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Definition. It “is an organization Compromising the ability of readiness, correctness and understanding of complicated and abstract things; exhibits necessary.

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Presentation on theme: "Definition. It “is an organization Compromising the ability of readiness, correctness and understanding of complicated and abstract things; exhibits necessary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definition. It “is an organization Compromising the ability of readiness, correctness and understanding of complicated and abstract things; exhibits necessary mental control and action in solving Problems.” - Sp chaube, 1983

2 Conti………  “The global Capacity of individual to act Purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment.

3 “Intelligence is a capacity of excellence individual and to deal effectively with his environment.” - Terman

4 Type of intelligence. Mechanical Skill to manipulate tool, gadgets, managing work of machinery

5 Social intelligence Understand people, act wisely in human relationship

6 Abstract intelligence Ability to handle words, numbers, formula, scientific principal, able to discover relation among symbol to solve problems

7 Test of intelligence Based on number Individualgroup Based on form Verbalnonverbal

8 Intelligence tests based on scientist. 1. Wechsler test. 2. Stanford Binet test. 3. Ravens Progressive Matrix. 4. Vineland social Maturity Scale.

9  1. Wechsler test. WAIS- used for age group between 16 to 75. WLSC used for age group between 5 to 16 year. Each test consist of verbal scale and performance scale. He assist intelligence through verbal scale consist of word concepts and number. It consist of six subtest…

10 Individual verbal test 1. general information: ask general knowledge and assess the individual information status on particular object. 2. comprehension It deals with more Abstract question e.g nature of necessity of low. 3. Arithmetic Reasoning: It deals with problem solving method and measure by scoring. E.g 986-8

11 4. Test of Digit Span: The subject is required to repeat for backward series of numbers e.g 6, 4, 3, 9 increasing member by backward or forward. 5. Test of Distinction between similarity: The subject is asked to identify Paris similar. 6. Test of vocabulary: The meaning of word has to be given.

12 Performance intelligence test. 1. picture arrangement: The subject is given mixed up sets of pictures to that tell sensible strong. 2. Picture Completion test: The subject should find out the missing picture. 3. Objective assembly: Subject assemble the object to the complete one. many small blocks given to they will arrange complete object.

13 4. Block Design. It is colored blocks to produced picture according to given pattern. 5. Digit Symbol: It is a arithmetic Procedure to find out the Answer of digit valve here provide correction in right side box.

14 2. Stanford Binet test This test can useful for measurement of general intelligence test. It can useful for 2 to 45 yr adult. It is very effective only to 16 and for adult this test result is not satisfactory. Verbal test : Reporting digit, defining the word, answering questions, stating similarity and differences, naming the objects.

15 Performance test: Drawing circle, building wooden box, folding paper in certain way and pictures. This test is also known as a (IQ) test


17 Vineland social Maturity Scale Devised by Doll and its Associates. It is assess ones Maturity in particular Situation. Uses: To assess individual social behavior skills and relationship. To assess social maturity behavior. It is applicable in medical field.

18 Indian child intelligence test This is an Indian adaptation of the revised Amsterdam kinder intelligence test, developed by Jnana prabodhini’s institute of psychology, pune. It has nine subareas some of which are verbal, nonverbal, partially verbal, some are performance orientated. it can be used for children for age group 4 to 12 year.

19 Personality test

20 History  The origin of personality testing date back to the 18 th and 19 th century, when personality was assessed through Phrenology, the measurement of human skull and physiognomy, which assessed personality base on a person’s outer Appearance. The first personality test developed in 1920 and were to ease process of Personal Selection, Particularly in the armed Forces.

21 Introduction  The Personality word Derived from persona or mask.  A Personality test is a questionnaire or other standardized instrument designed to reveal aspect of an individual’s character or psychological makeup.


23 Definition  The aggregate of the physical and mental qualities of an individual which will interact and function in characteristic Fashion with the Environment. Taylor (1982)  Personality is the “mask” i.e. provide External circumstance for the individual character. personality is known as a individual behavior pattern with his/ her environment.

24 1. Interview Appearance, speech, body language, movement, posture, facial expression 2. Sentence completion test inner concept of object or environment

25 1.The Rorschach ink blot test it consist of series of ten inkblots. psychologist ask subject to look at the inkblots and describe what they see……….

26 Thematic apperception test In 1938 Henry a Murray was first used “ projection” in relation to personality assessment technique. Through projective technique, the unconscious behavior of an individual will be studied. In this technique unstructured stimuli are provided to the subject and he is asked to structure them in any way he is like, he unconsciously project his own views. TAT consist of three sets of pictures, one set is used with both man and women and a second set only for men and third for women. This test still used in clinic psychology. During testing a person is shown each sketch asked to make story about people repeated several time.

27 Draw test. One of the art of test no limitation for the subject express their ideas. It is like painting, drawing, unpsychotrauma. It is basic test to identify individual creativeness e.g Tell to the person draw women, man house, tree. from the picture can identify the size of the picture, quality, coloring and own emotional Excitement. Basic assumption for the use of this test is that drawing of a person represents unconscious projection of self image and also rough estimate of intelligence.

28 Word Association Test. Here the Subject has to answer as quickly as possible with the word Which comes to his mind when he is given a stimulus word. When subject gives a quick response word, he is taken unaware of and his unconscious process directs his association.

29 California Personality inventory. This test Developed by G.cough in 1975. It consist of 480 items. It consist of social, educational, vocational and issues. Uses: It provides information regarding social behavior and problem. It consist 18 scale to assess social behavior of the individual.

30 Myer’s Brigys personality test It is a new method to assess the individual personality it consist of 426 items for assess introvert theory of extrovert and introvert. Extravert means sociable person ( express the feeling). Introvert means self oriented unsociable / un interested to the feeling. This test only can identify external personality external view with his environment or situation. But it is not 100% reliable even through this test can do for psychiatric patient or social maladaptive individual

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