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Leadership can basically be described as a God-given capacity and responsibility to influence a specific group of people towards a purpose for the group.

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2 Leadership can basically be described as a God-given capacity and responsibility to influence a specific group of people towards a purpose for the group and consists of particular ways of behavior

3 GOOD LEADERSHIP PRACTICE Challenge the way: - recognize and support good ideas & challenge the system in order to get new products, processes and services adopted. Inspire the way: - breathe life into hopes and dreams of others and enable them see the exciting possibilities that the future holds. Enable others to act:- Encourage collaboration, build teams and empower others. Model the way: - Being clear about their business beliefs, they pay attention to what they believe is important by modeling behaviors Encourage the heart: - Knowing that the effort to accomplish goals is difficult and long, people become exhausted and frustrated. Great leaders encourage their followers to carry on and above all successful leaders know how to encourage themselves (Kouzes and Posner)


5 1. MISSION Expresses the reason for existence of an organization. Every organization exist to fulfill a unique and particular purpose and whenever an it ceases to follow its mission, it also ceases to deliver the reason for its existence Understanding the organizational mission is fundamental to an effective leader. What do you exist to do?

6 2. VISION Describes the preferred future of an organization A picture of the future that produces passion in you. (Bill Hybels, courageous leadership) A clear challenging picture of the org as it can and must be. Leaders need to paint a picture of their future that their followers can identify with and buy in. What do you want to become in the future?

7 COMPONENT OF A GOOD VISION It is clear: - Those who are part of the ministry, organization or community should understand it well enough to articulate it to someone else. Challenging: - It takes time to develop a vision. A challenging vision encourages people to work hard and dream big. Mental picture: - Futuristic hope that conjures up visual representation in the mind. Futuristic: - Produces a mental picture of the future and its exciting possibilities. Visions are always in a state of becoming. Reveals potential: - Has the ability to grab the passion of those who seek to work under it.

8 Visionaries envision future possibilities. They spread seeds of hope and possibilities in the face of difficulties, calamities and challenges. A community without visionaries tend to dwell on the past and institutionalize it in the way operates. Without new visions, communities wither and disintegrate. Visionary leaders not only have a clear idea of what is possible; they are involved in bringing it about.

9 3. VALUES Those things that are important in your organization that you cannot compromise. They are core to the organization and determine the culture that will prevail in it. Influence almost every thing that relates to the operation of the organization.

10 WHY CORE VALUES ARE ESSENTIAL Make the organization unique. Dictate personal involvement. Communicate what is important. Embrace positive change. Influence overall behavior. Inspire people to action. Enhance credible leadership. Shape org. success. Contribute to org. success. Affect strategic planning. You need to have your own personal vision, mission and values before it can become organizational

11 PILLARS OF PERSONAL LEADERSHIP Self leadership is the development of the leader and there are two dimensions that express the two aspects of the individual that interact with followers, situations and context of leadership – Character: - The being of leadership/inner moral fibre of the leader. Deals with the matter of the heart. Sum total of various behavioral virtues that give a person the moral authority to influence, motivate and lead others. – Individuality: - The doing of leadership, individual personality, style, charm and tact. Application of ones gifts, talents and abilities. A collection of qualities and characteristics that distinguish one person from the other

12 PILLARS OF PERSONAL LEADERSHIP To develop effective leadership, the being must precede the doing because what one does (leadership activities) flows out of who one is (character). Leaders cannot lead without being capable in the two areas of character and individuality. Effective leaders strive to be the best they can in both areas. The better we become in leading ourselves, the more effective we become in leading others.

13 SHAPE Special gifts: - Special abilities that you can use to effectively carry out your responsibilities. Heart (passion): - your desires, interests and inclinations. Your heart determines why you say the things you do, why you feel the way you do and why you act the way you do. There are certain subjects you feel passionate about and others have no interest for you. People rarely excel at tasks they don’t enjoy doing. High achievers enjoy what they do. Abilities (Talents): - Natural talents that you are born with. These are abilities that God has given you for the benefit of human kind. Personality: - Behavioral style and is unique. It affects how & where you use your special gifts and talents. People can express the same gifts in different ways. Experience: - Educational, Vocational, Painful, good/bad experiences helps in shaping who you are and gives you the ability to face future challenges.

14 PHYSICAL SELF LEADERSHIP Effective leaders know that their effectiveness is dependent on the nurturing of good lifestyle habits which include taking care of the physical body. We need to take care of our  Die and nutrition  Weight management  Physical fitness  Personal medical care  Personal rest and recreation: - Refreshment refers to any activity that relaxes the body or mind. Involves strategically engaging in activities & pursuits that help us to experience a measure of emotional, spiritual and physical restoration.

15 LEADERSHIP PRINCIPLES Leaders should be people with competencies. Leaders do not know everything but they are critical in facilitating the knowledge of the group through service to the community. Team leaders utilize collective strength brought to the team by the giftedness of its members. They need to appreciate the inborn abilities, qualifications and training. Leaders should be people with integrity: - They must sacrifice and defend the truth. Integrity relates to truth, the truth of God. Leaders are people with financial integrity: - Lack of financial integrity has been a cause for the ruin of many leaders. They must be accountable in the way they handle their finances.

16 DEVELOPING EMERGING LEADERS Every organization begins with a passion to fulfill a mission and they believe with a passion that the communities they serve become better by the delivery of their products and services. Effective organizations deliberately do all they can to ensure they exist for a long time/preserve themselves from extinction. There is need therefore to constantly and continuously develop leaders who possess the mission, vision and values of the organization. Developing others to assume the leadership mantle is an important responsibility of all leaders. The lesson here is clear: - Develop other leaders or see the organization die.

17 DEVELOPING EMERGING LEADERS An emerging leader does not necessarily refer to a young adult but any individual who has the potential to realize the organizational mission and vision but because of various factors they are not yet ready or prepared to bear full responsibility for the work. Leadership selection/identification is not always an easy task – Democracy influences an org. to choose likeable people not necessarily qualified or gifted. It turns leader selection into popularity contest. – African tradition tends to lean towards protecting the fort and maintain systems as they are rather than visionary progress. – People also have their inner weakness that interfere with proper selection and development of others

18 DEVELOPING EMERGING LEADERS To avoid the pitfalls in all the three approaches there is need to constantly focus the organizational culture with its mission and vision. Constant explanation and continued alignment of the organization to its mission develops it with members who are knowledgeable of its purpose, vision and values. The organization will thus have a pool of people (emerging leaders) who believe in and passionately work to fulfill its mission and to achieve its vision.

19 The big question however is, how committed are you to the mission? Every leader has a responsibility to be committed to the mission, because if you don’t care then why should your staff. It is possible that they will catch your lack of enthusiasm

20 Greatness does not occur by birth but by a mission - Plan for the path you are going - Passionately desire your future. Three processes of creating effective organizations are:- i) Developing people with specific strengths in the areas where they work ii)Developing strategies of how to fulfill missions and achieve visions iii)Set coordinated efforts and motivate people to implement the strategies

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