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Michelle Dielenhein GeographyPeopleCapitalsCountriesVocabularyAnimals

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2 Michelle Dielenhein

3 GeographyPeopleCapitalsCountriesVocabularyAnimals 100 200 100 200 100 200 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 300 400 500 300 400 500 300 400 500 300 400 500

4 Geography 100: Lima is the capital city of which country? Peru Colombia Chile Brazil Back to Game Board

5 Geography 200 The Atacama Desert is found in which country? Venezuela Bolivia Chile Uruguay Back to Game Board

6 Geography 300 How long is the Amazon River that runs through the Amazon Basin? 1200 miles 200 miles 800 miles 4000 miles Back to Game Board

7 Geography 400 This is the highest waterfall in the world. Angel Falls Desert Falls Niagara Falls Angeles Falls Back to Game Board

8 Geography 500 A large, high plateau in South America Pampas Altiplano Tapir Andes Back to Game Board

9 People 100 What is the most common language spoken in South America? Spanish Brazilian Portuguese Latin Back to Game Board

10 People 200 What is the most common religion found in South America? Protestant Catholic Lutheran Muslim Back to Game Board

11 People 300 Where would you find a gaucho? In the Andes On the Amazon River In the Rainforest On the Pampas Back to Game Board

12 People 400 Where did the Incas originally settle? Cuzco Valley Bolivia The Andes Mountains Peru Back to Game Board

13 People 500 What indigenous people are found in Chile? Kayapo, Yanomamo Waorani, Otavalo Jivaro, Aymara Mapuche, Quechua Back to Game Board

14 Capitals 100 What is the capital of Colombia? Bogotá Buenos Aires Cayenne Georgetown Back to Game Board

15 Capitals 200 What is the capital of Venezuela? Quito Caracas Paramaribo La Paz Back to Game Board

16 Capitals 300 What is the capital of Ecuador? Montevideo Stanley Caracas Quito Back to Game Board

17 Capitals 400 What is the capital of Suriname? Stanley Paramaribo Bogotá La Paz Back to Game Board

18 Capitals 500 What is the capital of the Falkland Islands? Quito Buenos Aires Stanley Asuncion Back to Game Board

19 Countries 100 Which country is not found in South America? Brazil Spain Ecuador Venezuela Back to Game Board

20 Countries 200 Argentina is a… French Dependency British Dependency Independent country American Dependency Back to Game Board

21 Question #1 Back to Game Board Countries 300 Which is not a Independent country in South America? Brazil Uruguay Chile Falkland Islands

22 Countries 400 Which country is of French Dependency? French Guiana French Brazil French Bolivia French Ecuador Back to Game Board

23 Countries 500 Which country is of British Dependency? Guyana Falkland Islands Suriname Brazil Back to Game Board

24 Vocabulary 100 _______ is a portion of an ocean or sea partly enclosed by land. River Lake Gulf Ocean Back to Game Board

25 Vocabulary 200 _________ is the distance east or west of Greenwich meridian measured in degrees. Longitude Meridian Latitude Hemisphere Back to Game Board

26 Vocabulary 300 ________ is an imaginary line circling the globe at 66.5 degrees south latitude. Equator Compass Rose Meridian Antarctic Circle Back to Game Board

27 Vocabulary 400 _______ is a native to an area. Ethnic Group Indigenous Immigrant Gaucho Back to Game Board

28 Vocabulary 500 The four points of a compass the indicate north, south, east, or west. Compass Rose Altitude Meridian Cardinal Direction Back to Game Board

29 Animals 100 This large, spotted cat prowls around through the trees of the rainforest in search of prey. Lion Jaguar Leopard Tiger Back to Game Board

30 Animals 200 This large snake squeezes its prey to death. Boa Constrictor Gardner Snake Rattlesnake King Cobra Back to Game Board

31 Animals 300 This is the largest of the South American Camels. Llama Guanaco Alpaca Vicuna Back to Game Board

32 Animals 400 The Giant Tortoise can often be found… In the Andes Mountains In the Amazon River In the Rainforest On the Galapagos Islands Back to Game Board

33 Animals 500 This carnivorous fish lives in the Amazon River and uses its razor sharp teeth to kill and eat its prey. Piranha Southern Pike Muskie Barracuda Back to Game Board



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