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Bay Area Council & Trail’s End Popcorn Presents 2016 POPCORN Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Bay Area Council & Trail’s End Popcorn Presents 2016 POPCORN Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bay Area Council & Trail’s End Popcorn Presents 2016 POPCORN Program

2 2

3 Tonight’s agenda: Goal Setting Kickoff salesmanship Product Prizes dates Tech Improvements

4 Goal Setting 2016 Popcorn Sale

5 Setting The Goal

6 Program Planner Tool Kit Virtual Sale Planner

7 Tool Kit Virtual Sale Planner

8 Unit Kickoff 2016 Popcorn Sale

9 Units that Set a Goal and have a Unit Kickoff typically sell & earn 2x as much for their program vs. units that do not Scouts that are given a Goal and go to a Unit Kickoff typically sell & earn 2x as much for their program vs. Scouts that do not Unit Popcorn Kickoff

10 Make it FUN for the SCOUTS !!! Showcase the upcoming Scouting program for 2016-17 Highlight prizes at the unit, district, and council levels A Scout “Earns his own way” – Per Scout Goal & Unit Goal Role play the sales pitch Sample the tasty products Promote all of the Bonus Incentives & Rewards (TE, Council, District & Unit Level) Unit - Kickoff

11 Make it INFORMATIVE for the parents!!! Show parents what’s in it for them Illustrate how a Scout “Earns his own way” through the Ideal Year of Scouting w/$0 out of pocket expenses for families Time Savings: ONE fundraiser a year Highlight the Trail’s End Scholarship Program Healthier products: kosher; 0g of trans fat, whole grain snack, etc. Promote all of the Bonus Incentives & Rewards (TE, Council, District & Unit Level) Unit - Kickoff

12 Training videos

13 Salesmanship 2016 popcorn sale

14 Want to close more sales? Take the following approach when speaking to a potential customer… Hi, my name is ____ and I’m a C/B scout w/ P/T # ___. I’m selling popcorn so I can ______. (go to camp / pay for my scouting program / earn a scholarship) I have a goal of $____. Will you help me? More effective than asking, “Want to buy some popcorn?” don’t you think?? Salesmanship

15 2016 Traditional product Mix

16 16

17 2016 prizes & Incentives

18 The Trail’s end Piece patch!

19 Trail’s End piece patch

20 Trail’s End - Scholarship A Scout selling $2500 sold in one fall sale selling period (Show N Sell, Door-to-Door, Online) to qualify 6% of the retail goes into his “scholarship account” Only have to hit $2500 once, all sales thereafter are eligible for the 6% Accrues interest Learn more at and click “Incentives”

21 Council prize program

22 Council – Bonus Rewards Sellers Club @ $650 Scooter or voice changer

23 Unit – Prizes & Rewards Units should create & promote their own Prizes & Rewards They know their Scouts best and what would motivate them “Pie in the Face”, “Top Den/Patrol Pizza Party”, “Special Trip”, etc.

24 2016 Key dates

25 Council Dates 09/02 – Show-N-Sell orders due 09/17 – unit SNS pick up and distribution 10/21 – Take Order orders from units due 11/05 – unit Take Order product distribution 12/01 – Deadline for unit prize orders and popcorn payments

26 2016 Tech improvements

27 Popcorn System – Unit Leaders 1.Log into Popcorn System at 2.*New: Each user will be emailed a Username and instructions to reset their password Unit Functions: Place Unit Order – Show N Sell Place a Unit Order – Take Order Manage Scouts Place Scout Orders Edit Unit Order Track Scout Sales

28 Placing a Unit Order Show N Sell (No Scout Orders)

29 1. Click the Unit Orders tab 2. Click the New Unit Order button to open the ordering screen Placing a Unit Order – No Scout Orders (Show N Sell)

30 3. To populate the ordering fields, select the appropriate Selling Campaign and Order (Delivery) from the dropdown menus

31 Placing a Unit Order – No Scout Orders (Show N Sell) 4. Using the Order Adj (Order Adjustment) column, enter the quantity of cases (or cases & containers in some cases) next to each product. The Council Order field will reflect the final order quantity placed to your Council for order. 5. Click Save to save the amounts, or Submit to send the order to your Council for approval CS: Case CT: Container QTY Interval: Containers per Case

32 Popcorn System – Unit Leaders 1.Log into Popcorn System at 2.*New: Each user will be emailed a Username and instructions to reset their password Unit Functions: Place a Unit Order – Take Order Manage Scouts Place Scout Orders Edit Unit Order Track Scout Sales

33 Placing a Unit Order Take Order (Scout Orders)

34 Placing a Unit Order – Scout Orders (Take Order) For the Take Order, some Councils may require unit leaders to enter the amount of each product sold for each selling Scout in their unit. Scouts can be entered into the Trail’s End system two ways: 1.Scouts register an account at and choose your unit to support 2.Unit Leader creates a new Scout for the Scouts that do not have a registered account

35 Scout Management 1.Click on the Scouts tab 2.Scouts with registered accounts affiliated with your unit will already be in the Scout list 3.To create a new Scout, click the New Scout button, and enter the Scout’s first and last name 4.Use the edit and delete buttons to maintain your Scout list

36 Enter Scout Orders 1.Click the New Order button next to the Scout you want to open the New Scout Order screen

37 Enter Scout Orders 2.Using the dropdown menus, select a campaign and a delivery (order) to display the Scout ordering form 3.Enter the quantity of containers sold of each item by the Scout 4.Click Save

38 View Scout Orders 1.To view Scout Orders, click the Scout Orders tab 2.From the dropdown menu, select the campaign for which you want to view Scout Orders 3.All saved Scout Orders will be listed

39 Placing a Unit Order – Scout Orders (Take Order) 1.Once you have saved all of your Scouts’ orders, click the Unit Orders tab 2.Click the New Unit Order Button to open the Unit Ordering Screen

40 Placing a Unit Order – Scout Orders (Take Order) 3. Using the dropdown menus, select the campaign and the delivery (order) to display the ordering fields

41 Placing a Unit Order – Scout Orders (Take Order) 1.The total need column will aggregate the quantity of all your Scout Orders 2.Enter a positive or negative integer in the Order Adj to adjust the order to your Council (reduce order quantity for on hand inventory) 3.Click Save to save the amounts, or Submit to send the order to your Council for approval CS: Case CT: Container QTY Interval: Containers per Case

42 Edit a Unit Order – Scout Orders (Take Order) 1.Click the Unit Orders tab 2.Using the dropdown menu, select a campaign to display your created unit orders 3.Click the magnifying glass next to the unit order you wish to edit

43 Scout Sales Tracking 1.Click the Scout Orders tab 2.Click the Scout Tracking button to open the Scout Sales Tracking page

44 $150.00 Scout Sales Tracking 1.Using the dropdown menu, select a campaign 2.Orders that do not require Scout Orders will have editable boxes to type in a sales dollar amount 3.Orders that require Scout Orders are hyperlinked to enter or edit Scout Orders. Once a Scout order is saved, retail dollar amount of the Scout order will be displayed 4.The retail amount of a Scout’s online sales will be displayed (for registered Scouts only) 5.The Total column will display the total retail value of a Scouts total sales over all orders

45 2016 Prize Ordering BSA National Supply

46 Prize Incentive website Goes Live September 2016 Training Video on Prize Ordering Popcorn Kernel Ordering

47 Prize Program Resources Contact your Territory Sales Representative Email: (Put “PIP” in the subject line) Call Customer Support Center at 1-800-323-0736 (M-F 8:00 am to 7:00 pm EST)

48 New E-Commerce Site ( Online Popcorn Ordering)

49 e-Commerce System Goal based & real time Digital and social components drive viral possibilities Personalized story Simple to setup w/out help

50 e-Commerce System Share Unit’s story next to Scout’s Serves as a testing ground for new products




54 The New Trail’s End App


56 56

57 Bay Area Council & Trail’s End Popcorn Thank You for attending

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