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P10452 Dresser Rand Compressor Installation and Utilization Joe Bykowicz (ME) Dresser Rand Model.

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Presentation on theme: "P10452 Dresser Rand Compressor Installation and Utilization Joe Bykowicz (ME) Dresser Rand Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 P10452 Dresser Rand Compressor Installation and Utilization Joe Bykowicz (ME) Dresser Rand Model

2 Concept Level Project Plan Project Name -Dresser Rand Compressor Installation and Utilization Project Number -P10452 Project Family -Sustainable Technologies for the Global Marketplace Track - Sustainable Products, Systems, and Technologies Faculty Guide -Dr. Bailey Technical Consultant -Gerry Garavuso Primary Customers -RIT Mechanical Engineering Department -Dresser Rand

3 Planning Mission Statement – The aim of this project is to develop one or more ME labs from concept to finished lab while organizing the installation of the compressor and providing a platform for future SD teams to develop Health Monitoring Technology. Project Relevance – This project is a direct continuation of the current SD team’s progress. RIT students and professors will see the greatest benefit in terms of the new labs that will be implemented to the Thermal Fluids and possibly vibrations classes. The following year’s SD team will build off the work done by the 10452 team for their project. Intellectual Property Considerations – Manuals, some part drawings and other documentation may be proprietary and only essential people should be granted access to that information

4 Affinity Diagramming Safety CoolingAccessibleReliableSafeMaintenanceUseful Ease of use Data False FailTemperaturePressureLab Data Health Monitoring Accurate Variable Valve Timing Working Environment NoiseHeatTemperatureVibrationLoudness

5 Function Tree In order for the project to be of value of the stakeholders it must Be safe and useful to students Provide Lab/Educational experience Not affect college environment VibrationNoise Health Monitoring (DR) Labs OperationAccessibility

6 Objective Tree The project is wanted because it will allow for further educational development and provide a starting point for future SD teams EducationalSenior Design Thermal Fluids Labs Vibrations Labs Health Monitoring Systems (DR) RIT Student Research Projects

7 Risk Assessment Description of riskPossible ConsequencesProbability of RiskSeverity of RiskOverall RiskContingency Plan Compressor or other necessary equipment arrives late Project is delayed and the bulk of the testing and troubleshooting is pushed backHHH Do as much work as possible without equipment, schedule for extra time to be spent at conclusion of SD terms Compressor or other necessary equipment is damaged or destroyed Project is delayed and time must be spent addressing this problem instead of accomplishing project objectivesLLL If possible re-order part, attempt to fix Someone is injured during installation or someone in the SD team is injured while working on the project Person misses work, legal issuesLLL Identify root cause, address who is responsible Someone is injured during a lab experiment created by the team Student misses work, legal issues, no longer offer the labLHM Identify root cause, if by student negligence then not caused by a design flaw, if caused by design flaw redesign or discontinue lab

8 House of Quality Injuries/yr0 operation time++0 ergonomics++0 dB+0 in/s+++0 pressure++0 capacity++-0 Preferreddwn- up Engineering Metrics Injuries/yroperation timeergonomicsdBin/spressureflow Customer Requirements Operational Safety9399 Accessability93133 Labs9939999 Noise33931 Vibration333911 Raw Score33121333 1110 Weight22.8%8.3%9.0%22.8% 7.6%6.9% Technical Targets0 ~2hr,10min startup No visible or reported strain<85dB0.10-100psi~35cfm

9 Interface Specifications and Completive Benchmarking Interface Specifications – DAQ System and Sensors – Sensors and Compressor – Electrical System and Motor – Ventilation/Cooling Water and Compressor Competitive Benchmarking – Highly Developed Products – Screw Compressors – Centrifugal Compressors – PROGNOST Compressor Monitoring Systems

10 Staffing Staffing Requirements -Computer Engineer/Electrical Engineer (1) – Data Acquisition set-up, design and troubleshooting. - Industrial Engineer (1) – Perform Ergonomics analysis, room layout considerations, and safety analysis - Mechanical Engineers (3) – Thermal, flow, and structural analysis, development of labs, verification of installation, installation of sensors.

11 Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure Week1Week 2Week 3 ME1 Go over 09452 documentation regarding structural considerations, begin developing schedule for install Report on findings about the structural/installation consideration and discuss items that need to be addressed with team Address team's concerns raised during previous week, make certain room is ready for compressor install ME2 Go over 09452 documentation regarding compressor process Report on findings about how the compressor operates and discuss Work with CE regarding installation procedure of sensors and IE regarding needs brought up by schedule ME3 Go over 09452 documentation regarding current ideas for labs Contact Lab Instructors for their view on the direction of the labs Report on what was discussed and current ideas for labs to implement and items necessary to accomplish the labs IE1 Go over 09452 documentation and initiate contact with Dresser Rand and other involved parties. Develop schedule for installation of compressor and contact necessary contractors Investigate what types of ergonomic testing will need to be done EE or CE Review and understand current DAQ selection Review with team installation of sensors and develop plan for implementing once compressor is installed Work with ME2 regarding installation procedure of sensors and identify any long lead time parts relative to the DAQ system

12 Allocating Resources & Initial Project Budget Faculty ItemSourceDescriptionAvailable 1Dr. BaileyKGCOE Professorunknown 2TBDFaculty GuideTBD 3Gerry Garavuso Technical ConsultantYes Environment ItemSourceDescriptionAvailable 1 Senior Design LabWork SpaceYes 2Test Cell Compressor Installation Space Yes Equipment ItemSourceDescriptionAvailable Compressor Dresser Rand Donation Reciprocating CompressorDate TBD DAQ System/SensorsPurchaseData SystemYes ToolsME Shop/Purchase Maintenance and Lab related toolsYes Labview/Drafting softwareME Dept. Software necessary to projectYes Note yearly budget is $8,000/yr but previous teams did not spend much of their budgets.

13 Preliminary Schedule / Future plans Final Senior Design Review Wednesday 5/13 12-2pm Update EDGE Website Marketing Video

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