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Foundation Stage Autumn 1 Literacy, Communication & Language: The children will listen to and discuss a range of starting school and bears books and stories.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundation Stage Autumn 1 Literacy, Communication & Language: The children will listen to and discuss a range of starting school and bears books and stories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundation Stage Autumn 1 Literacy, Communication & Language: The children will listen to and discuss a range of starting school and bears books and stories. They will learn to listen appropriately and communicate their needs and opinions. The children will have lots of opportunities for mark marking with a variety of media. They will role play and sequence familiar stories. The children will learn the story of The Three Bears with actions. We will also be beginning daily phonics sessions. Mathematics: The children will have lots of opportunity to show us what they already know. They will learn a range of number rhymes and songs. There will be activities involving number, counting, ordering and sorting. They will make a teddy using 2D shapes. The children will begin to build up a bank of mathematical vocabulary. Special events/dates: -21 st September children full time. -Reading and phonics meeting date TBC -Maths Meeting date TBC -Harvest Festival date TBC Understanding the world: We will be looking at ‘old and new’ teddies and discussing the similarities and differences. Children will be able to bring in examples of their parents and grandparents teddies. We will be learning about properties and characteristics of materials. The children will be introduced to a range of ICT, online stories, activities and maths games. Expressive arts and design: The children will be taught a repertoire of new and traditional songs and rhymes. Some of the songs will be linked to our topic, e.g. Round and round the garden and Teddy bear, teddy bear turn around. They will have many chances to be creative through a range of craft, music and dance activities. The children will design an outfit for their teddy suitable for Autumn weather. We are looking forwards to the children creating their own bear collages. Personal, Social Emotional Development: An important part of the first half term is to help the children learn our school routine, this helps them to feel more secure in their new environment. The children will develop their independence skills, for example organising their belongings. There will be lots of opportunities for the children to get to know each other and develop friendships. As part of the children’s home learning they will bring in something special to them as a stimulus for activities in class. Physical Development: Fine Motor Skills – Children will be refining their manipulative skills through a range of activities including threading, cutting, handwriting using correct pencil grip, colouring etc. Gross Motor Skills. During PE lessons and in the outside area children will develop spatial and body awareness. Health and self care – Children will be developing their independence skills, such as; using the toilet independently, washing their hands, blowing their nose, changing for PE, etc. Our first theme: This half term our theme is ‘Bears, bears everywhere’. This half term is all about us getting to know your child and them getting to know each other. They will be learning to become confident in the school environment, learning the routines, rules and expectations. What parents can do at home to support? - Reading stories to your child is very valuable. -Try to share a book with your child daily and ask them simple questions about the book. Remember to encourage your child to use the pictures and to join in. Bears, bears everyone

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