r Transport connections977 Information on the Railway station 695 Information about the city/ region 579 Map550 Events in the city201 Self-guided tours99 Excursions74 Printed materials66 Accommodation48 Museums24 Food establishments16 Total3329

23 September 2016 Subject request comparison, September 2016/2015 Subject of requests 20162015 Increase, % Transport connections977649 50,5 Information on the Railway station 695212 227,8 Information about the city/ region 579546 6,0 Map550566 -2,8 Events in the city20154 272,2 Self-guided tours99170 -41,8 Excursions74135 -45,2 Printed materials66132 -50,0 Accommodation4819 152,6 Museums2417 41,2 Food establishments16 - Total 3329251632,3

24 September 2016 TIC at the Airport (168 Liubinska Street)

25 September 2016 TIC International Visitor Arrivals (Airport) CountryNumber Тurkey104 Ukraine94 Poland31 Germany28 Other countries99 Total356

26 September 2016 Other countries, 28 % (less than 20 people, total 99) CountryNumberCountry Number The USA18China2 Canada13Argentina1 Belarus11Armenia1 Sweden7Denmark1 Great Britain6Iraq1 Japan5Malta1 Аustralia4Norway1 Azerbaijan4Portugal1 Israel4Russia1 Australia3Romania1 Lithuania3Slovakia1 Belgium2France1 Spain2Czech Republic1 Italy2Switzerland1 Total99

27 September 2016 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets, September 2016/2015 Total: 20162015Increase,% 356546-34,8 Country 20162015Increase, % Тurkey10474 40,5 Ukraine94261 -64,0 Poland3141 -24,4 Germany2843 -34,9

28 September 2016 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (Airport) City/ RegionNumber Lviv66 Kyiv11 Other cities17 Total94

29 September 2016 Other cities, 18% (less than 10 people, total 17) City/ RegionNumber Zaporizhzhya5 Lviv region5 Ivano-Frankivsk4 Chernivtsi2 Odesa1 Total1717

30 September 2016 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets of Ukraine, September 2015/2016 City/ Region 20162015Increase,% Lviv66198 -66,7 Кyiv1113 -15,4 Total: 20162015Increase, % 94261 -64,0

31 September 2016 Subject of requests (Airport) SubjectNumber Map167 Transport connections95 Information about the city/ region 82 Information on the Airport67 Printed materials32 Self-guided tours22 Accommodation8 Events in the city8 Food establishments1 Museums- Еxcursions- Total 482

32 September 2016 Subject request comparison, September 2016/2015 Subject of requests 20162015 Increas e,% Map 167256 -34,8 Transport connections 95179 -46,9 Information about the city / region 82238 -65,5 Information on the Airport 67168 -60,1 Printed materials 32161 -80,1 Self-guided tours 2242 -47,6 Accommodation 814 -42,9 Events in the city 8158 -94,9 Food establishments 117 -94,1 Museums -22 - Excursions -- - Total 4821255 -61,6

33 September 2016 Contact us: Tourist Information Centers: TIC in the Old City (1 Rynok Square) Tel./fax: +38 032 254 60 79 E-mail: TIC at the Airport (168 Liubinska Street) Tel.: +38 067 67 39 194 E-mail: TIC at the Railway station (1 Dvirtseva Square) Tel.: +38 032 226 20 05 E-mail:

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