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What Do We Need to go Forward? Professor Elizabeth Hughes Director of Education and Quality and Regional Postgraduate Dean Health Education.

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Presentation on theme: "What Do We Need to go Forward? Professor Elizabeth Hughes Director of Education and Quality and Regional Postgraduate Dean Health Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Do We Need to go Forward? Professor Elizabeth Hughes Director of Education and Quality and Regional Postgraduate Dean Health Education West Midlands

2 Dawn of a New Era Where do we start?

3 How can we achieve high quality care in our educational role?

4 The Challenge Using Quality Management of Medical Education to drive up quality of patient care as part of improvement of the learning environment

5 Regulators

6 Deanery Visits

7 It is a multi-disciplinary approach

8 Current Developments The focus is now on multi-disciplinary quality management encompassing both medical and non-medical placements and on whole hospital reviews with trainees playing an integral part in the process Whole service examined as part of assessment of the learning environment including interviewing those undertaking roles supporting the care pathway Patient safety issues rapidly escalated to QSGs, CCGs and NTDA where appropriate

9 Current Developments Integrated quality and safety dashboard integrating education indicators from all educational programmes both medical and non- medical Specific surveys for placements in commissioned non-medical placements independent of HEI SUIs used as marker of potential poor educational climate

10 What are the Lessons from Poor Educational Climates? Poor educational climates in an LEP often associated with a lack of involvement at Board Level and can lead to a culture of complacency and a lack of will to make changes to address it. Such lack of engagement permeates through the organisation demotivating educators and a lack of motivation to remove barriers that would escalate change and improvement

11 Educational Outcomes Framework The Educational Outcomes will be designed to help the integrated healthcare workforce meet the clinical outcomes set out in the NHS, public health and social care outcomes frameworks. The Educational Outcomes Framework will also emphasise the importance of the right investment in education and training to ensure that the right values, behaviours and team-working to provide person-centred care A catalyst for driving quality improvement.

12 The Education Outcomes framework

13 What else needs to happen ? We need Board engagement at LEP level with clear understanding of the healthcare benefits of a high quality education environment and strong leadership Junior doctors and other trainees need to have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills so that they can champion the delivery of high quality education and excellent patient care. Quality improvement projects by trainees should be the norm

14 What Else needs to Happen? There need to be clear indicators from the LETBs as to what their expectations are from their commissioned training and the outcomes if these are not met Encouragement for a health economy to work together on education provision

15 Quality Improvement “Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets” Without challenge there can never be improvement

16 Raising and acting on concerns about patient safety All doctors have a duty to raise concerns where they believe that patient safety or care is being compromised by the practice of colleagues or the systems, policies and procedures in the organisations in which they work. They must also encourage and support a culture in which staff can raise concerns openly and safely. (GMC 2012)

17 Medical Leadership Clinical leadership is putting clinicians at the heart of shaping and running clinical services so as to deliver excellent outcomes for patients and populations, not as a one-off task or project but as a core part of the clinician’s professional identity. ) McKinsey Quarterly (2005)

18 Shape of Training model

19 The Future Increasing demand on healthcare services Need for a cost effective but high quality service Great diversity of healthcare delivery models and locations Greater emphasis on integrated care and multi-professional working Remodelling of speciality training and medical workforce EOF will drive higher quality educational outcomes We need to drive change for excellence in education and patient care

20 Making a difference…. “In this moment, in this place, you have a valuable opportunity. You can make something happen, and you can make a difference” Ralph Marston “Change will not come it we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek” Barak Obama

21 “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Confucius -

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