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CSCI 58000, Algorithm Design, Analysis & Implementation Lecture 12 Greedy Algorithms (Chapter 16)

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1 CSCI 58000, Algorithm Design, Analysis & Implementation Lecture 12 Greedy Algorithms (Chapter 16)

2 Greedy Algorithm (Chapter 16) For many optimization problem, a dynamic problem is just overkill; when? If we can make the optimal choice before finding optimal values of the sub- problems. – We just make the choice that looks best at the moment; that justify the name, “greedy” For many problems, greedy solution does not yield optimal solution, for many it does – Activity-Selection problem (greedy works) – Minimum Spanning Tree (greedy works) – Vertex Cover (greedy does not work) In a dynamic programming solution, we solve the sub-problem first and then use that to find optimal choices for solving larger problems – What if that optimal choice can be achieved without knowing the optimal value of the sub- problems – In other words, the choice that you make greedily is the same as the optimal choice

3 Activity-Selection problem I1234567891011 S(i)130535688212 F(i)4567991011121416 {2, 4, 9, 11} can be one answer

4 One Solution approach using DP

5 A better DP Solution (we have shown it’s weighted version in earlier class)

6 Solution Using Greedy approach


8 How do we know whether it works

9 Elements of greedy strategy Two important criteria need to be satisfied – Greedy choice property (locally optimal choice will ultimately provide a global optimal solution) – Optimal sub-structure property Greedy algorithm design steps – Cast the optimization problem as one in which we can make a choice using a greedy criteria and are left with one sub-problem to solve – Prove that there is always an optimal solution to the original problem that makes the greedy choice (greedy choice is safe)

10 Greedy vs Dynamic Dynamic – Optimal Substructure property – Smaller sub-problems need to be solved first, as their optimal value affects the choice we make when we solve the larger problems – Sub-problems are overlapping, so memoization is important Greedy – Optimal substructure property – Smaller sub-problem don’t need to be solved first, as greedy choice let us solve the problem top-down – After greedy choice, only one sub-problem exist, so sub- problems are not overlapping

11 Huffman Codes Huffman codes are used to compress data by encoding each character to a binary string – The compression is non-lossy. Such codes are prefix-free code (also known as prefix codes), i.e., no codeword is a prefix of some other codeword. – Prefix codes are optimal (no proof) – No delimiter is required between two codewords in the compressed file The idea of compression is to use variable-length codes instead of fixed length code – The most frequent character should have the shortest-length code, and the rarest character should have the longest-length code – Huffman proposed a greedy algorithm that find coding that is optimal among all prefix-free codes. – Optimality is defined over the expected length of each codeword

12 Example 30,000 bit for a 10,000 character file) 22,400 bit for a 10,000 character file)

13 Constructing Huffman code

14 Pseudo-code

15 Example

16 Correctness Proof

17 Correctness Proof (cont.)


19 Knapsack problem

20 Matroids and Greedy Methods

21 Example: Graphical Metroid

22 Matroid (cont.)

23 Greedy algorithm on weighted matroid

24 Scheduling unit-time tasks with penalty

25 Canonical Scheduling

26 Lemma 16.12

27 Lemma 16.12 (cont.)

28 Task with Deadlines shows Matroid property

29 Greedy Algorithm for Unit-length task with penalty

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