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Should it be ok for dogs that bite to be euthanized? By Jason M.

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1 Should it be ok for dogs that bite to be euthanized? By Jason M.

2 NO,unless no other alternative that I explain is accessible. aka, it is the very last option.

3 They’re reasoning They bit me They are out of control I’d rather have a “normal dog” I don’t know what else to do I don’t know what the problem is Lack of empathay

4 Dogs reasoning behind biting Anxiety Discomfort Mental issues The fear of an owner never coming back Trauma they have been put through in the past

5 Why people tend to see biting as such a black and white problem rather that what it really is The reason people quickly assume “there is an unfixable problem here” or “ I don’t know what’s wrong” is simply because animals cant speak. I believe that if dogs could speak just like humans can, the act of euthanizing them would be disappear. So because of this problem, they’re problems and reasoning for biting, go un noticed…

6 The strange difference from when human have problems, and dogs do. Dogs problems Can’t verbally show them, Result is misunderstanding, which too often results in euthanization. Humans problems Can verbally show them, Results in concern, Which usually results in receiving help. Senario A dog bites a human, is scene as “uncontrollable” and no further investigation is had before the dogs euthanized. A kid goes to school, starts cussing out a teacher for giving him a D on a test; the result is that he receives medical attention and is assessed for emotional issues. – and MAY get in a little trouble. IS THIS RIGHT?

7 There are many ways to help dogs that bite. Therefore if you choose to not take these recourses to your advantage, then you have a bigger problem than your dog seems to have.

8 After understanding that there is always a reason behind a bite, taking initiative to help the animal is next. Behaviorist- person who specializes in analyzing dogs with issues and pin pointing they’re problems. Getting the correct form of medication your dog needs (after seeing behavorist) Working with the animal in a patient manner to make positive steps toward recovery.

9 My biggest point why dogs should not be euthanized comes into play when relating dogs that bite, to humans that commit serious crimes.

10 In America; a man can shoot another man, even multiple men, and still go through a trial. A man can rape a woman, and still go through a trial. A man can rob a bank and still go through a trial. Even if a percentage of these men did actually end up with the death penalty; more do not, and the fact that they get the privilege to a trial that is thoroughly investigated to asses whether they deserve they’re life or not, is unfair.

11 Dogs get no trial! Dogs can simply bite one time, and by law it is ok to have them euthanized. No trial, no investigation, no tasty jail food while waiting to get bailed out. They are killed.

12 Euthanization is an escape route When resources are available as they are in America, euthanizing a dog can be seen for nothing but what it is, an escape route for the heartless. A life is a life. This is all coming from someone who’s never owned a dog in they’re life.

13 x?pid=756&catId=5861&Id=5912453 _and_Training/thread/744979 encyclopedia/the-one-bite-rule-dogs.html

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