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Frank J. Salamone PsyD Campbell House Psychological Associates.

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Presentation on theme: "Frank J. Salamone PsyD Campbell House Psychological Associates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frank J. Salamone PsyD Campbell House Psychological Associates

2 What is a FBA A Functional Behavior Assessment is a means of collecting information about a specific behavior problem. It seeks to answer the what, when, why and how of behavior.

3 Assumptions in the FBA process Behavior is very influenced by context Behavior serves a purpose Behavior can be influenced by changing setting events, providing more positive alternatives for the child to meet the same purpose, or by changing how adults respond to the behavior.

4 Steps to an FBA 1. Define the behavior that is the target 2. Collect Data: Where, When, How does the behavior occur. 3. Develop a hypothesis that attempts to explain the function of the behavior. This results in a summary statement. 4. Teach the child alternative behaviors that will serve the function of the original problem behavior and /or accommodate the setting events. 5. Test the intervention and revise as necessary.

5 Basic Elements of Behavior Sequence Setting --> Predictor --> Problem --> Maintaining Event (Antecedent) Behavior Consequence Importantly there is generally more attention paid to reactive (consequence) strategies than proactive (antecendent) strategies

6 Step 1 Define Behavior Something that is observable, specifically defined and countable Which of these fit this criteria A. Cries B. Hits C. Disrespectful D. Gets mean E. Refuses work F. Is off task

7 Step 2 Collect Data AntecedentBehaviorConsequence

8 Step 2 continued Look for trends in the columns 1 and 3. In order to do this it is useful to have common categories of behavior triggers in mind

9 Common antecendent triggers Overstimulation Child does not know what to do, or does not have the skills to do what is expected Unexpected events (fire drill, substitute, appointment scheduled) Child is expected to do non-preferred activity over preferred activity.

10 Most Common Functions Get Something Peer attention Adult attention Desired activity Desired object/ items Sensory stimulation: auditory, tactile, etc. Avoid (escape) something Difficult Task Boring Task Physical demand Non-preferred activity Peer Staff

11 Step 3 Summary Statement When _________ (antecedent) (s)he will __________(Behavior) in order to ________ consequence Example When presented with a new activity Ben will hit and scream in order to escape the task.

12 Step 4 Behavior Intervention Plan This is the plan to teach and support positive behavior for the child. Examples: Collaborative Problem Solving, Social Skill Training, Cognitive techniques, Relaxation Training, Executive Functioning Scripts Also look for “low lying fruit “ in the antecedent end such as: minimizes overstimulation, visual supports, paying positive attention before the child looks for negative attention (etc)

13 Two fundamental choices in special education Provide accommodation Provide remediation Often used in combination

14 Step 5 Evaluate Is the plan working? Spirit of science, constantly revising our ideas to fit the data we have.

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