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WELCO ME Aide et Action International -South Asia.

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1 WELCO ME Aide et Action International -South Asia

2 Education and Vocational Education in India Indian education system largest in Common wealth countries and 2nd largest in the world next to USA. Tremendous Growth since Independence, but still: The gross enrolment ratio –Classes (I-V) (6-11 years) 109.4% –Classes (VI-VIII) (11-14 years) 71.15% –Classes (I-VIII) (6-14 years) 94.92% –Classes (IX-X) (14-16 years) 52.26% –Classes (XI-XII) (16-18 years)28.54% –Higher Education (18-24 yrs) 11.61 % The drop out rate –Classes (I-V) (6-11 years) 25.47 % –Classes (I-VIII) (6-14 years) 48.71 % –Classes (I-X) (6-16 years) 61.59 % These high drop out rates from both primary and secondary school, combined with low enrolment rates at the higher levels deprive tens of millions of children of their full rights as citizens. Aide et Action South Asia2

3 Education and Vocational Education in India Aide et Action South Asia3 Every year 5.5 million students pass out of Class X, of which 3.3 million go to Class XI, leaving 2.2 million out of the education stream. Those who drop out after Class VIII are approx. 20-21 million. An Estimated 500 million people with less than five yrs of schooling are there in India by the of 2016 and another 300 million that will not have completed high school. Two third of the population will lack minimum level of education

4 Education and Vocational Education in India Where Are we Aide et Action South Asia4 Vocational Skills in India Compares Unfavorably to other countries. India Receives only 8% formal Vocational Training which is very less. %

5 Education and Vocational Education in India Aide et Action South Asia5 Compared to many developed countries India is far behind in introducing new and innovative trades in VET to attract young children’s. About 5% to 7% of our population (50 to 70 million) every year should be involved in vocational programmes. Of all new employment generated 1% is government jobs, 2% are in the ‘Organised sector’ and 97% in the unorganized sector Countries labour force in (20-24 yrs) age undergone formal vocational training India - 5 % Mexico - 28 % Most industrialised nations - 60 to 80 % Korea - 96 %.

6 Education and Vocational Education in India Aide et Action South Asia6 The potential working (20-59 yrs ) age population estimated in 2020 - over 761 million - Currently this is 567 million. The govt. is talking about creating 10 million jobs every year, however, the requirement is more than 15 million in a year. Even if we find 100 million new jobs; 170 million will be out of employment in 2020, this is nearly 30%. Unemployment will be higher among SC / ST Only around 1.5 % of persons aged 15 years or more in rural areas and less than 5 % in urban areas had technical qualifications of even the most rudimentary kind The biggest challenge will be to provide formal education and employment to the huge work force in 2020

7 Projected share of informal employment (in million, and %) Aide et Action South Asia7

8 Share of employment of different sectors till 2022 Aide et Action South Asia8

9 projected employment in select informal sectors between 2008 and 2022 (in‘000s) Aide et Action South Asia9

10 projected employment in select informal sectors between 2008 and 2022 (in‘000s) Aide et Action South Asia10

11 Education and Vocational Education in India Aide et Action South Asia11 Indian Population @ 2022: 1.3 billion people Employable Population (age 18-58 years): 780 million Pop. with access to education / facilities 200 million Pop. with limited access to education / facilities 500 million Balance Population 80 million

12 Execution Aide et Action South Asia12 Indian Population @ 2022: 1.3 billion people Employable Population (age 18-58 years): 780 million Pop. with access to education / facilities 200 million Pop. with limited access to education / facilities 500 million Balance Population 80 million Community Mobilization Vocational Training Industry Certification Placement Assurance

13 Sector Wise Glance Aide et Action South Asia13 Agriculture Manufacturing And Construction Service Manpower GDP Contribution 58 %24 %18 % 22 %60 %18 %

14 Agriculture Sector Aide et Action South Asia14 China with an area nearly 3 times of India, but with arable land much less than India, has an agricultural output more than double than of India. China trains its farmers & agricultural workers by having nearly 350,000 vocational Training centers in rural China, training nearly 50 million people per year.

15 Need for Execution Aide et Action South Asia15 Need for creation of large scale skill development opportunities and infrastructure Integration of vocational education at the school level Skill Mapping Flexibility Private Sector Participation (PPP model) Informal training for short duration at affordable fees structure Funding and Bank Loans Special Strategy to be planned for remote areas

16 Need for Execution Aide et Action South Asia16 Course and Curriculum development More and more market oriented popular Trades Optimum utilization of available resources Certification and Standard Autonomous Independent Accreditation agencies Faculty Training with Industry Participation Development of Training materials Creating Awareness Re-branding Vocational Education and Training

17 VISION A World where dignity is ensured for all men and women through education MISSION To make education a lever for human development. VALUES Liberty, Respect, Solidarity, Equity and Integrity Originated in 1981 in Paris and now headquartered in Geneva Spread across 32 countries, 109 Projects, Reaching to + 3 million people Recognised as “Organisation of Public utility” and approved by the Ministry of Education, France Governed by the International Board supported by respective Regional Boards

18 iLEAD Process

19 Trained and Placed A total of 2,04,375 youths have been trained since 2005 out of which 40% are Women and 75% are from Marginalized communities

20 Trained and Placed A total of 12,876 youths have been trained since 2008 in Odhisha with 75% Placement Cities BHUBANESHWAR KHURDA ROAD SAMBALPUR SUNDERGARH KORAPUT RAYAGADA BARGARH BALANGIR SUNDERGARH GANJAM (BERHAMPUR) Courses Offered Automobile Technology Hospitality Services Information Technology Enabled Services Customer Relations & Retailing Bedside Patient Care Beautician Electrical Electronics Plumber Fitter

21 A unique initiative- GCE Gossip circle for Empowerment (GCE)- is an innovative and unique component of the iLEAD programme, wherein GOSSIP translates into a positive factor that acts as an open forum for learning through discussions and debates. GCE encourages solidarity, promotes leadership qualities and prepare the youth to play a constructive role as ‘change agents’.

22 Enterprise Development Model for iLEAD (EDMI) –To enhance the understanding of potential entrepreneurs about a successful business idea –Assessment of potential business ideas and to finalise and start a business –To equip the trainees with skills to select the most suitable business idea –To assist the potential entrepreneurs to convert the business idea into a bankable business plan –Extend support to the trainees through disseminate information about the financial institutions and Govt. schemes for possible financial linkages to start the business

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