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Journal #24 Number your page 1-4 For each image write down a description of what you see.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal #24 Number your page 1-4 For each image write down a description of what you see."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal #24 Number your page 1-4 For each image write down a description of what you see

2 #1

3 #2

4 #3

5 #4

6 #5 How did your impression of the change from #1-4. What does this image represent and a if you had to create a title for this image what would you choose and why?

7 Title - “Rescued” Illustration of an angel taking a child away from a corrupt, industrial society

8 Journal Continued List specific examples of corruption in an industrial society. What problems did rapid industrialization and urbanization cause? Use your notes!! #6


10 The Progressive Era

11 The period from Reconstruction through the early twentieth century was a time of constrictions for many Americans –Agricultural expansion was accomplished through wars against the Plains Indians, leading to new federal Indian policies –Industrial development brought great fortunes to a few and raised the standard of living for millions of Americans, but also brought about the rise of national labor unions and clashes between industry and labor

12 –Social problems in rural and urban settings gave rise to third-party movements and the beginning of the Progressive Movement

13 Excesses of the Gilded Age After the Civil War the U.S. entered the Gilded Age The Gilded Age was marked by rapid industrialization, development of infrastructure (such as railroads), and virtually no government regulation of the economy.

14 What is Progressivism? Progressives used the government to reform or correct social problems created by industrialization From 1890 – 1920

15 Causes and Goals of the Progressive Movement? Goal: Government controlled by the people Progressives wanted to increase the voice of the average American in the government Causes: Excesses of the Gilded Age –Income disparity, lavish lifestyles –Practices of robber barons

16 Causes and Goals of the Progressive Movement? Goal: Guaranteed economic opportunities through government regulation Progressives wanted to end control the Robber Barons and extend the American dream to all Americans. Causes: Unequal pay & employment of women –Long hours, low wages, no job security, no benefits

17 Causes and Goals of the Progressive Movement? Goal: Elimination of social injustices. Progressives wanted to fix social problems created by industrialization Causes: Dangerous working conditions –Child Labor –Company towns

18 Who were the Progressives? Wide groups of people All differed on the important issues that needed correction AND how they should be corrected

19 President Theodore Roosevelt Created a program called the Square Deal Based on four basic ideas –"Conservation” of natural resources –Control of corporations –Consumer protection "Enforcing the Anti-Trust Act” "Supporting Progressive Ideas"

20 Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal It aimed at helping middle class citizens against monopolies while at the same time protecting business from the most extreme demands of organized labor

21 President Woodrow Wilson Created a program called New Freedom Progressive reforms that called for less government. Focused on… –Tariff reform: lowered tariffs –Business Reform: promoted anti-trust laws –Banking reform: created the Federal Reserve If America is not to have free enterprise, he can have freedom of no sort whatever.”

22 Cleaning Up Local Government Industrial Cities –Political bosses rewarded supporters with jobs and kick backs –Openly bought votes with favors and bribes

23 Local Government Commission style –Appoint commission of experts to form relief efforts for natural disasters and rebuilt Council-manager style –People elect a city council to make laws –Council appoints a manager who runs the city’s departments

24 Progressive Mayors Fairer tax structure Lowered fares for public transportation Dismissed corrupt and greedy officials Work relief for the unemployed

25 Reform at the State Level Attacked big business - taxing at the same rate as other businesses –Railroad business Prohibited from issuing state officials free fares

26 Reforming Elections Australian ballot or secret ballot Initiative - bill originated by the people rather than lawmakers Referendum - voters, instead of a legislature accept or reject the bill Recall - enabled voters to remove a pubic official from elected position by forcing them to face another election before their term ends

27 17 th Amendment Nominate senatorial candidates through a primary system In 1913, the 17 th Amendment to the Constitution made the direct election of U.S. Senators the law

28 Government Reform Increased the voice of Americans when electing their legislators and in creating laws

29 Child Labor Unskilled, cheap labor source Small hands more adept at handling small parts and tools Additional income required in many immigrant families to make ends meet More prone to accidents due to fatigue Muckrackers – journalists that wrote and published stories describing abuses of child labor



32 National Child Labor Committee Achieved legislation in every state banning child labor

33 Labor Unions Through Supreme Court cases labor unions were able to get the workday limited to 10 hours

34 Strikes Homestead Strike –Pittsburgh Steelworkers vs. Andrew Carnegie (Pinkerton Agents) Pullman Strike –Centered in Chicago –American Railway Union gave notice its membership would no longer work trains that included Pullman cars Haymarket Square –The workers at the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. in Chicago began a strike to gain shorter work day –Police called into break up the crowd, a pipe bomb was thrown into police crowd who returned fire. –7 police killed and 4 workers killed, several others injured

35 Women’s Suffrage Movement (Right to VOTE)



38 Women’s Suffrage Was a forerunner of modern protest movement Benefited from strong leadership (Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton) Encouraged women to enter the labor force during WWI Resulted in the 19 th Amendment to the Constitution.


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