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Research Problems, Purposes, & Hypotheses The Pennsylvania State University College of Nursing Nursing 200W.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Problems, Purposes, & Hypotheses The Pennsylvania State University College of Nursing Nursing 200W."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Problems, Purposes, & Hypotheses The Pennsylvania State University College of Nursing Nursing 200W

2 Objectives  Identify characteristics of nursing research problems and purposes in quantitative, qualitative, and outcomes research  Critically appraise the research problems and purposes in studies.  Critically appraise the feasibility of a study problem and purpose by examining the researcher’s expertise; money commitment; availability of subjects, facilities, and equipment; and the study’s ethical considerations.  Describe types of hypotheses used in nursing research  Differentiate independent and dependent variables in research

3 Research Problems, Topics, & Purposes

4 Research Topics, Problems, and Purposes Research Objectives, Questions, & Hypotheses Research PurposeResearch ProblemResearch Topic

5 Research Problems in Nursing A research problem in nursing is an area of concern where there is a gap in the knowledge needed for nursing practice.

6 Research Problems in Nursing  How are they chosen?  What factors may you consider?  Any examples of research problems in nursing you can think of?

7 Research Problems in Nursing  Sources include all of the following:  Experience  Clinical practice  Social issues  Nursing theory  Collaborations  Funding priorities

8 Research Problems in Nursing  Need to consider feasibility:  Time  Expertise  Money  Availability of subjects, facilities, and equipment  Ethical considerations

9 Critical Thinking Question  The feasibility of conducting a study is determined by examining which of the following?  1.Availability of subjects.  2. Previous studies.  3. Researchers credibility.  4. Significance of the research problem.

10 Research Problems  In a research study and/or article, the following should be clearly stated:  Significance of the problem, especially for nursing  Background of the problem  Problem statement clearly identifying the specific area of concern

11 Critical Thinking Question  The initial and one of the most significant steps in conducting the research process is:  1. Defining research variables.  2. Determining the feasibility of the study.  3. Identifying the research problem.  4. Stating the research purpose.

12 Critical Thinking Question  The initial and ne of the most significant steps in conducting the research process is:  1. Defining research variables.  2. Determining the feasibility of the study.  3. Identifying the research problem.  4. Stating the research purpose.

13 Research Topics, Problems, & Purposes  A specific Example Differentiating the Significance, Background, Problem Statement, and Research Purpose is found on Pages 131-132  Specific examples for Quantitative research are found on Pages 133-135  Specific examples for Qualitative research are found on Pages 137-139  Specific examples for Outcomes research are found on Page 141

14 Research Topics, Problems, & Purposes  For the purpose of this class:  Please focus on understanding how the topic fits with the problem statement and aligns with the research purpose

15 Research Purpose  The research problem statement should look something like the following:  To describe….  To determine differences between groups….  To examine relationships among….  To determine the effect of….

16 Research Problems & Purpose in Nursing  Significant characteristics of both the problem and the purpose include:  Building on previous research  Influence on nursing practice  Promoting theory testing or development  Address research priorities

17 Research Problems & Purpose in Nursing  Critique guidelines include asking yourself the following questions while reading the research article:  Is the problem clear and concise?  Is the problem limited in scope?  Does the problem identify variables, population, and setting?  Are the problem and purpose able to generate knowledge?  Is the study feasible?  Is the study ethical?

18 Critical Thinking Question  The research purpose should identify the study variable(s) and what other key aspect of the study?  1. Design  2. Measurement tools  3. Population  4. Statistics

19 Variables

20  Variables are qualities, properties, or characteristics of people, things, or situations that are manipulated or measured in research  Variables are measured with instruments or intensity scales

21 Variables DepressionPainApathy HungerLonelinessAffect AgeGenderHair Color

22 Types of Variables IndependentDependentResearchExtraneousDemographic

23 Independent Variable  The independent variable is the stimulus or activity manipulated or varied by the research to cause an effect on the dependent variable(s)  Causes change  Controlled  The independent variable may also be called the treatment or experimental variable

24 Dependent Variable  The dependent variable is the outcome of response the research wants to predict or explain  Changes in the dependent variable are assumed to be caused by the independent variable

25 Extraneous Variables  These variables may interfere with obtaining an understanding of the relationship or cause in a study  Extraneous variables can be recognized or controlled OR they may also be unrecognized or uncontrolled  If the extraneous variable is not recognized or cannot be controlled then is called a confounding variable

26 Demographic Variables  Contain sample characteristics of subjects  May include age, education, gender, ethic origin, income, medical diagnoses, etc.  Analyzed to develop sample characteristics

27 Variables  You can critically appraise study variables by asking yourself the following questions while reading a research study:  Are the independent, dependent, or research variables clearly identified?  Are the variables measured in the study consistent with variables identified in the purpose, questions or hypotheses?  Are variables clearly defined and identified as the how they will be measured?  Are demographic variables summarized?  Are extraneous variables identified and controlled as needed? Or are there uncontrolled extraneous variables influencing the findings?

28 Hypotheses X and Y

29 Types of Hypotheses Associative versus Causal Non-directional versus Directional Null versus Research

30 Associative versus Causal  Associative simples says that there is a relationship  X is related to Y  Causal states that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between variables  X is caused by Y

31 Non-Directional versus Directional  Non-directional states that a relationship exists but does not further describe the nature of the relationship  X and Y will be related  Directional hypothesis elucidates the interaction between two or more variables  As X increases, Y will decrease

32 Null versus Research Hypothesis  A null hypothesis states that there is no relationship between variables; also called a statistical hypothesis  A research hypothesis states that there is a relationship between two or more variables

33 Testable Hypothesis  Should be ‘testable’ in the real world  Variable are clearly measured and able to be manipulated  Relationship between variables is supported or not  Causal link between the independent and dependent variable is evaluated using statistical tests

34 Critical Thinking Question  What type of hypothesis is the following:  There is a positive relationship between nurse attitudes towards AIDS patients and number of AIDS patients for whom they have cared for.

35 Critical Thinking Question  What type of hypothesis is the following:  There is a positive relationship between nurse attitudes towards AIDS patients and number of AIDS patients for whom they have cared for.  DIRECTIONAL HYPOTHESIS  The researcher is looking for a positive outcome or relationships between the variables.

36 The End! If you have any questions or comments, please email your instructor!

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