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By Megan,Stephanie,Jackson,Tom. Our Character Traits and Mission Our Mission is to create a fun toy that does not need a battery source. This toy must.

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Presentation on theme: "By Megan,Stephanie,Jackson,Tom. Our Character Traits and Mission Our Mission is to create a fun toy that does not need a battery source. This toy must."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Megan,Stephanie,Jackson,Tom

2 Our Character Traits and Mission Our Mission is to create a fun toy that does not need a battery source. This toy must have a lever to create its speed, which will hopefully travel up to 19 feet. Megan- Cooperative, self-control, respect, accountability and honest. Jackson- Creative, Patient, Cooperative, Fair and Productive. Tom- Conversation, Respect, Integrity, Communication and Honesty Stephanie- leadership, honest, respect, loyal and fair.

3 Megan-Communication Specialist ‍ Jackson-Test Engineer ‍ Tom- Facilities Engineer Stephanie- Project Engineer

4 Our Documentations =====Day 1: Starting to make our gravity cruiser. Had to cut straw to shorter length, Our group is working together. Now testing and it went a little sideways on the ramp going down. It was also went a long length, it want 450 meters on the centimeters stick and that was only our first trial. Now for the second trial for 1st Day and it went 720 centimeters. On the 3rd Trial it went 680 centimeters and the 4th Trial it went about 16 feet! ‍ = Day 2: We are working as hard as we can on our gravity cruiser. We are talking about what we can do for the group. We also forgot the pennies so we are working on a video for our group! We are also trying to think of ways to make our gravity cruiser more creative; but it is so hard! Maybe we can add some COLOR!!! Tom and Jackson are working on building the tower, so we won't be testing today. Day 3: We are still working on the gravity cruiser haven't got the pennies yet but we're working on it and we are going to get it by tomorrow and we are going to do the tests but tom is not here so we are just working on the cruiser soon we want to color it! we named it Melvin! What a cutie name!-Stephanie Day 4: We don't have the pennies yet but i am bringing them tomorrow. Our Gravity Cruiser practically FAILE yesterday and we are still trying to figure our why...maybe it was the string? Or maybe Melvin was having a bad day. After those Quotes from Stephanie here is the real update: we will being trying to fix the gravity cruiser though. Day 5: We are doing our presentation today and it is going well! We are going to make it the best presentation and it is going to be great Day 6: We are getting everything prepared for the presentation and presenting.


6 What all of us think about us as a group Megan-I think we are good as a group Stephanie-Our group, like every group has there ups and downs, our good and bad days but when we all work together on any day we eventually get the work done and get it done right. Tom-I think we are great. Jackson- We have good teamwork and good communication.

7 We would like to get good grades and make this gravity cruiser work! We would like to show our parents that we can do this stuff and that we can work together good in groups. We are very good and we work good together in groups.

8 Our Team Name is the Chillers

9 Megan- I would deal with it and try to work together with people even if I didn’t like them. Stephanie-I would let the teacher know that I am in a group I do not work well with so I don't get points marked down. Jackson-I would ask the teacher or ask someone else to switch me in to a different group. Tom-I would work with them but if something that I really don’t agree with I would ask the teacher to help us work it out.

10 What we think about gravity cruisers. Megan-I think that this project is a fun project to work with in a group and it really brings people to work up in to where there’s a point where someone thinks “hey I can be in a group like this” Stephanie-We had a rocky start to our gravity cruiser but we ended working great in a group. Jackson- I think it’s a fun project to work on because it brings people together, and it introduces you to the engineering part of life. Tom- I think it’s a cool project to work on because it is good engineer project. It also brings people to great positions in groups.

11 Vehicle Performance goals Primary Goal- We want our group’s gravity cruiser to move far and be able to travel in a straight line. Travel Distance- 4 Meters

12 Wheel Diameter- 2 inches Axle Diameter- 1 cm Distance from fulcrum to string attachment- 44cm Distance from fulcrum to weight- 37cm Weight of attached pennies- 1.1 lb Other features- We have included a design on our wheels that doesn’t add any weight because it is just tape.

13 Why we think our gravity cruiser will meet our performance goals: We think our gravity cruiser will work because we have tested it many times, and fixed it when it needed any adjustments. For example we adjusted the wheels and axels when it was going to the right or left. We had to replace the string at least 4 times.

14 Our test results were good and bad at times the first few were pretty good and the last ones were surprisingly bad compared to our first few. Maybe it was because we didn’t have some of the material or maybe we built something wrong. We did change some things to make it go faster and longer and we found a little tweaks so we fixed them and we are doing better with the gravity cruiser.

15 Our gravity cruiser meets all of the performance requirements. It goes in a pretty straight line and can go from five to ten feet.

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