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A New Day in Public Education Presented by Dr. Jack McClanahan West Virginia Deputy Superintendent of Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Day in Public Education Presented by Dr. Jack McClanahan West Virginia Deputy Superintendent of Schools."— Presentation transcript:


2 A New Day in Public Education Presented by Dr. Jack McClanahan West Virginia Deputy Superintendent of Schools

3 Overview  Five Exemplary Practices of Outstanding Leadership  Personal Perspective  Vision for Educating Students in the 21st Century

4 A New Day  Best Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model the way Inspire a vision Challenge the process Enable others to act Encourage the heart The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner

5 West Virginia and NCLB


7 INSTRUCTION Currently in placeStill to do  Marzano strategies  Learning styles  Students engaged, hands –on activities  Nurturing, supportive classrooms  Differentiated instruction beginning  Flexible groupings  Assessment practices strong at some levels – classroom based, sight words, letters/sounds, DIBELS, fluency graphs, rubrics, benchmark tests, slate assessments  Interventions based on assessment data  Shift in focus from “Have I taught it?” to “Did they learn it?”  Differentiated instruction – continue to learn  Cooperative learning- more emphasis  Integrate lessons across content areas  Assessment for learning: teachers show products at various stages of learning & quality, assessments include products/performances/ demonstrations, growth portfolios  Pre school program $

8 A New Day



11  West Virginia and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills


13 A New Day  West Virginia’s Framework for 21 st Century Skills Core Subjects New Content Context Life Skills Technology Tools Balanced Assessment Program


15 A New Day  Six Ways to Teach Independent and Higher Learning: Teaching For Tomorrow by Ted McCain Teachers must:  Resist the temptation to “TELL”  Stop teaching de-contextualized content  Stop giving students the final product of their thinking  Make a fundamental shift-Problems first, teaching second  Progressively withdraw from helping students  Reevaluate evaluation



18 A New Day  Best Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model the way Inspire a vision Challenge the process Enable others to act Encourage the heart The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner

19 A New Day “Be the change you want to see in the world.” - Gandhi “Be the change you want to see in public education.”


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